Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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About not having enough time or the delay? I read about the whole tie shipping separate, no surprise to me. They could have advertised a bit better or sent some robo-email along with the order and current situation.
I don't want to hear anyone bitching about having to beat a rush to get something limited on the internet. Sunday the guy that is making HDMI mod kids for the original Nintendo finally released them (only 200), site was getting hammered so hard I didn't get my order placed until 3hrs later.... yeah, that was while trying to appease my girlfriend at her family's Independence Day gathering.
That's pretty awesome. Didn't even know that was going on.

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About not having enough time or the delay? I read about the whole tie shipping separate, no surprise to me. They could have advertised a bit better or sent some robo-email along with the order and current situation.
It was in the description of the listing.

If they don't read that's the buyer's fault.

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If only Amazon can learn from LRG on how to handle shipping game and bonus separately.
I'm the last person to defend Amazon, as their packaging sucks ass, but I can't really fault them for having a product in their system that has two parts, and then expect them to make allowances to ship them separately. It is just the way things are done.

This all falls squarely on Askys. They have done watches before, and this was nothing new, and considering how long ago they opened preorders, there is no excuse to have not had these items ready in plenty of time to ship with the games.

Yes, damages and mistakes can happen, but these watches should have been ready to go ages ago, and if something happened, there would have been plenty of time to correct it before the release date. This was just poor planning on their part.

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I'm the last person to defend Amazon, as their packaging sucks ass, but I can't really fault them for having a product in their system that has two parts, and then expect them to make allowances to ship them separately. It is just the way things are done.

This all falls squarely on Askys. They have done watches before, and this was nothing new, and considering how long ago they opened preorders, there is no excuse to have not had these items ready in plenty of time to ship with the games.

Yes, damages and mistakes can happen, but these watches should have been ready to go ages ago, and if something happened, there would have been plenty of time to correct it before the release date. This was just poor planning on their part.
Happened to me with gamestop before and they had no problem with shipping bonus later on. I understand amazon is way bigger than LRG or even gamestop, but that $10 credit is more than enough to cover shipping item separately.

Pretty cool that WEE backers get early access but at the same time its SP so its going to be hard to see if they pull through with this.

Happened to me with gamestop before and they had no problem with shipping bonus later on. I understand amazon is way bigger than LRG or even gamestop, but that $10 credit is more than enough to cover shipping item separately.
Yeah, I see what your saying, and I agree that if their going to give $10 credits, why not just ship stuff separately? How hard is that? But I guess for me, I've dealt with them so many times through CS over the years, that I just know their operation can't handle change.

Every time I ever asked for any thing special through them, they promised me they could make it happen, and after probably more than 20+ of these promises, I have yet to have one happen.

I never once thought my request where out of line, especially for an operation of Amazon's size, but I finally came to the conclusion, that they have several different areas of their operation, and I don't think any of them communicates with the others. As all my issues needed one dept to talk to another to address the issues, and I swear, they would say with 110% confidence the request would be met, and I don't have to worry, because they got this covered.

So I guess I just know from experience that they aren't up to task, and asking them to do something extra is like asking a dog to be a cat, it's just not gonna happen, EVER!

When Saturday Morning RPG came out, I was in the hospital getting a PICC line inserted and the area had to be sterile, aka not even my phone... so if you want to go "I missed out oh noes!" try being in that situation. 

Or better yet, waiting for your son to be born while being in a no electronics room.

And that's the story of how a person missed out on Breach and Clear
Or better yet, waiting for your son to be born while being in a no electronics room.

And that's the story of how a person missed out on Breach and Clear
See, kids do nothing for me... avoiding that whole having children bit... they just cost money and make you unable to do stuff. :p That and I don't want to risk passing on CF.

Received my Octodad PS4 order over the weekend. The disc is loose. I emailed them even though I read on the FAQ that they do not replace loose discs. That sucks as I didnt plan on opening the game. 

Received my Octodad PS4 order over the weekend. The disc is loose. I emailed them even though I read on the FAQ that they do not replace loose discs. That sucks as I didnt plan on opening the game.
Here's a bootleg video that they recommended, lol.

It actually worked for me, but took a few tries. Good luck!

