What Games Are You Leaving Out In The Cold This Holiday?


CAG Veteran
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous holiday seasons ever as far as gaming is concerned.

My list thus far consists of:

Deep Space (wait for price drop)
Gears 2 (day of release purchase)
Far Cry 2 (wait for price drop)
Prince of Persia (wait for reviews)
Fallout 3 (tossup - possible friend swap)
Mirror's Edge (day of release purchase)
Fable 2 (friend swap)
Left 4 Dead (wait for reviews)
CoD 4.5 (I've played the beta, NOT impressed, waiting for reviews)

And I'm sure I'm missing some. :drool: Thank god I don't have a PS3 (LBP, Resistence2).

Considering the forum of the site we're in, which games are you getting, and which are you passing on?
You mean what games we want but not gonna get before Christmas right? If so, I think I'll wait for Dead Space, Resistance 2, Saints Row 2, Far Cry 2, and CoD5. I have Fable 2 and Fallout 3, and I'll probably get Left 4 Dead, Gears 2, and Prince of Persia.
Yeah, that's what I meant... Fallout3 and Fable2 eh? That's a ton of hours, dunno if I could handle both at the same time. :)

I forgot about Saints Row 2... that's another wait till the price drops. Then RE5 comes out early next year...

I don't understand why publishers spread out some of their A+ games throughout the year. To backend load them like this is just asking for trouble, since not everyone can spend $60 on 10 AAA titles. It's too bad games like Fallout 3 didn't come out late spring/early summer, when the release schedule is really lackluster...
fallout 3 doesnt need to come out at a slow time. that game is golden no matter what its released against.
Prince of Persia - price drop
Mirrors Edge - not interested
COD 5 - might just have to miss this altogether
Fable 2 - will borrow from cousin
LBP - price drop
Saints Row 2 - not interested
Far Cry 2 - price drop
Valkyria Chronicles - price drop
Last Remnant - awaiting reviews
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I have Fallout 3, SR2 and Dead Space. Gears 2 and Left 4 Dead I'll probably wait to drop, unless the friend I regularly co-op with picks either up.

Prince of Persia, Mirrors Edge, Far Cry 2 and COD 5 I'll deffo be waiting to drop.

Floods makes a good point, unless you MUST have something day 1, you might as well wait for the drops you know will be coming.
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Gears2 is a definite Day 1 IMO, not matter what. Plus a lot of places are offering incentives... so it's not like you're buying full price.

Besides, to wait 6 months for Gears2 is asking to get your ass kicked in MP for months afterwards while you're catching up learning the maps and techniques. ;)
Most likely waiting on everything for price drops, unless I get them as gifts. Games like Dead Space, GoW2, Far Cry 2, etc, those can be GameFly'd and returned. No need to spend $60
[quote name='apollo610']Besides, to wait 6 months for Gears2 is asking to get your ass kicked in MP for months afterwards while you're catching up learning the maps and techniques. ;)[/quote]

If you think you'll be playing the multiplayer a lot then you're right, it's worth jumping in early.

I'm not really interested in the multiplayer in many games, especially not somthing like Gears. It's a good co-op game to me, I didn't even like the single-player experience in the first one particularly.
I'm passing up on almost all of them, I'm opting for rentals instead.
I may just get Left 4 Dead and Mirror's Edge on release date. I bought Dead Space used @ GS, but decided to return it since it would likely drop before I had time to get to it.
I already have Dead Space and I think I'll be getting Gears 2 for sure. After that it's a big maybe to Banjo, Prince of Persia, Fallout 3 and GHWT.
None. I am rich. Well I am getting pretty much all the games I want to play Day1. I might miss out on SR2 and Resistance though, but I am fine with that.
[quote name='FloodsAreUponUS']Everything.

Its stupid to buy day 1.
Everything can be had for 1/2 the price in about 6 months, if you know where to look.[/quote]

For games that I really want, I'd rather pay 2/3 MSRP now than 1/2 retail 6 months down the line.

I went a little crazy this year (I probably do every year).

I got LBP, Fallout 3 CE, Fable 2, Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero: World Tour (may still sell or trade it instead of opening it), and I picked up several older titles as well. I have Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts pre-ordered (at full price, but with trade credit), but I haven't played the demo yet, so I may still back out. I also got 2 copies of Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (one for me, one for my wife).

