Rename my gamertag now no saves


CAG Veteran
Well The Story goes like this ....

Sunday night i change my gamertag becuase my friends gave me a new nickname so i payed the 800 ms points and changed my gamertag to ANDY P4NDY

Having got back from a weekend from my mates i go to play Guitar hero 3 (now tuesday) and its telling me to start a new carrer so im like i havent chosen my hard drive, restarted the game and made sure i had chosen my hard drive still no saved game .

I put the orange box in and its telling me it cant find a saved game on half life 2 (i had compleated teh game about 2 week before) then tryed tf2 same thing

I ring xbox support uk First time i could not understand so i siad i would ring back, i did the woman told me to do a gamertag recovery did that still no saves
she then siad that she would get a superviser to ring me back (didnt happen)

Rang back at 7pm gmt the guy told me to do a recorery again (didnt work) then siad it wasnt there problem that i didnt have any saves after renaming my gamertag (after putting me on hold for 15 minutes ) so i put the phone down

now im thinking what was the point of paying for 800 points to rename my gamertag when i could of just got a new one for FREE

Ps .I still have my achievements :cry:
[quote name='ANDY P4NDY']Well The Story goes like this ....

Sunday night i change my gamertag becuase my friends gave me a new nickname so i payed the 800 ms points and changed my gamertag to ANDY P4NDY

Having got back from a weekend from my mates i go to play Guitar hero 3 (now tuesday) and its telling me to start a new carrer so im like i havent chosen my hard drive, restarted the game and made sure i had chosen my hard drive still no saved game .

I put the orange box in and its telling me it cant find a saved game on half life 2 (i had compleated teh game about 2 week before) then tryed tf2 same thing

I ring xbox support uk First time i could not understand so i siad i would ring back, i did the woman told me to do a gamertag recovery did that still no saves
she then siad that she would get a superviser to ring me back (didnt happen)

Rang back at 7pm gmt the guy told me to do a recorery again (didnt work) then siad it wasnt there problem that i didnt have any saves after renaming my gamertag (after putting me on hold for 15 minutes ) so i put the phone down

now im thinking what was the point of paying for 800 points to rename my gamertag when i could of just got a new one for FREE

Ps .I still have my achievements :cry:[/quote]

Sould i complane about it
Do you really need to ask? OF COURSE YOU SHOULD COMPLAIN ABOUT IT.

They need to either offer you a solution or offer you a refund.

[quote name='HotShotX']Do you really need to ask? OF COURSE YOU SHOULD COMPLAIN ABOUT IT.

They need to either offer you a solution or offer you a refund.


how should i mention this on the phone to them im not to good with this stuff or just go on there explan to them and say i what it sorted or a refund
1. Get them on the line.
2. Explain the situation.
3. Ask for the problem to be fixed.
a. If they fix it, hooray!
b. If not, proceed to Step 4.
4. Ask for a supervisor.
5. Explain situation for second time.
6. Ask for a refund ALONG with Xbox Live time.
a. If they give you a refund and live time, hooray!
b. If not, proceed to Step 7.
7. Ask to speak to their supervisor.
8. Repeat
[quote name='ANDY P4NDY']how should i mention this on the phone to them im not to good with this stuff or just go on there explan to them and say i what it sorted or a refund[/quote]

Simply, verbatim: "Hey, I changed my gamertag, and now my game saves, which are saved on my system, cannot be found by any of my games. I placed a call to support yesterday, and, after going through gamertag recovery, your representative said they would have a supervisor call me back - which didn't happen. I placed yet another call and went through gamertag recovery, yet again, to no avail. Are you able to resolve this problem? If not, I want my gamertag set back to what I had before, and the cost deposited back into my account. If you are unable to do either, I want to speak to your supervisor."

That should work. Good luck in getting a competent customer service representative.
Too bad they probably record a record and collect your contact information on every call otherwise the above would probably work.

I had an issue when i changed my gamertag as well(paid 800 pts) except i lost 2 xbla games in the process.
[quote name='depascal22']1. Get them on the line.
2. Explain the situation.
3. Ask for the problem to be fixed.
a. If they fix it, hooray!
b. If not, proceed to Step 4.
4. Ask for a supervisor.
5. Explain situation for second time.
6. Ask for a refund ALONG with Xbox Live time.
a. If they give you a refund and live time, hooray!
b. If not, proceed to Step 7.
7. Ask to speak to their supervisor.
8. Repeat[/QUOTE]

ha ha crazy
bread's done