Q about ordering from Amazon.co.jp (Japan)


CAG Veteran
Hey guys, I got a question about ordering from amazonJP(as in the title :p)
I was looking in
at the chart on the bottom (
[FONT=osaka,MS]International Express Shipping).
Shipping rates and handling rates are:
Books, Videos: 2700 and 300 Yen
CD's DVD's: 1700 and 300 Yen
So my question would be, If I ordered a PS3/360/Wii/etc(gaming console) apart from the price (for example
[/FONT]28,012 yen for a 360) how much would I pay? (like shipping and handling and anything else involved)
Thanks for your time. :)
You'll end up paying $10-20 on shipping per item last I knew, plus their listed price for the item. (100 yen is roughly $1.10 or so last I knew.)
[quote name='georox']You'll end up paying $10-20 on shipping per item last I knew, plus their listed price for the item. (100 yen is roughly $1.10 or so last I knew.)[/QUOTE]

Alright, thanks for the quick reply. :)
bread's done