Metroid Prime Trilogy $29.99 Fred Meyer


71 (100%)
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[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Wow. Wish I had a Fred Meyer's near me.[/QUOTE]

I went on to visit a friend in Oregon and got a chance to visit a Fred Meyer.

Fred Meyer is godly.
Cool. I have a wal mart gift card and I am going to PM arkham asylum off a Frys and price match this to wal mart!
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[quote name='Jfk_Aok']Their website doesn't even mention the game at all. Anyone have any luck with that?[/QUOTE]

If you search for it, you'll find it..
[quote name='skateraXVIII']Metroid Prime Trilogy comes out on Wednesday August 23rd.[/QUOTE]

It comes out Monday, the 24th. Your dates are all mixed up! :whistle2:D.
[quote name='MasterSun1']It comes out Monday, the 24th. Your dates are all mixed up! :whistle2:D.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I changed it to Tuesday August 25th (That's the release date they posted in the Fred Meyer ad) but you may be right... I hope you're right because I don't want to wait until Tuesday to buy it.
[quote name='Nohbdy']I went on to visit a friend in Oregon and got a chance to visit a Fred Meyer.

Fred Meyer is godly.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't say godly... well unless you were comparing it to Walmart:p

Nah, it is a really great store though. I wish the prices were a little cheaper at Fred Meyer but the atmosphere is so much better than any other stores: Shopko, Kmart, Walmart, etc.
Wow, thanks OP--one of the benefits of relocating for my job is that I'm now (apparently) near a Fred Meyer... going to grab this on Tuesday.
STEAL OF A DEAL! basically 10 bucks for each prime! Was looking for a great deal... Wasn't going to pick this up at launch, but at 30 bucks.... who can resist?

Thanks OP.

And as far as Fred Meyer and their sales... They have sales at least once every couple months that are godly. :)
Hey, thx! :bouncy: I'm going to check out my Base Exchange and see if they're getting MP Trilogy in. They PM + NO TAX! Hey, in Taxachusetts, that's pretty big! :)
They have a bad nack of posting something like that... and then when you get there. Little sign by product says we will not honor this add.
[quote name='Rollett']They have a bad nack of posting something like that... and then when you get there. Little sign by product says we will not honor this add.[/QUOTE]

Can't see how it's a mistake. The price is on both the ad and on their website.
[quote name='MasterSun1']Can't see how it's a mistake. The price is on both the ad and on their website.[/QUOTE]

There will be signs saying its a mistake in their ads in the store. No doubt 100% sure of this. Have seen this time and time again with f'n freddies.
I'll give them a call on Tuesday and see what the price is. I really want to use up that Gamestop credit I have, but I can't pass up saving $20.
[quote name='Rollett']Yeah, I live right next to one and see it all the time, But i would like to hope this was real.[/QUOTE]

This is REAL. If they don't honor it then either a) tell them that this is false advertisement and that you want to talk to the manager b) go get it price matched at another store. Whenever I've gotten something price matched at Walmart they never even call the source store that is having the deal.

People don't worry, you WILL get this price. If you take initiative I believe each and every one of you can get it for $30.
[quote name='skateraXVIII']This is REAL. If they don't honor it then either a) tell them that this is false advertisement and that you want to talk to the manager b) go get it price matched at another store. Whenever I've gotten something price matched at Walmart they never even call the source store that is having the deal.

People don't worry, you WILL get this price. If you take initiative I believe each and every one of you can get it for $30.[/QUOTE]

They don't have to give you the advertised price in Washington state if their is signs by the product saying it was a price mistake.
Something similar happened at Kmart before. They had Star Wars Battlefront 2 advertised for $10 which was obviously a price mistake since it retailed for $50.

Anyways we took the Kmart ad to Walmart and Shopko and they price matched it without any trouble.
[quote name='Funkenstein91']This game is not on their website. What gives?[/QUOTE]

It hasn't been officially released yet... so maybe that's why. Their website isn't the best in terms of it's online store.
I'll probably pick up a few of these since I've got three Fred Meyer stores that are about a 10 minute drive from my house. I could use some PS3/360 games, so PM me will ya? =)
Is the printout of the pdf in first post enough for a PM to Wal Mart or BB?

I don't have one in my area and can't get hold of the full ad.
[quote name='GoldenfrankO']Hey would someone be willing to send me a copy for $30 + shipping?[/QUOTE]

Unless the person is in Alaska or Oregon, the other states with Fred Meyer have a sales tax to take into consideration. For example, Washington would be $2.85 and Idaho would be $1.80.
I have a friend in Oregon also, and yes, for that type of store (wal-mart, target etc) Fred Meyer Destroys everyone else. My buddy always bitched about his lack of shopping options, but after I visited I told him to go to hell because I wished I had Fred Meyer in Texas.

Great clearance, and usually has a surprisingly great selection for such a big store.
[quote name='flipdice']Is the printout of the pdf in first post enough for a PM to Wal Mart or BB?

I don't have one in my area and can't get hold of the full ad.[/QUOTE]

ditto, would like to know this too
[quote name='hohez']I have a friend in Oregon also, and yes, for that type of store (wal-mart, target etc) Fred Meyer Destroys everyone else. My buddy always bitched about his lack of shopping options, but after I visited I told him to go to hell because I wished I had Fred Meyer in Texas.

Great clearance, and usually has a surprisingly great selection for such a big store.[/QUOTE]


Fred Meyer is the last place people go to in order to buy games, or so it seems. This usually results in them having an excellent back catalog that goes on incredible clearance every couple of months or so. Plus, they are pretty good about getting in niche games that you tend to only find at Gamestop (such as many Atlus titles).

As far as the rest of their stuff, grocery shopping puts them at about ten dollars or so more than WinCo, and far, far below Safeway and Albertson's for the same purchases.
I was planning to get it at BB with their RZ coupon for a free $10 GC. I'll be price matching it instead :D

I don't mind purchasing it at Fred Meyer but they usually put their hard-to-remove (checkpoint) price tag on the games directly, and in this case, on the slipcover itself (assuming this game has a slipcover over the metal case).
I want to know what magical Fred Meyers these people are going to. We have two here in Fairbanks, AK, and they are the last place I shop for games.

Every now and then I find a great deal on something (Saints Row 2 CE for $20 a few months back, Test Drive Unlimited new for $8), but usually their "deals" are Excite Truck on clearance for $40.

I would take a Target and a Best Buy in town any day over Fred Meyer.
You ever check the prices on the clearnce items ? they are normaly ALOT cheaper then on the tag.. up to 80% off the clearance price.
Fred Meyer does have some good deals both sale and clearance but not frequent.

Some clearance that I snatched from the past (ie. DEAD now):
:360: Phantasy Star Universe (under $4)
:360: Naruto: Rise of a Ninja (under $4)
:360: Spiderman Friend or Foe (under $2)

Other sale highlights from the past (ie. DEAD now):
:ps2: Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence ($9 - 3 years ago)
:wii: No More Heroes/Red Steel bundle ($10 - few weeks ago)
bread's done