Why is she ignoring me?


Mine as well give it a shot...

Ya so I am a junior in HS. There is a girl that I really like she is a freshman. We are both really shy, but we talk quite a bit online. When we see eachother in school in the hallways and such it is dead silense. Does this mean, that she doesn't like me or she does and she is just sort of ignoring me. I wonder if she thinks the same, cuz when I think about it im sorta doing the same thing. What do you think? Thanks-
[quote name='BasketCase1080']I sure hope this thread was a joke... if not, Im so very sorry.[/quote]

Someone always has to post this type of post in this thread.

LoL - basketcase, lord of all coolkids.

C'mon at least be original - like the emo post :lol:
"hmmmm...waah...we're both shy, and she doesn't say anything, what could I possibly do?.....wahh!" How about you finally remove the shrink rap from your testicles and use them. SAY SOMETHING TO HER!!! CHRIST!
The fact that you turn to people online for girl advice may be something to think about too.

I say stalk her though, it seems like the only way for you.
Maybe she doesn't like you because you're a junior in HS and can't spell "silence".
Seriously though, I think you are over thinking it and should just ask her to do something this weekend. If she says yes, it doesn't mean that she has a crush on you, but atleast you will know she doesn't hate you. Judge if she has a crush on you by how the "date" goes.
[quote name='TheTrueSephiroth']"hmmmm...waah...we're both shy, and she doesn't say anything, what could I possibly do?.....wahh!" How about you finally remove the shrink rap from your testicles and use them. SAY SOMETHING TO HER!!! CHRIST![/quote]

Seriously. If you talk online, it should be even easier to talk offline. :roll:
Regardless of what the mindless advertisers will tell you, girls actually hate Axe/Tag/Whatever body spray.

You're smellin the hall up.
She feels more comfortable talking to you online because she is shy in real life (much in the way all computer dorks are pimps in chat rooms), so when your in a good conversation online, ask her out (casually though, do not ask her out of the blue to a 4 star resturant), but a place kids your age go to and hang out in town (fyi not too cheezy though, as your cool points will turn into koodies, is that a term you understand koodies, j/k) that way you can build an inperson bond, if not two tears in a bucket.
[quote name='blackjaw']Regardless of what the mindless advertisers will tell you, girls actually hate Axe/Tag/Whatever body spray.

You're smellin the hall up.[/QUOTE]

This is so true. They smell like crap.
[quote name='crazytalkx']Because you touch yourself at night!

Old yes, still funny? Well to me at least
Your too late, we've moved on to serious comments.
[quote name='blackjaw']Regardless of what the mindless advertisers will tell you, girls actually hate Axe/Tag/Whatever body spray.

You're smellin the hall up.[/quote]

Truth. The best way to attract a woman by scent is to stop bathing and urinate on her locker.
[quote name='blackjaw']Regardless of what the mindless advertisers will tell you, girls actually hate Axe/Tag/Whatever body spray.

You're smellin the hall up.[/QUOTE]

I kind of appreciate the stuff...if my roomate didn't use it in place of showering, the room would always wreak of last night's beer and urine (he's the "get drunk and pee on stuff and steal pieces of public property" type)
[quote name='LiquidNight']Juniors shouldnt even acknowledge the existense of freshmen...[/QUOTE]

Word up.

Juniors go with juniors and seniors.
[quote name='2poor']Word up.

Juniors go with juniors and seniors.[/QUOTE]

Aw man, I'm a senior and I'm taking a sophomore to prom :cry:
[quote name='2poor']Word up.

Juniors go with juniors and seniors.[/QUOTE]

Not where I went. Freshmen/sophomores were the easiest (and cleanest) meat.
Just go aim her online and suggest meeting up outside of school and I'm sure you'll know soon enough. Just be clear that it's not a date and it's not school related, but rather one of those we're both bored so let's go do something arrangements.
[quote name='crazytalkx']Aw man, I'm a senior and I'm taking a sophomore to prom :cry:[/quote]

Haha, I've always been after girls a year younger than I am. +1 or -1 one year, is my rule. :D
[quote name='Tiphireth']Haha, I've always been after girls a year younger than I am. +1 or -1 one year, is my rule. :D[/quote]

Young enough not to know what a big baby you are or old enough to change your diapers?;)
[quote name='MrFriday18']Mine as well give it a shot...

