minesweeper?? really???


CAG Veteran
so i see Minesweeper is being released for xbox360:

1. Why? really, I want an explanation. its free on every PC in the world.

2. the fark-linked article on the "smooth operator" site claims microsoft purchased minesweeper from the military for $11 billion.
this totally invalidates smooth operator as a credible source. not that i have actually ever looked at it before.
I have spent a good portion of my unproductive workday researching this black hole of lost productivity, and haven't found anything about the use of minesweeper as a cold war training exercise. but eleventy billion is a lot of green rectangles. its like three aircraft carriers or something.
speaking of which can someone make an equivalency calculator app that will calculate what you might be able to buy for a given amount of money? perfect for this scenario.
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Maybe it's not the Minesweeper you're thinking of, but rather a realistic simulation of detecting/removing mines while advancing in enemy territory.

Or maybe Microsoft likes putting anything and everything on Live just to see if someone will pay for it.
1st: I've spent as many hours playing Minesweeper as anything else. Hell, we used to have a real competition going in college in one of my student organizations. There were some serious bragging right associated with having your name on that top line of the "Expert" catagory.

2nd: How is it that this didnt make it on the 360 as one of the "free" games? As much as I like Hexic, *this* would have been the obvious choice.

3rd: Of course some people will pay for it. If the 20 bazillion clones of Bejeweled have a market, why not this? It'd be cool if it had realistic type explosions. Mabye it'll run on the Unreal 3 engine. lol
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