Worst DS games you own?

Mr. Roper

I own 15 DS games and the worst games I own are new super Mario bros, yoshis island 2, metroid prime pinball, lost in blue, and without a doubt the biggest turd is metroid prime Hunters. New super mario bros and yoshi's island are not even close to being as good as the classics and they are not that much fun. Lost in Blue is to much about survival making it not fun. I don't like a lot of the mini games in MP pinball . And Prime Hunters is just terrible, a 2d metroid would have been 1000 times better. Lunar Nights was also dissappointing.
I wish I would have got mario basketball, star fox, rocket slime, phoniex wright 2 and 3, and chocobo tales over these lame games. Anyone want to trade?
^^ StarFox is definitely great, get it :D

As for disappointments in my DS collection, I would say, Resident Evil DS and Metroid Prime Hunters definitely stand out.
Probably Contact or Children of Mana. I see why someone could like Contact, but when I have to constantly run against walls to make sure theres no passage that is invisible to the eye it gets annoying.
why so much hate on hunters? it was a good game.

I own about 30 ds games and I don't think one of the are duds, I play all of them frequently, as I always have my ds on campus and whatnot to hold me over on long breaks between classes and 20 minute bus rides.
Cooking Mama (minigames are bad and uniteresting), Electroplankton (bought experimented with it twice and never looked back), Yoshi's Island 2 (absolutely nowhere near the calibur of the SNES original) , and Polarium (I just don't get how these puzzles are fun).
Blehhh, StarFox is trash. Flying an Arwing with a pen is one of the most gimmicky ideas Nintendo has ever shat out. BLEHHH.
[quote name='SL4IN']why so much hate on hunters? it was a good game.

I own about 30 ds games and I don't think one of the are duds, I play all of them frequently, as I always have my ds on campus and whatnot to hold me over on long breaks between classes and 20 minute bus rides.[/quote]

It wasn't really a bad game. Just my least favorite. The singleplayer was so repetitive, and really not that fun for me. Online is full of hackers. The music was blah. All that adds up to a "meh" experience for me.
I love Metroid Prime Hunters! Maybe it is just me, but I love the controls. My friend on the other hand hates them.

On the worst DS game I own, I think Trace Memory stands out.
Damn, OP, your list of worst games includes a few of my favorites (MP Pinball, New SMB, Yoshi's Island 2).

Worst games, though...

Tomb Raider Legend did a decent job imitating the console game in appearance (all the FMVs are in tact, too!) but the gameplay is just boring, and sometimes it's painfully unclear what you're supposed to do. Glad it was on clearance.
[quote name='4tygames']I love Metroid Prime Hunters! Maybe it is just me, but I love the controls. My friend on the other hand hates them.

On the worst DS game I own, I think Trace Memory stands out.[/quote]

Ugh, the controls = cramp city. It was uncomfortable to me, at least.
I throw out another vote for Contact. I had such high hopes until I played it and realized it sunk my battleship :( (the graphics are at least entertaining for a little while)
Do we count games that we *have* owned, but no longer do? If so, then my least favorite would have to be Polarium. It wasn't that bad, mind you, just nothing great and the least fun of the games that I own or have owned. For the most part I've liked all my DS games.
I think the reason people hate on contact because they didn't understand it. Contact isn't really a "game" it plays completely different from any other handheld game I've ever played. It's one of my favorites and another great game from Suda51.
Contact's not my favorite DS game, but it's nowhere near the worst one I own. I found the game enjoyable enough anyway.
I would say the worst DS game I own is Lunar: Dragon Song, which is one of the worst designed RPGs ever(or at least in recent memory).
Wow. A lot of these games listed are some of my favorite games on the system...

From my collection: Gunpey, Madden 2005, or Spiderman 2.

If you include the games that I've bought for my little sister it'd be pokemon dash easily.
Sprung & Ping Pals.

On the fence are Starfox Command (hated flying with the stylus!) and Mega Man ZX - I just couldnt get into that game, no matter what. Oh, Nintendogs was a nice gimmick at first but now I neglect my dog. He should be dead by now.

I have some other titles I have yet to play that CAGs put out:
Lunar Knights, Metroid Prime Hunters & -- Pinball, Yoshi's Island 2, Contact and DQM.

I love New Super Mario Bros though. Kinda reminds me of SMB3 meets Super Mario 64. I can wax nostalgia all I want about SMB1 and how fun it was, it was pioneering at the time and arguably the most important game made, but I can't see myself picking that game up again. It was awesome as a kid and probably pretty good now, but with my limited gaming time, NSMB bridges that gap for me.
B17 flying fortress. It is virtually the same 3-4 missions over and over again.

