Xbox=Cube=about 20 million sold - So why is one = failure?

The number of Cubes sold is virtually equal to number of Xboxes sold. About 20 million. So why does the gaming media label Xbox = "success" and Cube = "flop"?

I call it bias.

In terms of units sold - I consider both to be equally good.
[quote name='Quackzilla']Wow, I thought it was a LOT higher than 20 million.

Are you sure that isn't just Europe?[/QUOTE]I thought so, too. I seem to remember reading numbers that put XBox clearly in front of Gamecube in total sales. I'm not trying to argue with you, OP, I just thought the numbers bore out the perception.

Even if the numbers are even, the perception could come from the fact that Microsoft was the newest player in the console wars, and Nintendo was the established (and formerly dominant) name in the industry. It's tough to compete with established players in the videogame market because so many gamers maintain brand loyalty, so expectations for the XBox may have been exceeded, while Nintendo slipped further behind Sony in this generation, coming in tied with or behind the newest system. I can see how that would be perceived as a failure of sorts.

For what it's worth, I'm not a fanboy for any system. I own a PS2 and a GC from this gen, and I'm thinking about picking up a 360 when they come out.
[quote name='electrictroy']The number of Cubes sold is virtually equal to number of Xboxes sold. About 20 million. So why does the gaming media label Xbox = "success" and Cube = "flop"?

I call it bias.

In terms of units sold - I consider both to be equally good.[/QUOTE]

Quite simply, because people buy 3rd party titles almost solely for Xbox or PS2. Say what you will about the Xbox numbers, but in North America- when you see the top ten games of the week, the Xbox version is often ahead of the PS2 version (not all the time, but often enough to warrant a "WTF?").

I have never seen any game besides Soul Calibur 2 for gamecube outsell their Xbox and PS2 counterparts (although SC2 had a good reason!).

Don't get me wrong, I have a gamecube and love it, but people mainly buy a system for exclusives, and Nintento has very few besides their first party titles. And there is so much more 3rd party software that is sold.

And the Gamecube gets very few PC ports, no GTA (I hate the game but we cannot deny that it sells), etc. It is a said fact. :whistle2:(
I don't think many people consider the Gamecube a failure, but it is clearly the third place console in the US in regards to userbase, number of available titles, and software sales. It still amazes me that we had three consoles that were all successful at the sametime.
To me it's not the number of Xboxes vs. GCs sold (which is very close as the OP stated). It's the fact that the Xbox has lost Microsoft over 4 billion dollars. Nintendo's profits are may be lower, but they haven't lost 4 billion, that's for sure.

Anything that loses that much money is a failure to me.

The only reason the Xbox is still in the game is that Microsoft has the deepest pockets of any company out there. The 360 is going to be the deciding factor in whether Microsoft is around the next cycle.
I still think in terms of purely games the PS2 wins with the GCN a VERY close second and the Xbox a distant third. If it wasn't for Live, multiplatform games and Halo would there be any reason to own an Xbox?
i'll have to agree, Xbox is best for FPSs and multi-platform games (most of the time), but GC is just so loveable. it's so lame that GC had such a "kiddy" rep that prevented all the casual gamers (most americans) from buying it. that said, i'm a playstation fanboy who enjoys all the consoles. i just like to see PS on top.
For starters, software sales. Nintendo has had a grand total of 2 gamecube games in the top 20 of sales this year. The Xbox has 6 this month alone, including #2 and #4. Secondly, the Xbox has vastly outsold the Gamecube everywhere except Japan, where the Xbox IS considered a failure. Thirdly, at the end of it's life cycle, the Xbox is churning out wonderful game after wonderful game (Far Cry Instincts, Doom 3, Half Life 2, Burnout Revenge, etc. etc.) The Gamecube has release a grand total of 1 game this year worth playing (RE4), which is now also available on the PS2 (with added content, I might add). And for the record, MOST games are multi-platform now (pretty much everything except the niche Japanese games on the PS2, the games no system but the xbox can run, Nintendo exclusives [as if anyone gives a fuck about mario DDR, and if you do, seriously, seek help], and a few others [soul calibur 3, etc.]), so being able to have the best version of EVERY multi platform game (the only 2 for which this is not true that I know of is Spy Hunter and Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2) is a pretty fucking big deal. And, for better or worse, Live is the template for the future of console gaming. Again, a pretty big deal. And halo simply has the single largest one day gross in the history of media. Yeah, nothing big there... And lastly, microsoft is ramping up for the biggest console launch in history. Nintendo has a CD-I controller... I play my xbox on a daily basis. At least 80% of the games I buy are for the xbox. Pretty much the only time I touch the gamecube, or its controller, is to move it out of the way.
Venkman: Nintendo has more than a few exclusives. Look at all the "Only for Nintendo" games that are not first party. There are a lot of those out their.
[quote name='lebowsky']The only reason the Xbox is still in the game is that Microsoft has the deepest pockets of any company out there. The 360 is going to be the deciding factor in whether Microsoft is around the next cycle.[/QUOTE]