I am passing on (from lists that were posted here, plus a few more):

I want these games, but probably not at launch:
Prince of Persia (wait for reviews/demo, might swap for it)
Tomb Raider Underworld (I look forward to trying the demo, but it would have to blow me away for me to get it at launch. Might swap for it)
Mirror's Edge (played part of the demo this morning. I'll finish the demo before my final decision, but it seems like something I'd wait to drop)
Saints Row 2 (Wait for big price drop. I've barely touched SR1, and it doesn't look like I will anytime soon. It would probably have to drop below $20 for me to really consider it)
Blitz II (I'd get it for $15 or less. Shouldn't be long (Although, by the time it reaches $15, I might only be willing to pay $10))
Motor Storm Pacific Rift (Definitely not on my radar for full price, but for $20 or less (this one may take a while) it might be fun)

First person shooters aren't really my thing. I may pick some of these up after big price drops:
Gears 2 (I am likely to get this at some point in the future)
Far Cry 2 (I am not likely to get this, unless it is a ridiculous deal)
Left 4 Dead (undecided)
CoD 4.5 (undecided)
Resistance 2 (undecided)

Not on my radar (I am aware of the games, but they hold little interest for me):
Deep Space
Valkyria Chronicles
Last Remnant
Tom Clancy's EndWar
Madden NFL 09
Star Wars The Force Unleashed (okay, that is a little older, but still potential holiday fodder for some)
WWE: Smackdown vs. Raw 2009
Animal Crossing City Folk (still has a chance to get on my radar)
Wii Music (I liked the concept, but details and reviews have turned me off of it. It'd have to be really cheap)
Wario Land: Shake It
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[quote name='FloodsAreUponUS']Everything.

Its stupid to buy day 1.
Everything can be had for 1/2 the price in about 6 months, if you know where to look.[/QUOTE]

I'm thinking the same. The only game I already have on the way is Left 4 Dead, mainly because Amazon had it for $37 :pc:. All the rest of the holiday games I will pick up when they are cheaper. I have too many games to play already to worry about having the holiday games day 1.
Gears 2 --- buying release day
COD WaW --- buying after i beat Gears 2... or on release day
007 Quantom--- buying after x-mas hoping for a drop
For games that haven't come out yet, here's what I'm planning to get the following sometime next year:
- Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
- Chrono Trigger (holding out for a price drop)

Curious about, but will probably not look into for awhile:
- Mirror's Edge
- The Last Remnant
- Gears 2 (for the sole reason that I haven't yet played the first Gears)
- Persona 4 (Persona 3's in my backlog)

The only upcoming games I'm committed on getting for the rest of the year are Animal Crossing: City Folk and Rune Factory 2.
The only new game that I'm certain I will be playing before the end of the year is Persona 4. Otherwise, Fallout 3, Dead Space and a few other recently released games have piqued my interest, but I'm in no rush.
Hmm what to say here? So many good games and so little money and time.

For sure I need to get these:
-Fallout 3 (got it yesterday with 2 trade ins)
-Wrath on the Lich King (Hastings Credit)

In the works:
-Saints Row 2, Cheapy gave it a good review on the CAGcast, and although I never played the first one I am intrigued. (could do trade in Bourne Conspiracy and Battlefield BC to get this one)

In the freezer for now:
-Resistance 2 I'm on the fence I never beat the first one, so its a toss up.
-Dead Space=renter most likely.

Frozen until its $20
-Little Big Planet will be left in the cold, after playing the Beta its just not my type of game.
-Prince of Persia, I don't really know anything about it, so as of now its in the freezer.
For Sure:
Gears 2
Reistance 2
Smackdown VS Raw 2009
Mirrors Edge *really want it after the demo*
Dead Space

Mortal Kombat VS DC
Little Big Planet

Games I wouldn't want If I got them for free:

Saints Row 2 *didn't like the first one*
Fable 2 *don't like that style of games*
Far Cry 2 *didn't think it was that great*
:pc: WoW: Wrath of the Lich King - Day 1. Blasted WoW...
:360: GoW 2 Day 1. Want that RC tank from BB :bouncy:
:ps3: Resistance 2 - Day 1. Liked original, want the LE & PS3 needs a little more love.
:ps2: Persona 4 - Day 1.
:ds: Luminous Arc 2 - Day 1.

:360: Prince of Persia - Probably Goozex/borrow from a buddy
:360: Left 4 Dead - Goozex
:ds: Chrono Trigger - Goozex.

:360: Tomb Raider Underworld - Wait for price drop
:360: Mirror's Edge - Undecided. Need to try demo.
:360: CoD 4.5 - Pass. Still need to play 3 & 4 :headache:
:360: Last Remnant - Pass. Wait for major price drop/borrow from buddy.
:360: Tom Clancy's EndWar - Pass no interest
:ps3: Valkyria Chronicles - Pass. Wait for major price drop/borrow from buddy.
:wii:Animal Crossing City Folk - Pass. Wait for price drop/sale.
I gotta have it:
Gears of War 2
A J.O.B.!!!!

Will consider buying if super cheap:

Saints Row2
MotoGP '08
Far Cry 2
Fallout 3
Mirror's Edge
TC's EndWar

Not interested:
Dead Space
Fable 2
Left 4 Dead
Prince of Persia
Sonic Unleashed (SEGA killed the blue guy a long time ago and is no longer a part of my generation)
TC's H.A.W.X.
Already purchased
Fallout 3 - traded two games and got for $20 at GS
Little Big Planet - pre-ordered with credit back over the summer

Definite 2008 purchase
Valkyria Chronicles - $45 at CC next week too good to pass up
Waiting for price drop or deal
Dead Space
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
bread's done