The absolute best deal ever for people that buy or rent game. And no not kiddin

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Gorilla Jones

CAG Veteran
I got this from a thread over at the IGN boards. You're really gonna think its a lie but from the thread it looks like several people have confirmed it.

Well, I gotta hand it to Blockbuster, they are trying like hell to get you to rent buy games from them. Get this, Blockbuster starting on January 1st is never going to charge late fees again! You hear me, NO MORE LATE FEES!

Now as someone who has a gamepass and uses it pretty regualarly I don't have to worry about late fees most of the time. But I often rent a game out of neccesity to see if I like it or not before I buy it. Becuase I already have something out with the game pass. And the freakin thing is always late.

Well under this new policy you rent a game and you have a due date. But if you don't bring it back before the due date you have ONE WHOLE WEEK to keep playing the game. Once that week passes they will charge you the retail price of the game minus the rental fee.

This is almost the perfect try before you buy scenario. I mean, you get almost two weeks to beat a game and bring it back with no late fees. And if you like the game you can keep it minus the rental fee. I'm extremely excited about this as now I don't have to worry about buying something I don't like and secondly I get to save on the freakin $6 game rental fee which after only a few rentals equals the price of a new game.

Now here is the absolutely crazy part. You have 30 days from the time they charge your card to decide if you really want to keep the game! If before the 30 days you decide you don't want it you can bring it back for a full refund minus a $1.25 restocking charge! WTF? Crazy.

Really look at this policy and you have to say it freakin unbelivable. The money I'm gonna save is gonna be stupid.

I don't know if this is a permanent thing or not but if it is it blows away any game rental service policy.

Anyway, if true this is the best deal I've ever seen as far as options for gamers. I get their newletter and I didn't recieve this in it. Has anyone else seen this is news or forums?

Take advantage people :)
[quote name='Gorilla Jones']No problem man. :)

I'll keep bumping it for the slow people like me of which I'm sure there are many. :D[/quote]

Depending on what they charge you for the game, this might be a good way for folks to pick up some rare games from blockbuster for cheap.
That, or they might charge you stocking fees.. something around $100 a movie.. it's insane.

EDIT: This deal will drive Blockbuster even further into the ground.
[quote name='Scorch']That, or they might charge you stocking fees.. something around $100 a movie.. it's insane.

EDIT: This deal will drive Blockbuster even further into the ground.[/quote]

Probably more than $100. Remember they are also buying the rights to rent the movie too.
Apparently blockbuster tried this in test markets and found that they make up in new customer traffic what they lose in late fees. And they did make a TON of money on late fees from what I read.

I'm a bit ambivalent about this myself. Imo, this means they'll have less stock available for rent, at least in the short term before they maybe increase stock, since all the titles stay out longer.

Plus it doesn't make up for the fact that the number of titles available in the blockbusters i've been to is relatively low compared to online rental places.
In the previous thread, someone also brought up the fact that there could be a shortage of "good" games to rent since other members are taking FULL advantage of their 30 days.

I wonder if BB will increase their number of copies per game.
if you bring in the game/movie late, then you have to pay a "stocking" fee.

stocking fee = late fee

it just sounds like they lowered the alotted time before they charged you for what the game/movie is worth.
aight i work at blockbuster and we had a store metting to discuss this, and to be quite honest they really don't have anything to lose on this, the game rentals suck at my store only the top titles rent, and we have no rare games for rent anyway, it's not like you're going to come in my store and rent castle of shikigami 2, or growlanser might help them in the long run plus it will help quote unquote retail sales, so let have at it. when people start having to pay the full price for games then maybe they will think again...also the 100 dollar movie thing only applies to vhs not dvd just for the record..lates
Now here is the absolutely crazy part. You have 30 days from the time they charge your card to decide if you really want to keep the game! If before the 30 days you decide you don't want it you can bring it back for a full refund minus a $1.25 restocking charge! WTF? Crazy.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you only get store credit, not a refund?
Maybe I'm missing something, but how is paying full price for a Blockbuster rental a deal? And to think, people bitch about EB selling games they've removed the shrinkwrap from. :roll:
This has been posted and it really sucks. You are going to see A LOT of pissed of people at Blockbuster when they go to rent another movie and they tell them they owe $120 for two videogames that they returned after the 2 weeks.

What happens to the movies that you return a week and 1 day late? They charge me for them and then I don't have the game either?

Sounds like a flawed program to me. But then again I've seen them remove $30 in late fees from customers before... and I just sit there thinking why would you do that?
[quote name='argyle']Maybe I'm missing something, but how is paying full price for a Blockbuster rental a deal? And to think, people bitch about EB selling games they've removed the shrinkwrap from. :roll:[/quote]

You realize that the whole reason many people buy new games is so they are the first people to touch the game, right?
This "deal" sucks. As a cheapass, paying $5 for a game that I can only use for a limited time is a waste of money especially when in 6 months it will be $20 or less brand new and I can keep it forever...
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