Need some advice, Blizzard yelled at me =(


CAG Veteran
Sorry if this is the wrong section..
So I came across a lot of copies of Cataclysm for very very cheap, I think they were overstock. I've played myself for the past 5 or so years so I know how authentication keys work. They had clear packing tape on the seals so I wasn't sure if they had been opened or not, so I called Blizzard a few times, checking 2-3 at a time to make sure they were valid, and they were. All reps have been very friendly and didn't mind checking. They sounded happy I was giving them out to people so they could upgrade and pay them a monthly fee.

So this morning I call with another two, and the rep I get is asking "why are we doing this?" then goes on to say that I look suspicious (I've always given my battlenet email when calling because I didn't think I was doing anything wrong). I basically tell him I don't want to give them out if the key has been used... He asks if I'm reselling, so I ask him if its against the rules to resell.. He tells me its NOT good idea and to just have people buy the direct download directly from them.
And that was a tl:dr of the convo..... So you can imagine.

So now I feel a bit scolded, and keep in mind I'm a girl that sounds 12 years old and he can probably see my 200-300+ days /played along with my active cataclysm account.

Was he out of line, or was I? I never give keys out over email, I've only been giving people the entire box to stay within (what I thought) were the rules.

Sad =(

Edit: I do need to run a few errands right now, but I was so upset I had to post. Please give me your thoughts, and I'll reply in a few hours.
It's practically a programmed response as Bliz gets no money out of what you're doing. They'd rather whoever was going to buy from you buy from them. As long as it's not against the EULA, it ain't no thang.
That's invasion of privacy; I would have hung up on him. Unless they have evidence of a violation, it's none of their fucking business what you're doing. His job is to provide customer service, not to think.
If you're actually giving them out for free, what's the difference if the recipient gets a working key or not? If the key doesn't work, they're not out anything. Just give them to people with the understanding that they may not work, and everybody's fine.
If you have the physical copy of the cd-key, you essentially own it, so as long you give the physical codes to your friends, things should be good. If you aren't giving them the original cd-keys, and an unscrupulous person gains access to them, they can gain control of the connected accounts (worst case scenario), or reclaim the Cataclysm expansion for themselves to use and potentially open the accounts up to official reprimands.

I'm assuming the authentication key is on the manual for Cataclysm, so as long as you and your friends have these manuals with the stickers with the keys on them, you should be fine.
As long as the keys/games you are selling are legit and you own them then you are fine. I guess you just found a cs rep that has always aspired to be a sales person... or a douche.
As long as the keys were not generated and are truly legit, you can do as you please with them, even sell them. However, if they were new, it would be assumed that the keys are unused. Since you are calling to find out if the keys are used or not, it can lead to suspicion as to how you are truly getting the key codes. I don't think he did anything wrong by asking. Just dont get caught selling or giving away generated keys. They can trace those!
I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for. Would you like a pat on the head, a cookie and for me to tell you everything will be ok? Who cares what they said to you on the phone? Don't be so sensitive. And really, any real WoW player has Cataclysm already. If you're able to pay $15 a month, you can pay $40 for an expansion.
bread's done