The air-combat portion is fun but the "bombing runs" and "avoid the flak" are like 8bit crap.

Wasn't even worth the $10 bargain bin price.
[quote name='Caliburn'] Oh, Nintendogs was a nice gimmick at first but now I neglect my dog. He should be dead by now.[/quote]

Was just about to say the same thing. Bought it for my wife, she loved it for a month or so, and then life happened and the dogs slowly went the way of the buffalo
If anyone owns King Kong for DS, it easily takes the cake for worst DS game. The 3D graphics would have looked awkward 15 years ago, let alone today. It's actually laughably bad and unplayable. Look up some videos.
I forgot about Gunpey! So the new worst game from my past is definitely Gunpey, usurping Polarium from that dubious title. Polarium at least had logic to it. Gunpey is just busy work. I didn't mind the look of it (which some harp on), but the game itself is a dreadful bore.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Then I'll assume you have really good DS games.[/quote]
Yoshi's Island DS
Age of Empires 2
New Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Kart DS
Phoenix Wright 1 and 2
Big Brain Academy
Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow
Advance Wars DS
Children of Mana
The worst DS game I have that I've played is probably Star Wars Episode III. And it's not horrible. Goldeneye Rogue Agent was even semi-fun, but I sold that when I beat it.

I also have the MechAssault game which might be bad, but I haven't opened it yet.

I like Polarium (I paid $9 @ CC clearance). The timed/attack mode is bogus, but the puzzles are nice.

I liked Metroid Prime Hunters a lot. The boss battles do get a bit repetitive, though. And I don't like the fact that you have no clue which planet to go to next (unless you were taking notes on door colors). But it has great graphics, a fun single-player game, and good multiplayer. I would say it's worth the $20 I paid.
Since I've sold most of what would be considered bad, I'll say the worst of what I have left (which I still consider good, since I've kept it) is between Tetris, Clubhouse Games, and Contact.
i only own about 6 games, and the worst is DRAWN TO LIFE. Not a bad game at all, a little Gimmicky, but worse than the other 5 i have...

the other 5:
New Super Mario Brothers (Why does everyone hate this game? its easier and shorter than most Marios, but its still a great game)
LOZ: Phantom Hourglass
Puzzle Quest
LOZ: Minish Cap (guess i have 5 DS and one GBA. sorry)
DQH: Rocket Slime (this game is really fun, surprise hit of the year for me)
Reading this thread and, consequently, looking at my DS collection, made me realize just how many DS games I have that I haven't tried yet... doh!!

Worst that I have that I've tried, probably the Chronicles of Narnia game. Got it for Christmas a few years ago... wanted it because it looked sort of Diablo-esque... played it for about 5 minutes, and I was done. Now I'm having the urge to go back to it, to see if it is as bad as I remember...

Oh wait... I forgot about World Championship Poker. $6 at CC, and I sitll may have paid too much. I took it on a flight to Vegas, but the AI were just too irritating for me to tolerate for long...
[quote name='jer7583']If anyone owns King Kong for DS, it easily takes the cake for worst DS game. The 3D graphics would have looked awkward 15 years ago, let alone today. It's actually laughably bad and unplayable. Look up some videos.[/quote]
I have to agree with that. My cousin got it for Christmas a few years ago and he let me try and play it. I could not take more than 2 minutes of it. Everything is dark and foggy and the enemies move awkwardly. It was not a fun game at all. Even my cousin who I think was 10 at the time also knew that is was a really bad game. I kind of felt sorry for him :cry:
Marvel Trading Card Game.

I knew it wasn't too highly reviewed, but the ads CALLED TO ME from the pages of my comic books. I assumed that I could figure it out, and that it would have some fun artwork and animation.

No, not really.
I haven't won a match yet, and it's pretty slow and frustrating to play. I tried to get an online match the other night, and never found an opponent. I'm sure there aren't too many people playing it online. Oh well... it was part of a B2G1 used deal at GS, so it was fairly cheap.

Anyone else even have this game?
I haven't bought any real stinkers, but I was completely underwhelmed by SimCity DS. Why I haven't sold that game yet, I have no idea.

MegaMan ZX really irritated me, but that's probably just because I stink at it. I'll try again someday.
The worst game that I currently own (after pruning my collection down from more than 50 to now about 25) is Orcs and Elves.

The worst game I ever owned, however, was Spyro Shadow Legacy.
I only got 6 games currently but the worst has to be Brain Age 2. The Sudoku part is a keeper (and the stylus set) but the rest doesn't really have a lasting appeal.

The other five are...
Phantom Hourglass
Race Driver: Create & Race
Front Mission
Club House Games
bread's done