Not true. Bill Gates has stated that Microsoft is in gaming for good. Do you people realise how Microsoft operates? The don't dabble, that's for sure.

It doesn't matter how much they lost gaining a foothold for Xbox, because Windows earned it all back tenfold.

I think the perception that Nintendo lost was because they were last in worldwide console sales, which surprised lots of people that thought Microsoft would quit after 6 months.
Could the OP at least post where he got the 20 million figures sold figures from? They might be right, but I have an awfully hard time believing that Gamecube has sold as many units as Xbox. The last time I check Xbox had a substantial lead over Gamecube in both North American and European markets. Even with Gamecube grossly outselling Xbox in Japan, I still think Xbox has sold more units over all.

Regardless, Nintendo systems are now secondary systems. You buy a Nintendo system to sit beside either your Sony system or your Microsoft system.
[quote name='mietha']For starters, software sales. Nintendo has had a grand total of 2 gamecube games in the top 20 of sales this year. The Xbox has 6 this month alone, including #2 and #4. Secondly, the Xbox has vastly outsold the Gamecube everywhere except Japan, where the Xbox IS considered a failure. Thirdly, at the end of it's life cycle, the Xbox is churning out wonderful game after wonderful game (Far Cry Instincts, Doom 3, Half Life 2, Burnout Revenge, etc. etc.) The Gamecube has release a grand total of 1 game this year worth playing (RE4), which is now also available on the PS2 (with added content, I might add). And for the record, MOST games are multi-platform now (pretty much everything except the niche Japanese games on the PS2, the games no system but the xbox can run, Nintendo exclusives [as if anyone gives a fuck about mario DDR, and if you do, seriously, seek help], and a few others [soul calibur 3, etc.]), so being able to have the best version of EVERY multi platform game (the only 2 for which this is not true that I know of is Spy Hunter and Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2) is a pretty fucking big deal. And, for better or worse, Live is the template for the future of console gaming. Again, a pretty big deal. And halo simply has the single largest one day gross in the history of media. Yeah, nothing big there... And lastly, microsoft is ramping up for the biggest console launch in history. Nintendo has a CD-I controller... I play my xbox on a daily basis. At least 80% of the games I buy are for the xbox. Pretty much the only time I touch the gamecube, or its controller, is to move it out of the way.[/QUOTE]

The reason the xbox is the worst of the three IMO is because there are only a handful of exclusive games worth playing for it. Everything else can be played on the PS2 or PC. Live is really the only unique thing setting it apart.
[quote name='javeryh']The reason the xbox is the worst of the three IMO is because there are only a handful of exclusive games worth playing for it. Everything else can be played on the PS2 or PC. Live is really the only unique thing setting it apart.[/QUOTE]

I would beg to differ. There are a lot of good Xbox exclusives out there if you like the types of games Xbox offers. Xbox is the best of the three for my gaming preferences. I enjoy all three consoles though.
It depends on your home market go to Jpan and Microsoft is a joke... In america its in the lead.

