Why do YOU love raisin bran?


5 (100%)
Raisin Bran is the best breakfast cereal ever, and this is common knowledge. I love my bran to be soggy and I love my raisins to be plentyful. How do you like the best cereal ever?
I tried it once in elementary school because this girl I liked asked me to try it. I thought it was :puke:

Cocoa Puffs and Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter Crunch are the best cereals ever.
[quote name='CommanderKeen93'] two scoops of wonderful![/quote]
Ooooooooo yea!

Cocoa puffs and captain crunch are good, but over here, raisin bran is dirt cheap. Those other two are not.
[quote name='Lizard Axe']Also, Post Raisin Bran is better than Kellogg's.[/quote]

Hmm, learning a couple things from here. To walbaums I will go! Next week, that is.
[quote name='crystalklear64']It would be good without the bran. Just make a cereal called "Raisin."
Mmmmm, raisins covered in milk, a fantastic start to anyone's day.[/QUOTE]


Raisin bran crunch and a cup of coffee in the morning ensures you will be going to the bathroom in under 10 minutes.
When you get to be as old as guys like me and Shrike, you start to appreciate the bran more than the raisins.
"Then you have to write in 10 words what cornflakes means to you, so I wrote...

Cornflakes... cornflakes... cornflakes, cornflakes, cornflakes
cornflakes, CORNflakes... CORNFLAKES... CORNFLAKES!!!"

"It'll never win, besides it's only 9 words"

"Ah! Coorrrrnnnflaaakes!"
Best stuff ever, even makes a good snack at night, I've got my box of post (really is the best) next to me
I love it all, Raisin Bran is an awesome cereal, good taste and good fiber content. Now if you want fiber then you can't miss Uncle Sam Cereal, I mean if you don't have to use the restroom within 10 minutes of eating it you got a problem.
[quote name='porieux']It would be good without the raisins. Raisins gross me out.[/QUOTE]

Isn't that what Total is?
[quote name='eldergamer']Raisin bran crunch and a cup of coffee in the morning ensures you will be going to the bathroom in under 10 minutes.[/QUOTE]

Nah, coffee alone does that for me.

But at least I'm wide awake on the John!
I eat Raisin Bran every morning. I'm on Weight Watchers and a bowl w/ light soy milk is only 4 points. Plus the Fiber helps me feel full. I don't like all the super sugary cereals anymore. We need to start the Cheap Ass Gamer Raisin Bran Fan Club (CAGRBFC).
I get a little tired of the raisens by the end, I'd take a scoop and a half in my box preferably. I eat it all year, but I have to grab a box of Count Chocula near Halloween.

I gotta try me some crunch.
I voted for the raisins, but I actually think the best part is the sugar packed into the wrinkles of the raisin.

BTW, I agree... it's much better soggy.
[quote name='TurkeyOnRye']I agree... it's much better soggy.[/quote]

You, sir, are a wise man.

Well, its time for me to go eat some raisin bran!
Raisin Bran Crunch > Raisin Bran

I have to eat it quickly, because I don't like the sogginess. I never need help pooping, so a bowl of this cereal sends me running.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Raisin Bran sucks, as does everybody that likes it.[/quote]

raisin bran is a part of a healthy and well balanced breakfast that prevents obesity and diabetes. are you a sore loser?
bread's done