Subwoofer next to Xbox 360 console safe?


CAG Veteran
We're currently using an old tube TV and there aren't any distortions with a sub next to it, so does this mean the sub is safe next to the console? The speaker system is a Logitech X 540 which is magnetically shielded
I have the same system and my subwoofer is about a foot from my 360. It's been there for 2+ months and nothing is wrong.
I wouldn't worry about the EMF so much as the physical vibrations from the sub itself. Since many RRoD failures result from hairline cracks forming in the solder due to poor quality solder and heat I would avoid exposing the 360 to any and all unnecessary vibrations. I have my sub about 7 feet away from my 360.

Aside: My day-one 360 is still running, and I attribute this to the fact that I have never moved my 360 or taken it anywhere and allow plenty of space for effective ventilation. I also have had it set up vertically- the whole time (which is supposedly a no-no). My only problem, thus far (knocks on wood HARD), is that the disc tray has stuck on about 5-6 eject attempts and required a fingernail pry to get it started.
[quote name='strdr4']I have the same system and my subwoofer is about a foot from my 360. It's been there for 2+ months and nothing is wrong.[/QUOTE]
That's good to know :)

I'll be sure to make sure there's not too many vibrations nearby
[quote name='gojitassj9']That's good to know :)

I'll be sure to make sure there's not too many vibrations nearby[/quote]

In fact, My xbox and ps3 are right next to each other as well and they're right below my big ass CRT and they're all surrounded by speakers. And I've used up all the plugs on my Outlet extenders...

j/k. Even I would never use all the plugs. dur.
Just don't put the system on the sub, because that'll likely fuck up your discs. I wouldn't worry about having the system right next to the sub though... Logitech subs can't possibly produce enough bass to mess anything up.
I'd guess it doesn't matter too much, (unless you constantly have some LOUD thumping bass playing from you sub 24/7)

as far as magnets go.. it shouldn't matter at all, the biggest problem would eb the hard drive in the 360 but it takes a MEGA strong magnet a long time at close proximity to do any damage to a hard drive

(I actually tested this with a pretty strong magnet and an old hard drive I replaced in my computer, I couldn't get the drive to go haywire from the magnet)
i wouldn't put anything within 5 feet of that fragile thing. It will RROD if you just breathe on it wrong. (Sorry, disgruntled RROD victim here)
[quote name='scottman']i wouldn't put anything within 5 feet of that fragile thing. It will RROD if you just breathe on it wrong. (Sorry, disgruntled RROD victim here)[/QUOTE]

Aren't we all ;)
I keep my unshielded sub next to my computer which is right next to my 360 with no problems. Day 1 360 although it gives an occasional disk read error during multiplayer of cod4 or gears
[quote name='Chacrana']Logitech subs can't possibly produce enough bass to mess anything up.[/quote]

stop trying to get cheap hits in on anything thats not a sony vaio
You'll be fine, but I must wonder how in the hell your have your sub placement in such a way that it would be next to your entertainment center.

Stick that shit in the corner, man.
[quote name='Chacrana']Logitech subs can't possibly produce enough bass to mess anything up.[/QUOTE]

Ever heard of the Z-5500 system's..? 188 watts RMS 10" subwoofer, I'd say that's more than enough base.

You'll be fine, but I must wonder how in the hell your have your sub placement in such a way that it would be next to your entertainment center

Stick that shit in the corner, man.
If it's bass ported, it doesn't matter where you place the subwoofer.
[quote name='retail sucks']IDK about the consoles but i do know it's not good to have a magnet around TV's.[/quote]

yeah but you'll know immediately when the magnet is too close, if you have a speaker next to it it should be fine, the color would distort right away if it was bad for it.
[quote name='retail sucks']IDK about the consoles but i do know it's not good to have a magnet around TV's.[/QUOTE]

I would say that depends on the tv type. I had my tv sitting on a sub for about 10 years with no issues. I'd say the vibration issue would be more harmful than the magnets.
[quote name='omgu8myrice']wrong

stop trying to get cheap hits in on anything thats not a sony vaio[/QUOTE]

Ironically, I would never in my life consider buying a Sony Vaio. I like Sony's TV's better than anything else in the LCD market, but Christ, their sound stuff is crap.

And a 188W 10" sub isn't going to screw up something right next to it... unless it's capable of shaking the room, it's not going to screw up the 360.
I had a problem once with my MacBook sitting on my sub. I never put anything on the sub, but for some reason, put my MacBook on it one day. I then watched a movie. When I went back to the MacBook, it was completely shutoff, but the battery was not dead. It didn’t seem to cause any harm, but it did shut it off somehow.

I would say you can put a 360 next to a sub, just don’t put it on the sub.
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