Yakuza 4 - PS3 $39.99 / Buy.com

yeah, i wish this was amazon.com i ended up getting this at bestbuy for $40 release week. i got all trophies but beating ex hard, 60+ hours on first playthrough, great freakn game but i traded it in for 38. now i want it back, lol, but gonna try to wait for lower than 40 so i dont feel bad when i let it sit there. Fantastic game tho, really 50 hours minimum if you just want to finish game,but every nite i went home with a list of objectives and it always kept me entertained. best plot in a videogame in last 5 years. peace
[quote name='Velo214']yeah, i wish this was amazon.com i ended up getting this at bestbuy for $40 release week. i got all trophies but beating ex hard, 60+ hours on first playthrough, great freakn game but i traded it in for 38. now i want it back, lol, but gonna try to wait for lower than 40 so i dont feel bad when i let it sit there. Fantastic game tho, really 50 hours minimum if you just want to finish game,but every nite i went home with a list of objectives and it always kept me entertained. best plot in a videogame in last 5 years. peace[/QUOTE]

Got it couple weeks ago for the same price at amazon. Only about 5 hours in so far. Too many games and too little time these days so judging from your hours to finish the game, it's probably gonna take me til the end of the year.
Newbies can't post links, but maybe Rep Newbies can? Probably not.

Anyways thanks for the heads up, but I'm still playing Yak 3. I'll wait till 4 is cheaper.
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