There have been dramatic changes in the lead of Nintendo over the past 5 years... They will bounce somewhat this time around I do believe... personally I think Sony is the only one that stands to lose marketshare... Both M and N will gain this time around I believe...
[quote name='shipwreck']I would beg to differ. There are a lot of good Xbox exclusives out there if you like the types of games Xbox offers. Xbox is the best of the three for my gaming preferences. I enjoy all three consoles though.[/QUOTE]

I guess that's true of any system - xbox just doesn't do it for me out of the three. I prefer Nintendo-made games to most any other type. I do like the xbox for multiplatform games and the prettier graphics and other features but I think I would miss it the least if they folded tomorrow.
LOL! because the cube is sold at 100 while box is sold at 150 to 300?

plus, software sells determine success, aside fron nindento titles, the cube doesnt have much....
[quote name='shipwreck']I would beg to differ. There are a lot of good Xbox exclusives out there if you like the types of games Xbox offers. Xbox is the best of the three for my gaming preferences. I enjoy all three consoles though.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree. Xbox exclusive games are so unique to the system that it makes them far more appealing and huge blockbuster hits. Nintendo has suffered a lot this time around. There's only a handful of games that are worth playing and they come out far and in between.
The Cube has sold 18.5 million. That was stated by Iwata this week when he stated if the Revolution will sell less than the Game Cube it will be a failure. Well, get ready for a failure.

Xbox in the U.S. has a definite cool factor. You hear commentators on TV saying the "Xbox Generation" you hear athletes and rappers talking about playing Xbox, not PS2. What difference does it make that this console lost $4 billion? MS makes money hand over fist.

Here's the biggest key. Developers and the gaming press now talk about the "two consoles" in the next generation, not three, two. In many regards Nintendo has been completely written off in the console business. Developers talk about the Unreal Engine, next gen products, making PS3 and 360 versions. Well, the Revolutions specs aren't even out but do you think it would be able to run the Unreal Engine and put up a reasonable amount of competition to the PS3 or 360 version of games? HELL NO.

Regardless of profit made or units sold Nintendo has relegated themselves to permanent third place status and their reputation amongst the general public for consoles is not even close to top of miind when they consider what to buy. The Revolution, while I will get one, is going to tank miserably. Other than 1st party games and maybe 2-3 quality 3rd party games a year the console is going to have a dearth of software worth playing.

Nintendo is going to have >20% of market share next time out and I wouldn't be surprised to see a 35-40% share for the 360 the rest going to Sony. It's fine to argue about how Nintendo really isn't in third place but since the young days of the console 2001-2003 they've put out very little worth buying. Those years saw Mario Sunshine, Star Fox Adventures, Zelda: TWW, F-Zero, Metroid Prime, SSMB:M, Rogue Squadron. What's really been release in the last 18 months that people are going to remember as a classic for the console? Metroid Prime 2 and RE 4 are the only games I can think of.

This is the second generation in a row where Nintendo has placed behind an industry new comer. If nothing else that fact alone demonstrates how far they've fallen.
[quote name='lebowsky']To me it's not the number of Xboxes vs. GCs sold (which is very close as the OP stated). It's the fact that the Xbox has lost Microsoft over 4 billion dollars. Nintendo's profits are may be lower, but they haven't lost 4 billion, that's for sure.

Anything that loses that much money is a failure to me.

The only reason the Xbox is still in the game is that Microsoft has the deepest pockets of any company out there. The 360 is going to be the deciding factor in whether Microsoft is around the next cycle.[/QUOTE]

How about no?

PAD basically hit the nail on the head. Micrsoft can afford to lose $4 billion in one sector of its business, as they more than make up for it everywhere else. Also, they're willing to lose money in order to establish themselves in the console market so they can make money later on.