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Octodad was the first loose PS4 disc I've received from them. I tried what that guy does in the video but i couldn't get it to work. I gave up last night but I'll probably try it again eventually.
I wonder if there was a minor error somewhere that they just noticed with Soldner last minute.

Also, LRG announced that Breach and Clear: Deadline will be available for PS4 for future release.

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I don't mind the delay. Gives my wallet a break, lol.
Words outta my mouth!
Yeah, if these games where $40-$60 bucks, I would have probably had to stop by now, and I damn sure wouldn't have been buying any doubles or dual console copies.

I agree that a little break is more than welcome at this point. I guess these guys weren't lying when they said they had a 2 game release minimum lined up for every month of the year. I didn't think it was possible, but I guess I was wrong.

I don't want a break. What I want is more Vita Games or more titles I would actually buy to play. 

Will skip B&C D just like I did with Lost Sea.

The devs still haven't finished Cosmic Star Heroine yet right? I want to buy Soldner and that but I am somewhat concerned I'm going to miss out since I lose track of this thread.

The devs still haven't finished Cosmic Star Heroine yet right? I want to buy Soldner and that but I am somewhat concerned I'm going to miss out since I lose track of this thread.
Slated for Digital Release in Summer. Have to wait a little after that before the Physical Print run actually happens.

I'm cool with a wait too, I just hope it doesn't get sandwiched in with ankther game like xeodrifter...

I didn't hear how long, I just read it on the lrg forums and let yall know here.
One of many reasons I wouldn't buy a second-hand sealed game. Would you rather have a game where someone has removed the shrinkwrap, or one where someone has bent the hell out of the case/disk?
Good point. I always buy new from local retailers if I can or online. That wouldn't be acceptable if I bought it second hand though.

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I'm cool with a wait too, I just hope it doesn't get sandwiched in with ankther game like xeodrifter...

I didn't hear how long, I just read it on the lrg forums and let yall know here.
On the bright side, if it gets released with another game you will save $5 on shipping (assuming you buy all available new releases).

One of many reasons I wouldn't buy a second-hand sealed game. Would you rather have a game where someone has removed the shrinkwrap, or one where someone has bent the hell out of the case/disk?
Neither. I wouldn't buy a bent up sealed game or a game that was opened but being sold as "new". The only way I'd buy the opened "but new" copy is if it were either cheap or so rare that being opened didn't matter. Now if both games are free I'll take them both, sure.

I don't want a break. What I want is more Vita Games or more titles I would actually buy to play.
Me too. I'm just buying most of these to complete my physical collection with no intention of playing most of them. I'm just buying these on release day to avoid Ebay markups down the road.

My copy of Xeodrifter for Vita arrived today, first LRG game I've bought so far! Really looking forward to getting Soldner X when it comes out.

I really think that LRG should change their approach on their game releases. I think they should put up a preorder page, take preorders up to a certain date, then cut off the preorders and produce whatever amount is needed. It would delay the delivery of the games, but they would still be very limited in production quantity (compared to most other Vita games). Anyone who wants a copy could get one, instead of many people missing out. This is exactly what is happening with Shovel Knight for the Vita, and I think it's a better approach than setting arbitrary limits on production.
My copy of Xeodrifter for Vita arrived today, first LRG game I've bought so far! Really looking forward to getting Soldner X when it comes out.

I really think that LRG should change their approach on their game releases. I think they should put up a preorder page, take preorders up to a certain date, then cut off the preorders and produce whatever amount is needed. It would delay the delivery of the games, but they would still be very limited in production quantity (compared to most other Vita games). Anyone who wants a copy could get one, instead of many people missing out. This is exactly what is happening with Shovel Knight for the Vita, and I think it's a better approach than setting arbitrary limits on production.
What's happening with Shovel Knight is being done by the developer that made the game, so they can wait and do preorders. LRG has to deal with the developers, and more often than not, they are deciding the qty, and the lead times are far in advance.

So LRG does a deal today for "X" amount that the developer has agreed to, and they have to stick to it, as that is what the developers they are dealing with want, so while I agree there may be better options, this is their business model, and for me personally, it works fine.

I've gotten every game I wanted with little to no issues.

Xeodrifter came in today (ps4 & vita) along with Lost Sea.

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bread's done