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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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They won't do that because they need to build up the hype to make sure it sells out... Doom needs to maintain his 6 figure salary. -_-
no, you got it all wrong ! they need to keep their official reseller "chrisz300zx" in business so he can break limits and sell 4 of everything,

I wouldn't doubt that LRG did this purposely.

I bet that the reason they let the CE go as 2 per person is because LRG is seeing less and less attention from 'fans' and more and more people not buying and leaving the scene.

How do you get people interested? Offer a great game from a famous series.

How to you get your brand to be talked about? Let there be a bloodbath over it.
Play-Asia has a better system anyway. Preorder program, discount coupon, and a better package than LRG has ever produced.

You guys give LRG the power, and allow them to keep doing exactly what they're doing, by not letting these shitty games rot in their inventory.

Speak with your wallet.

Let them become irrelevant.
yeah I completely agree with you ! Better quality, better prices, better selling program.... but LRG overall has released better games overall.... just wish they could learn from one another :)

pretty sure they do 2 each because some people like to have 1 copy to keep and 1 to trade / play, I know Doug does
That reasoning makes sense but in the case of a CE, someone could buy one CE (to keep sealed) and a SE to play. I think the limit of two on SEs is fine but in cases where the CEs are in high demand the limit should be one per customer to ensure people who want to keep them get a chance.
In the meantime, today's other releases still haven't sold out.
There were other releases?


I wouldve bought Revenant Saga but Oddworld sold out. So ill wait for next batch.

Releases like Oddworld are always underestimated in terms of the print run imo

Yea I looked up both. Battlegrounds also got a price cut on PSN FYI. So did the Vita release.
Im aware. But waiting for that sweet physical release.
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Yeah, I was surprised to see that Oddworld had a 2 per limit on it with only 3,000 copies.
Me too. I kinda wonder if it was a mistake. I am not sure they usually base limits around people who want one to keep sealed and one to open as much as they do around getting two versions of titles with reversible covers. In this case, there is no way to tell which cover is facing outward in the CE.

The reversible cover thing is one thing I'm iffy on as well. That really does seem to promote people buying multiple copies. It seems like it would be more effort to have different sides facing outward.

Me too. I kinda wonder if it was a mistake. I am not sure they usually base limits around people who want one to keep sealed and one to open as much as they do around getting two versions of titles with reversible covers. In this case, there is no way to tell which cover is facing outward in the CE.

The reversible cover thing is one thing I'm iffy on as well. That really does seem to promote people buying multiple copies. It seems like it would be more effort to have different sides facing outward.
They try to accommodate fans when possible, with 2 copies of releases, but when demand is high enough and qty's low, they offer 1. So I don't see a mistake, so much as not really paying attention, caring, etc. I wish I could say today was a first, but it wasn't, and after a few years of this, it's safe to say it won't be the last, sadly.

They try to accommodate fans when possible, with 2 copies of releases, but when demand is high enough and qty's low, they offer 1. So I don't see a mistake, so much as not really paying attention, caring, etc. I wish I could say today was a first, but it wasn't, and after a few years of this, it's safe to say it won't be the last, sadly.
The issue isn't the quantity, it's the variant cover as sealed, so it basically forces people to have to buy 2 if they wanted a sealed set.

If it had a reversible cover, and all of them had the same cover on the outside, it probably wouldn't have gone nearly this fast.

Again, I don't have anything against variant covers, so just a personal gripe, but they sure inflate the craziness during releases like this one.

Fun fact: Did you know, when a game doesn't sell out in 3 days, LRG pulls the stock, claims it sold out, and uses the games for the next blind box sale!
The issue isn't the quantity, it's the variant cover as sealed, so it basically forces people to have to buy 2 if they wanted a sealed set.

If it had a reversible cover, and all of them had the same cover on the outside, it probably wouldn't have gone nearly this fast.

Again, I don't have anything against variant covers, so just a personal gripe, but they sure inflate the craziness during releases like this one.
Well, if they knew that information, and didn't up qty's knowing what you stated, how is qty not the issue? If there's a group buying extra for having each cover, wouldn't offering more fix the issue when offering 2 per? If more couldn't be produced, then by default it should be 1 per all day, every single time.

So I see two possible situations here, they did this knowing this would be the outcome, or they had no clue? Either way, it's not a valid excuse, especially considering how often this has happened. This isn't their first Oddworld game, but I believe the third, and the first two where some of their most popular releases. So honestly, there isn't any explanation I can see given here that makes this OK, EVER!

The email I got from LRG said the previous Oddworld games were popular and sell for more than they were offered. They encouraged scalpers who were just foaming at the mouth to order. I am not looking forward to the later batch.