Nintendo has gone from absolutely dominating the market, to being beaten in two markets by Sega, to being outsold 3:1 by the newcomer Sony, to being outsold 4:1 by Sony and losing to another newcomer. They're basically living on their handheld systems now.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']It still amazes me that we had three consoles that were all successful at the sametime.[/QUOTE]I was thinking the same thing. That really is a milestone that shouldn't be overlooked. This generation had an early casualty in the Dreamcast... but after that the market was able to sustain THREE consoles, which to my knowledge has never occurred before.
if you're a big RPG fan there's no way xbox can be your console of choice. xbox delivers action, but some would still argue PS2 has more and superior action games, such as the Jak and Ratchet series, God of war, and DMC.

i've been playing Baten Kaitos recently on GC, and truthfully it's kinda boring me. i mean, the combat is pretty cool, but the story absolutely sucks, same with the characters. i hope tales of symphonia's better, since Bk ain't cutting it.
None of this matters though because Nintendo isn't going anywhere either and their games are more fun to play. Just because DMX and Ron Artest think the Xbox is "phat" and/or "dope" doesn't make it a better system.
XBOX = Best sports games, racing games, first person shooters, online play
PS2 = Best JRPGs, platformers, action adenture, fighting Games"weird" niche games (Katamari, Mr. Mosquito)
Gamecube = Best. . .

The problem is that besides their first part games that appeal to the Nintendo hardcore, you would be hardpressed to find several dozen third party games that a standouts. PS2 has lock on JRPGs and Platformers. It kills XBOX and GC in both of those genres. The XBOX has FPS and racing games locked down. Whether you like the XBOX or not, it clearly surpassed the GC in terms of sales, third party support and exclusives. Nintendo has been in the console business longer than Sony and Microsoft combined, but they keep coming up short. Their refusal to use the DVD format and to go online hurt them this time. If they don't include HD they will be shooting themselves in the foot.

Personally, I am not convinced the Revolution controller is going to be enough to carry the day. It amounts to a "specialty" controller and third parties are not going to produce games for it in droves. How many non-Namco games were made for the Guncon? How may ghames use the fishing controller? Steel Battalion controller? I applaud them for trying something different, but unfortunately, it seems like the vast majority of gamers like more of the same, just prettier, instead of new and different. Why else would 9 of the 10 top selling games last year be sequels.
You posted wordwide numbers, but you're talking about "failure" in the context of North America. In America, I'm fairly sure the Xbox has sold more than the GCN, thus it is more popular here. In Japan, the XBox sells less than 200 units a week total, and is regarded as more of a failure than the GCN is here (by far). Worldwide they are probably equal, but the GCN is in higher favor in Japan and the XBox is in higher favor here. It evens out.
Cleary the post would have to be changed to ask the question from a certain perspective...

As stated above that Microsoft lost money and obviously we allknow Nintendo is in the GREEN. That being said Nintendo isnt going anywhere if Microsoft can hang on with losses a profitable company isnt going to fold for no reason..

So the questions comes back to what type of failure? units, games, perception, profit, record sales, what?
The industry has grown enough that 3 can survive. However it's almost unquestionable that there are 2 mainstream players and one niche player. If the niche player can make money, put out good product that's fantastic. I'll be there to gobble up every single good game regardless of platform. I truly am platform agnostic in what I'll buy but I do play Xbox most.

Nintendo fans seem to think you're a fanboy of Sony or MS when you say they're always going to be in third place. Not true. It's no different than looking at the soft drink market and knowing Coke is first, Pepsi is second and Dr. Pepper is third. They all make money, they all have consumers that will call each their favorite beverage but no way is Dr. Pepper ever going to be first.

We're talking business reality here not personal preferences.
Xbox owns all other home console systems when it comes to fps games which IMO is a subugenre of action games. They are by far the easiest pick up and play games and usually the most fun.

PS2 has the best RPG's handdown and lots of great first party titles and third party support. Although this generation I've enjoyed KOTOR more than any other RPG out there.