Ya so I am a junior in HS. There is a girl that I really like she is a freshman. We are both really shy, but we talk quite a bit online. When we see eachother in school in the hallways and such it is dead silense. Does this mean, that she doesn't like me or she does and she is just sort of ignoring me. I wonder if she thinks the same, cuz when I think about it im sorta doing the same thing. What do you think? Thanks-[/QUOTE]

im a hs junior too. i think that she is shy, you are shy, and you both freeze up when you see each other.

[quote name='freestyledust77']She feels more comfortable talking to you online because she is shy in real life (much in the way all computer dorks are pimps in chat rooms), so when your in a good conversation online, ask her out (casually though, do not ask her out of the blue to a 4 star resturant), but a place kids your age go to and hang out in town (fyi not too cheezy though, as your cool points will turn into koodies, is that a term you understand koodies, j/k) that way you can build an inperson bond, if not two tears in a bucket.[/QUOTE]

op, i wouldnt recommend "asking her out" online. since you dont talk in person yet, there's a possibility for some awkwardness during a first date.

the ONLY thing you need to do is to say hey to her in the hallways, then force the substance of your online conversations to find a place in the conversations in between classes in the halls (spooky, i know). if she seems uninterested by now, then id say she doesnt like you. but the fact that you claim you two talk "quite a bit" online makes me think otherwise.

oh yeah, nothing wrong with talking to a freshman, either.
[quote name='zionoverfire']Young enough not to know what a big baby you are or old enough to change your diapers?;)[/quote]

Either or. :D
She's probably just too shy. Some people are bolder (or, simply just bold) when they don't have a face connecting to their words.

Look at Xbox Live.
try to hold a casual conversation with her, like how is the weather today, but throw something into the talk, because your a horny young male and you undoubtably talk to her about sex because thats all thats on the mind, and if it isn't then it should be! Anyway, just throw a- So what are you doing after school at her and take it from there, or you can be adventrous and throw a--- So you wanna do me after school if your not doing anything-- her way, if you get a slap, then you know to turn and run, if you get a giggle, then it speaks for itself
[quote name='Moxio']Not where I went. Freshmen/sophomores were the easiest (and cleanest) meat.[/QUOTE]My name is Subby and I approve this message. :cool: :lol: :applause: :applause: :applause:
[quote name='Dead of Knight']She's just not that into you.[/QUOTE]

Sex and the Dead of Knight? :lol:

A) She isn't really in to you and talking to you online is fine because she thinks nothing of it. I talked to tons of chicks online when I was in high school and none of them wanted to sleep with me, they just wanted to talk.


B) She does like you but doesn't know how to approach you at school. And since you aren't talking to her she assumes you aren't that in to her.

In reality, I think you know the answer. Maybe you just want a CAG'er to agree with you and make you feel better? Because none of us actually know how high school girls think. Otherwise, we wouldn't be gamers. Who wants to play Zelda when you could be licking a high school girl?
[quote name='blackjaw']Regardless of what the mindless advertisers will tell you, girls actually hate Axe/Tag/Whatever body spray.

You're smellin the hall up.[/QUOTE]

Actually I quite enjoy it, just don't overdo it.

As for actual tips... just say stuff. When you see her, pretend you're not even into her in that way, pretend she's some girl that you don't really like, but think is cool. If that makes sense. The more comfortable you are with her, the more she will be with you.

So essentially... feign coolness.

Though truthfully you should avoid shy girls alltogether, they do nothing but make shy guys more shy. It's true, you have to find a girl who will take your shy, neurotic ass and whip it into shape. Like me. Except not me, I don't go out with high schoolers. *shudder*
One thing: shy girls don't put out. When they do, you usually have to keep them from crying afterwards. Depending on your interests here, you may just want to walk on by.

Alternately, my answer is:

Why don't you hop on AIM and ask her, yeh fuckin ninny.
[quote name='mykevermin']One thing: shy girls don't put out. When they do, you usually have to keep them from crying afterwards. Depending on your interests here, you may just want to walk on by.

Alternately, my answer is:

Why don't you hop on AIM and ask her, yeh fuckin ninny.[/quote]

She's probably not into you, like Dead of Knight says.
When starting a conversation, try some of these lines:

"How bad did it hurt when you fell down from Heaven?"

"Is your father an astronaut? How else can you explain those beautiful stars in your eyes?"

"If I told you that you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?"

"What's your sign?"

"If I try on your glasses, can I see you home?" (NOTE: Only use if she wears glasses, otherwise you'll just sound like an a$$)
I don't think she's not interested. Both of you just have nothing much to say to one another. Why won't you talk to her about something interesting that both of you can relate to? Something about school? Her friends? Just make sure when you say something, make it seem interesting.
bread's done