They announced on Twitter that the 2nd batch will have a limit of 1 per CE and 1 per SE. 

I guess I should have tried harder to get the CE copies this morning. 

The email I got from LRG said the previous Oddworld games were popular and sell for more than they were offered. They encouraged scalpers who were just foaming at the mouth to order. I am not looking forward to the later batch.
Wow, I just now read that email, and I am kind of shocked they added the sells for several times the value in the aftermarket part. Most companies would just be like.. "Last game sold out in 5 minutes!" or whatever.

Normally I grab my stuff in the evening, but I'm glad I grabbed what I wanted this morning. Good luck to everyone that still needs it tonight.

They announced on Twitter that the 2nd batch will have a limit of 1 per CE and 1 per SE.

I guess I should have tried harder to get the CE copies this morning.
Good, now I can pass on it, and not even have to worry about it. :D

I guess it's not the worst thing to save some money.

Now I can use it towards other Vita import games. <3

I trained my family last night how to get the games. I was able to secure 8 CE and 8 regular in total.

I'll have them up on ebay as soon as I can. I'll give any CAG 5% off.
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Wow, I just now read that email, and I am kind of shocked they added the sells for several times the value in the aftermarket part. Most companies would just be like.. "Last game sold out in 5 minutes!" or whatever.

Normally I grab my stuff in the evening, but I'm glad I grabbed what I wanted this morning. Good luck to everyone that still needs it tonight.
An email like that can be toxic for sure, and stating the time would probably be better than alluding to the monetary value.

Yeah, I always go am first, just to better my odds in case of mishaps. If its a hard day, i may go for my most wanted in the am, and then try for other items in the pm. Or, if my Spotify, Paypal, or my computer has an issue in the morning, I'll at least have a second chance. To only try for the pm is skirting disaster for sure. LOL

Of course depending on schedules, some only have the pm batch, but for anyone who can do both, always do the am if you can, as it betters your odds.

I snoozed my reminder to order this morning and forgot about it but it seems I might've missed it any way. Try again later. :D

REVENANT SAGA (PS4) Still 24% left and only 4 hours to go untill 2nd batch. Has any previous releases lasted till the 2nd wave before?

Has any previous releases lasted till the 2nd wave before?
Several have. There have been many lesser-known or critically panned games that have lasted for days. I don't believe they've had many, if any, that have lasted until the next major release. But it is not uncommon for games with lower demand to be easily available for 24 hours or more. In this case, it is likely that some stock of Revenant Saga will be available for the next day or two.

ahhh it's always nice to wake up Friday morning and see a little bit of butthurt from a LRG drop. It is quite refreshing, and it's been awhile!

Revenant Saga looks pretty bad, so I only picked it up for Vita
Quote of the day, right here. haha

Wow, I just now read that email, and I am kind of shocked they added the sells for several times the value in the aftermarket part. Most companies would just be like.. "Last game sold out in 5 minutes!" or whatever.
Exactly. See, if anyone was confused what this business was all about, then there is your answer.

LRGs cover variants are 100% exploitive in nature to inflate sales count to the OCD collector audience.  Every other manufacturer with reversible covers has the same default cover orientation for 100% of the print count.  Every single one. LRG is the ONLY one that purposely requests from Sony to do a mix. Why?

Most of the biggest pains in the ass from LRG besides the 30 second buy it or lose it release schedule are caused by the constant multiplatform multivariant cover and CE releases that create an unmanageable number of permutations.  

Can you imagine if Oddworld was PS4 or even Switch too? OCD collector would needed no less than 8-12 copies of ONE title.  (1x CE, 2x standard since there's no telling what's in the CE, 1x convention exclusive) x N platforms. Sealing all reversible covers the same way would eliminate the need to triple dip 2x standard copies provided they didn't have another CE exclusive cover to deter you from NOT triple dipping.

They know exactly what they are doing with all this quadruple dipping BS.  Can't even claim it's to offer more choices either since it's explicitly stated there is no gaurantee or ability to request which cover you get if you only order one. It's entirely set up on purpose to allow and force 2x buys or risk gambling.

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Well it was contradictory on my part. I missed this morning, and I was back and forth if I wanna  try to fuck around with my phone or not at work tonight and I decided against it.

And now I'll probably sell my strangers wrath copy, because I'm an all or none guy for series'. Thats why I bought both mutant muds, thats why I bought both bit trips...both those games I only wanted 1 of. 

I'm not being bitter. That's just whats up with me. 

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I just wish Shopify wasn't garbage.

I remember around the time after the first Oddworld they tried to investigate better ways of handling their releases, through a better storefront, but I'm guessing the costs effectiveness of it probably wasn't as practical, or even worth it, so they just stuck with Shopify in the end.

