Win a copy of Batman: Arkham City for PS3


40 (100%)
(Post #125 is the most current).

We usually run two week contests, but well I never updated the OP last week because of comic con. So maybe a week-ish left on the current contest.

"I was wondering what I should give away this time around, the most popular item we give away is Microsoft Points but I like doing random prizes. So this time around I'm going to let you choose, a 1600 MP card or something from the World Famous San Diego Comic Con. Check below for the question. Lets get kind of crazy on this one, lets see what kind of interesting stories I get from the great people that enter these contests, here we go. You are at a bar, it's late, you pay your tab and you're heading out the door when you bump in to someone. This guy and his buddies aren't having it, things start getting out of hand and you know a fight is coming. This guy has 10 of his friends with him, you have 3 of your buddies with you. Who would you want covering you back in this brawl? It can be comics, it can be video games, it can be movies, I don't care lets just make it good. No weapons, just a good old fashioned bar room brawl. Make sure you leave your comment on here and not on Twitter. Have fun with it guys, make sure you follow us on Twitter @slycomics, and we will see what we get, I'm sure it will be good. "

Remember to enter on the site not in this thread, and follow us on Twitter for more good times!

Previous Giveaways
Batman: Arkham City for PS3
Family Guy Action Figures
Dr Doom Bust
Zombieland on Blu-ray
ICO/Shadow of the Colossus for PS3
Brink for PS3
Futurama Tineez Bender & Kid Robot Leela
Walking Dead #87 San Diego Comic-Con 2011 Exclusive signed cover
Simpsons Bust-Up's Series 2
Batman Figure from the 2004 San Diego Comic Con
Mini Pulp Fiction Figures
She-Ra Master of the Universe from the 2004 San Diego Comic Con
1600pt Live Cards (Multiple Times)
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This giveaway is a figure, next giveaway is going to be either comics or a video game. Keep coming back to find out more.
Cant post links on here yet because I'm new but if you guys follow us on twitter you will get regular updates on our giveaways. We are slycomics, one word on twitter.
[quote name='Swatrob']Cant post links on here yet because I'm new but if you guys follow us on twitter you will get regular updates on our giveaways. We are slycomics, one word on twitter.[/QUOTE]
I'm following you now. My twitter name is @emogothtard.
Just put up what next weeks give away is going to be, let us know what you guys think on the site. We want to make sure we are giving away stuff people want.
Hey guys I just wanted to let you know what our plan is. If we can get up to 50 entries for one contest we are goign to start giving something away once a week. If we get 50 in one week I will start giving away two prizes, so let all your friends know and have them enter.
Zoobo if you like this give away follow us on facebook and twitter. Also let us know what you would like us to give away in the future.
I'm thinking of giving people multiple entries if they like us on facebook and follow us on twitter, what do you guys think?
[quote name='Swatrob']I'm thinking of giving people multiple entries if they like us on facebook and follow us on twitter, what do you guys think?[/QUOTE]

Sounds Great!
[quote name='Swatrob']I'm thinking of giving people multiple entries if they like us on facebook and follow us on twitter, what do you guys think?[/QUOTE]

NO! No double dipping!

Just kidding. Sounds good! I'll be following on Twitter.
Only five days left to enter the current give away. Please enter and tell your friends to enter. The more entries the more we will give away.
I just put the winner up, thanks to everyone who entered. Don't forget that the more people that enter the more we will give away so tell your friends.
[quote name='Swatrob']I just put the winner up, thanks to everyone who entered. Don't forget that the more people that enter the more we will give away so tell your friends.[/QUOTE]

Where at? I've looked, maybe I'm just not awake enough yet.... :error: Need more coffee...
What do you guys think of the stuff we have put up so far? We are always willing to listen to the people that visit the site.
[quote name='Swatrob']What do you guys think of the stuff we have put up so far? We are always willing to listen to the people that visit the site.[/QUOTE]

I think what you're doing is great!
Entered. More shelf clutter is always good. I wanted to post a picture of all of my stuff to go with my entry... but I thought that would be overkill.
Thanks for entering guys, keep coming back every week, like us on facebook and twitter, and tell your friends. The more entries we get the more stuff we will give away in the future.
Bump for new contest starting, thanks for Shatzi for their winning entry for the She-Ra figure. Good luck to everyone for the Simpsons figures.
bread's done