GC has the best "oldies". They have Mario, Metroid, Zelda, and RE. RE4 in my opinion is game of the year but not much else.
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']The industry has grown enough that 3 can survive. However it's almost unquestionable that there are 2 mainstream players and one niche player. If the niche player can make money, put out good product that's fantastic. I'll be there to gobble up every single good game regardless of platform. I truly am platform agnostic in what I'll buy but I do play Xbox most.

Nintendo fans seem to think you're a fanboy of Sony or MS when you say they're always going to be in third place. Not true. It's no different than looking at the soft drink market and knowing Coke is first, Pepsi is second and Dr. Pepper is third. They all make money, they all have consumers that will call each their favorite beverage but no way is Dr. Pepper ever going to be first.

We're talking business reality here not personal preferences.[/QUOTE]
You are exactly right PAD. Rememebr that Snapple campaign - "We want to be number 2?" It was funny to me, but they don't need to be number 1 to make a ton of money.
[quote name='lebowsky']To me it's not the number of Xboxes vs. GCs sold (which is very close as the OP stated). It's the fact that the Xbox has lost Microsoft over 4 billion dollars. Nintendo's profits are may be lower, but they haven't lost 4 billion, that's for sure.

Anything that loses that much money is a failure to me.

The only reason the Xbox is still in the game is that Microsoft has the deepest pockets of any company out there. The 360 is going to be the deciding factor in whether Microsoft is around the next cycle.[/QUOTE]

M$ lost 4 Billion on the Xbox? Links?
Its a mistake to say that Microsoft loses money on the Xbox but Nintendo makes money on the cube. Both are profitable companies that lose money on their home consoles. MS loses money on each and every Xbox, but makes money on their other products, like windows. Nintendo loses money on the Gamecube, but makes it up with their other products, like the Gameboy line. One is #2 in america, and one is #2 in Japan, but their both fighting for second place worldwide.

To be #1 you have to be successful in both Japan and America, and only Sony seems to be able to do that. And nothing looks to change in the next generation. Xbox360 may have more market share in the US and Japan than they did in this generation, but they are still not going to beat Sony in either territory.
The xbox is a success and the gamecube is a failure because of clever marketing on microsoft's part. In the public eye, Xbox is much more recognizable and "mature" so people assume that they're doing better than nintendo, which hasn't been able to position themselves away from the kid's company. Unfortuantely, image is more important than facts in the minds of most consumers. That's just how it is.
[quote name='BustaUppa']the market was able to sustain THREE consoles, which to my knowledge has never occurred before.[/QUOTE]

Nintendo ES
Sega MS
Atari 7800

Super Nintendo
Sega Genesis
Turbographix 16

Nintendo 64
Sony Playstation
Sega Saturn

[quote name='electrictroy']1986-90:
Nintendo ES
Sega MS
Atari 7800

Super Nintendo
Sega Genesis
Turbographix 16

Nintendo 64
Sony Playstation
Sega Saturn


I wouldn't call the 7800, TG16, and Saturn sustained consoles. And the NES bascially dominated the 8 bit era too. I don't really care though, I liked em all.
[quote name='evilmax17']You posted wordwide numbers, but you're talking about "failure" in the context of North America. In America, I'm fairly sure the Xbox has sold more than the GCN, thus it is more popular here. In Japan, the XBox sells less than 200 units a week total, and is regarded as more of a failure than the GCN is here (by far). Worldwide they are probably equal, but the GCN is in higher favor in Japan and the XBox is in higher favor here. It evens out.[/QUOTE]

First time I have ever done this but..


I love all three systems, but it is obvious that the ranks in North America are as follows (by sales not by what personal preferences are).


AS of February 2004 the installed base was this...

PS2: 22,958,000
Xbox: 8,187,000
GCN: 7,133,000

As of January 2005 the installed base was this...