I mean, it sort of sucks there's no easy solution for a different storefront, but aw well.

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Can you imagine if Oddworld was PS4 or even Switch too? OCD collector would needed no less than 8-12 copies of ONE title. (1x CE, 2x standard since there's no telling what's in the CE, 1x convention exclusive) x N platforms. Sealing all reversible covers the same way would eliminate the need to triple dip 2x standard copies provided they didn't have another CE exclusive cover to deter you from NOT triple dipping.

They know exactly what they are doing with all this quadruple dipping BS. Can't even claim it's to offer more choices either since it's explicitly stated there is no gaurantee or ability to request which cover you get if you only order one. It's entirely set up on purpose to allow and force 2x buys or risk gambling.
You should keep buying everything.

REVENANT SAGA (PS4) Still 24% left and only 4 hours to go untill 2nd batch. Has any previous releases lasted till the 2nd wave before?
Looks like right now the PS4 version of Metronomicon has 52 copies and PS4 version of Revenant Saga has 444. Revenant Saga is selling at about 1 copy per five+ minutes... Metronomicon seems to have stalled at 52.

It'll be interesting to see what happens. I think they'll get pulled and added to the evening batch since they'll have to reset the quantity then anyway.

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In the last 15 minutes, Revenant Saga (PS4) sold 2 copies while Metronomicon sold 8.  The titles sit at 442 and 42 respectively as of 3:45 Eastern.  It'll be interesting to see what they do over the next hour and if they just get pulled, sell out, or survive right up until the evening batch.

LRGs cover variants are 100% exploitive in nature to inflate sales count to the OCD collector audience. Every other manufacturer with reversible covers has the same default cover orientation for 100% of the print count. Every single one. LRG is the ONLY one that purposely requests from Sony to do a mix. Why?

Most of the biggest pains in the ass from LRG besides the 30 second buy it or lose it release schedule are caused by the constant multiplatform multivariant cover and CE releases that create an unmanageable number of permutations.

Can you imagine if Oddworld was PS4 or even Switch too? OCD collector would needed no less than 8-12 copies of ONE title. (1x CE, 2x standard since there's no telling what's in the CE, 1x convention exclusive) x N platforms. Sealing all reversible covers the same way would eliminate the need to triple dip 2x standard copies provided they didn't have another CE exclusive cover to deter you from NOT triple dipping.

They know exactly what they are doing with all this quadruple dipping BS. Can't even claim it's to offer more choices either since it's explicitly stated there is no gaurantee or ability to request which cover you get if you only order one. It's entirely set up on purpose to allow and force 2x buys or risk gambling.
I'm glad they at least went with reversible covers, which is more value added as a consumer. Last year, they were talking about having different covers entirely (and then also special exclusive covers like Night Trap 32X). Since I open my LRG stuff, reversible covers don't bother me. LRG might be slightly predatory on the whole you get a random cover thing, but only slightly. Definitely not the worst thing they've done. People ordering multiple copies just in hopes to get both covers sealed should exercise a little self-restraint unless they have the deep pockets for it.

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Over the last hour: Revenant Saga (PS4) went from 442 to 425, so 17.   Metronomicon went from 42 to 27, so 15.  It looks like at this rate Revenant Saga definitely is surviving till they pull the batch in prep for the evening slot.  Metronomicon will probably survive as well, though not as obviously as Revenant Saga.

Also interestingly LRG has a Fangamer page now on the site.  I never noticed this before.

Over the last hour: Revenant Saga (PS4) went from 442 to 425, so 17. Metronomicon went from 42 to 27, so 15. It looks like at this rate Revenant Saga definitely is surviving till they pull the batch in prep for the evening slot. Metronomicon will probably survive as well, though not as obviously as Revenant Saga.

Also interestingly LRG has a Fangamer page now on the site. I never noticed this before.
Yeah, they put that link up 2-3 weeks ago, but since there's nothing there yet, I didn't feel like it was worth mentioning. XD

I have managed to get every single Vita release and CE from LRG, up until today. Was on a very fast commercial internet connection and went through the checkout process fast. Wasn't too nervous when I got that waiting screen for 5-10 seconds, but was shocked when I was told the CE was no longer available. The CE had to have sold out insanely fast because it was no more than 30 or 45 seconds past 10:00 when I got the screen telling me it was no longer available. I felt going in that the number of CEs being offered were a bit on the low side, but not by much. I am guessing the issue was in allowing people to grab 2 copies. I figured they would change that before the first batch but they didn't. This is easily my favorite LRG CE package, so keeping my fingers crossed I can get one at 6. If not, then my complete NA collection (CE's and regular) will come to an end, which may be for the best going forward haha.

bread's done