Tales of Destiny 2 (PSP) screens

The Mana Knight

41 (100%)
Images come from Dengeki Online: http://www.dengekionline.com/data/news/2006/12/1/b1339105bfdc70450d7a6cba48d60c3b.html



Although the game is probably a straight port, I don't care at all. I badly want this game for PSP, since this is one Tales game that never came stateside. I think there's a pretty good chance this might come stateside or to Europe, but the concern is what would Namco call it, since they already used Tales of Destiny II. Although, they could do Tales of Destiny 2, and put some subtitle along with it. All I know of is that if it doesn't come stateside or to Europe, I'm going to import this. I want to play it so badly.
Wow those screens look good! Hopefully they at least release it in the UK. Although, I'm still trying to get my hands on Tales of Eternia w/o paying an ungodly amount. :cry:
Is it actually being called Tales of Destiny 2 here? There was a Tales of Destiny 2 on the original Playstation that was Tales of Eternia in Japan.
[quote name='PenguinMaster']Is it actually being called Tales of Destiny 2 here? There was a Tales of Destiny 2 on the original Playstation that was Tales of Eternia in Japan.[/QUOTE]Who knows. Namco Hometek screwed up by calling Tales of Eternia, Tales of Destiny II, when it wasn't a direct sequel at all. Well, since it ToD2 PSP is not in roman numerals, it might work.
Tales of Eternia = Tales of Destiny 2 for the PSX (released in US)

Tales of Destiny 2 PSP = Tales of Destiny 2 for the PS2 (completely different game, only released in Japan).

So yea, its another port ala Ys: The Ark of Naphatism. But hey, beats not getting the game in the US at all.
There hasnt been any RPG translated exclusively for the European market for a long time. The only one i can think of is Terranigma for SNES.
Good thing Breath of Fire III wasn't very good-though it's still sort of disappointing it didn't come out. I'd rather have a fairly high-profile game like that come out than some of the RPGs we've gotten.
[quote name='pete5883']Tales of Eternia and Breath of Fire III for the PSP were recently translated exclusively for the European market.[/QUOTE]
they used an existing PSOne translation. They did some coding but no new translation.

Edit: looks like Ys Strategy DS is a game that got translated exclusively for the European Market by Rising Star. They are also working on HArvest Moon/ Rune Factory for the DS (another game with no US release date). However they are the european division of Marvelous so i dont see them working on something from Namco.
There is no reason this wouldn't come out in the US... it's not a port of a US game.

BoF 3 and Tales of Eternia were ports of already existing US PS1 games... ToD 2 is a port but NOT one we've ever seen in the US. I think at this point it's just up to Namco to decide if its worth bringing it over.
There are multiple games that are "name of game" 2 that are not direct sequals so that means nothing.

Tales of Eternia was pretty good for PSP(Euro version) so I am defianatly getting this when it is available. Those pictures look awesome.

I would like it to come stateside, but I doubt it will. I figure I'll have to import it for 50 bucks like I did Tales of Eternia and Breath of Fire 3.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I badly want this game for PSP, since this is one Tales game that never came stateside.[/QUOTE]
You're forgetting a few. Tales of Rebirth for PS2 never got released outside of Japan, either. Same goes for all of the Tales games on portables (the Tales of the World games), of which there are about half a dozen.

I get the feeling they're going to neglect releasing TOD2 state/Euroside, again, even with this second opportunity. Though it definitely has a better chance on PSP than it did on PS2, I suppose (Sony is completely hardassed about 2D games on PS2, but not anywhere near as restrictive with 2D PSP games).
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']You're forgetting a few. Tales of Rebirth for PS2 never got released outside of Japan, either. Same goes for all of the Tales games on portables (the Tales of the World games), of which there are about half a dozen.

I get the feeling they're going to neglect releasing TOD2 state/Euroside, again, even with this second opportunity. Though it definitely has a better chance on PSP than it did on PS2, I suppose (Sony is completely hardassed about 2D games on PS2, but not anywhere near as restrictive with 2D PSP games).[/QUOTE]

I would have rather had Rebirth than Legendia. Oh well, take what you get. Maybe I was just expecting too much after playing Symphonia and Eternia right before I played this....
Is Sony STILL bizarre about 2D? I know they were in the United States back when the PS1 launched, but I didn't know they were after that management was booted (and pretty much swapped with Sega's :D Sega got bizaro after that).
I'm not sure why all the hate from them about 2D either. Some of my favorite games are 2D. Like Megaman X. The 2D ones were all really fun and I could play them over and over. The later 3D ones were decent, but not great like the early 2D ones.

I think some of that not allowing crap got dropped though. If the case was true still I would not think the classic games would be on the system, like Sega Collection or Capcom Classics.
I've heard they may be weird about letting older games through when they're not in a compilation with at least a second game, but I don't know that they've done anything against 2D since the early Playstation days. That seemed to get dropped by '96 or '97ish.
You have to remember Tales of Destiny, Tales of Destiny II, and Tales of Legemdia all did poorly in terms of sales in the US. It make sense Namco would not want to take a chance. Working Design did attempt to bring Tales of Destiny 2 PS2, but Namco refused.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']You're forgetting a few. Tales of Rebirth for PS2 never got released outside of Japan, either. Same goes for all of the Tales games on portables (the Tales of the World games), of which there are about half a dozen.

I get the feeling they're going to neglect releasing TOD2 state/Euroside, again, even with this second opportunity. Though it definitely has a better chance on PSP than it did on PS2, I suppose (Sony is completely hardassed about 2D games on PS2, but not anywhere near as restrictive with 2D PSP games).[/QUOTE]I meant to say one of a few. Yeah, I know Tales of Rebirth never came stateside. I badly wanted it too. I would constantly write news articles updating the game when I use to work for an RPG website. I know there's some Tales of the World games, but I'm not really concerned about them (other than Radiant Mythology on PSP, due to using the same battle system as TotA).
[quote name='62t']You have to remember Tales of Destiny, Tales of Destiny II, and Tales of Legemdia all did poorly in terms of sales in the US. It make sense Namco would not want to take a chance. Working Design did attempt to bring Tales of Destiny 2 PS2, but Namco refused.[/QUOTE]Yeah, and I heard Mastiff and others were interested too, but Namco rejected them. From what I heard, Namco just doesn't want other publishers bringing their games stateside. I would like a niche publisher too, since they probably wouldn't remove the Japanese voices in the intro.
[quote name='Roufuss']There is no reason this wouldn't come out in the US... it's not a port of a US game.

BoF 3 and Tales of Eternia were ports of already existing US PS1 games... ToD 2 is a port but NOT one we've ever seen in the US. I think at this point it's just up to Namco to decide if its worth bringing it over.[/QUOTE]Yeah, but with the way Namco is, who knows.

From what I heard, the only reason ToE came to Europe was Ubi Soft was able to just use existing translation, which was used in ToD II U.S.
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