1 PlayStation2 27,325,987
2 Xbox 12,092,377
3 Gamecube 9,301,810

That is a clear separation from 2 and 3.

You go to Japan and Xbox is not even remotely close to GCN.
I have a GC and an Xbox, sold my PS2 a long time ago after not using it forever although I've been tempted to buy a cheap used one because I want to play Socom 3 and I'd still like to play God of War. I'm not a fanboy of any system and I can honestly say that in my opinion if it wasn't for the GC having all the RE games on it then it wouldn't be worth owning. Nothing else on the system really appeals to me Mario Sunshine and Mario Kart were fun and the new Zelda looks good but besides that blah. GC is a kiddy geared system and how many damn games can you put Mario in?
My impression is that a good many games hit just Xbox/PS2 and leave GC out of the mix. That's part of the reason I feel like the GC is bringing up the rear in this gen.

Personally I've had an Xbox for 2 years and a PS2 for a few months (picked up insanely cheap - $15) If I had to do it over I'd seriously consider getting a PS2 from the beginning. Loading times aren't bad at all IME and there are way more non-Xbox PS2 games I want to play than non-PS2 Xbox games. For anyone that already has a PS2 I just don't see very much reason to spring for an Xbox.

My good friend had just picked up an Xbox just before me and the thinking was we'd swap games back and forth, which was one of the factors in my decision. As it turned out he takes FOREVER to play through a game, where I churn through them and just end up selling them off. My thinking was that the PS2 had MORE games I would want, but the Xbox still had way more than I could ever really get to. But after picking up a PS2 and playing some of the PS2's cream (Katamari, DMC, R+C, J+D, Sly, etc.) I'm not sure if I still go along with that.

I wouldn't mind having a GC and in fact will probably pick one up once the bottom falls out from this gen. But as a main console they just miss out on way too many games for me to make it my choice. I bought the N64 first from the previous gen because I just couldn't do without Mario 64 and the upcoming Zelda games. But then I got a PSX a year or so later when the N64 just wasn't getting many games other than the big N titles. I didn't want to make that same mistake this gen.
[quote name='mietha']For starters, software sales. Nintendo has had a grand total of 2 gamecube games in the top 20 of sales this year. The Xbox has 6 this month alone, including #2 and #4. Secondly, the Xbox has vastly outsold the Gamecube everywhere except Japan, where the Xbox IS considered a failure. Thirdly, at the end of it's life cycle, the Xbox is churning out wonderful game after wonderful game (Far Cry Instincts, Doom 3, Half Life 2, Burnout Revenge, etc. etc.) The Gamecube has release a grand total of 1 game this year worth playing (RE4), which is now also available on the PS2 (with added content, I might add). And for the record, MOST games are multi-platform now (pretty much everything except the niche Japanese games on the PS2, the games no system but the xbox can run, Nintendo exclusives [as if anyone gives a fuck about mario DDR, and if you do, seriously, seek help], and a few others [soul calibur 3, etc.]), so being able to have the best version of EVERY multi platform game (the only 2 for which this is not true that I know of is Spy Hunter and Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2) is a pretty fucking big deal. And, for better or worse, Live is the template for the future of console gaming. Again, a pretty big deal. And halo simply has the single largest one day gross in the history of media. Yeah, nothing big there... And lastly, microsoft is ramping up for the biggest console launch in history. Nintendo has a CD-I controller... I play my xbox on a daily basis. At least 80% of the games I buy are for the xbox. Pretty much the only time I touch the gamecube, or its controller, is to move it out of the way.[/QUOTE]

Wow! This is absolutely the most opinionated worst post this board has ever seen. Congrats! I had a good chuckle trying to read it.

I had to stop reading after:

[quote name='mietha']Thirdly, at the end of it's life cycle, the Xbox is churning out wonderful game after wonderful game (Far Cry Instincts, Doom 3, Half Life 2, Burnout Revenge, etc. etc.) The Gamecube has release a grand total of 1 game this year worth playing (RE4)...[/quote]

Who said all those games are wonderful? And why did you only name 4? That does not sound like a lot?

