Xbox 360 used or new? (arcade or elite)


I was wondering if it would be better to hit up eBay for a used 360 or just spend the extra hundred and get either an arcade or elite. If it would be wiser to buy new, should I hit up target with my discount, or go to tru and pick up either console there? I know they have a 25$ gc for arc and free cont for elite. Any help and input would be appreciated.
Spend the extra hundred and buy an elite. I wouldn't buy an used Xbox 360 because of the red ring of death that plagues the system.
[quote name='Alex2290']Don't buy used.. no telling what you are getting then.[/QUOTE]
Yep, that's what I did and I got RRoD 2x, if you buy used most liklely the warranty won't be there anymore either. Had to fix it both times myself, it's not really that hard though. But if you don't want to deal with the trouble, invest in a new unit, and make sure it's a Jasper unit.
Thats what I figured. My original pro rrod'd twice. Gave it to little bro after repair. Guess I'll do some looking around. Thanks for the input. :)
I would avoid getting a used XB360.

Some stores like Toysrus, Gamestop, Best Buy are giving a $25 gift card with purchase on an Arcade unit this week.
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