My Opinion: I don't care for any of those games. In fact as shocking as it may sound, I don't like Halo :shock: or Halo 2 :shock: :shock:

[quote name='mietha']...Nintendo exclusives [as if anyone gives a fuck about mario DDR, and if you do, seriously, seek help]...[/quote]

I can't tell, is this a fact or an opinion? References?

I guess I'll seek help based off the expert recommendation of a 10 year old. Speak to your mother with that mouth? Do you go to school? You should.

[quote name='mietha']And, for better or worse, Live is the template for the future of console gaming. Again, a pretty big deal.[/quote]

Why? I don't see it.

I don't buy games that require a monthly payment.

Thanks for contributing to this forum.
Man some opinionated people in the house. Let's get some facts straight. X-box and Gamecube in Hardware sold is even at #2. Software, i.e. 3's party support, X-box is number 2 and Gamecube #3. And for god sake Gamecube games aren't Kiddy.

1.Metriod Prime Series.(some of the best detail, ambiance, and boss fights i've seen lately) 2 Giest 3. Resident Evil 4 Metal Gear Solid Remake (amazingly great graphics compared to original) 5 Baten Kietos 6 Fire Emblem POR 7 Killer seven 8 Eternal Darkness

Plus it does have Splinter Cell series, Prince of Persia series, Mortal Kombat series, all The various movie games, X-men Legends series, Viewtifull Joe Series(game gets REALLY hard near end and not kiddy because of difficulty if you've played it through to near the end, I had to gameshark it).

And these are just games i've owned or played and liked. And none of them are really for kids.

Don't fall victim to media. Gamecube is fine. Plus Nintendo brings in higher profit then PS2 and X-box, overall. Plus they have 9-10 billion dollars in accesable CASH. The question to wonder is why is Nintendo resting on it's laurels when they have so much money and one of the biggest development houses in the world. And on top of that so many fans willing to give them a chance. The fact that they have made money on the gamecube, and so much money. Proof. Mario party games, each one sells over a million compies. And first party games like Zelda and mario, and SSM melee sold like 3 and 5 or something million total. THATS why some companies got annoyed. Pretty much no one but Nintendo has sold even approaching 5-6 million copies of a game on their console.

Those are facts if you frequent number sites for worldwide. Now the personal merits of each console are fine and well. And remember I'm a hardcore RPGer and FPShooter. I love all my systems. PS2, Xbox, PC, and Gamecube. But if you look at bottemline. Nintendo is still #1. It's undeniable. Due to 70% handhelds but true nonetheless. And Mario Cart DS. Final sales for that game might go over 10 million a year or two from now. It's Mario Cart free online. Plus there might be voice chat at some point, E3. And there will be a friends system.
Nintendo's been in the game for 20 years and Microsoft has been in it for 3. That's whats up. Selling the same as the new kid on the block. They fell way the fuck off.
[quote name='lebowsky']To me it's not the number of Xboxes vs. GCs sold (which is very close as the OP stated). It's the fact that the Xbox has lost Microsoft over 4 billion dollars. Nintendo's profits are may be lower, but they haven't lost 4 billion, that's for sure.

Anything that loses that much money is a failure to me.

The only reason the Xbox is still in the game is that Microsoft has the deepest pockets of any company out there. The 360 is going to be the deciding factor in whether Microsoft is around the next cycle.[/QUOTE]

Holy Shit! You're right! Nintendo is teh R0X0RZ! M$ going Bankrupt! Japan OMGBBQFTW!

One Japan! One Society! I'm sure the Chineese agree......

(Sits back and waits for the fire) LOL
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']Outside PSO no XBL game has a monthly payment.[/QUOTE]
XBL itself has a monthly payment, which pays for the game servers. So yes, every online game has a monthly payment and you are paying it through the XBL payments.
bread's done