An OTT in the hand is worth two OTTs in the bush

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Bwa ha ha ha, SEVENTH!

[quote name='Zenithian Legend']What, you've never seen a horse go scuba-diving before?[/quote]
Once, but it drowned soon after, that was the best 3rd birthday ever!
[quote name='CommanderKeen93']Once, but it drowned soon after, that was the best 3rd birthday ever![/quote]
That horse was my brother :whistle2:x
I love how everytime I go to a store now I have to restrain myself from buying a copy of Pokemon Diamond. I've had this 50 dollars since Easter and can't figure out what to get, and everytime I see Diamond I'm like "Hmmm...Maybe I will have some fun by playing it..."

Also, listening to NIN is not very conducive to working on a paper about action potentials.
[quote name='dcfox']That horse was my brother :whistle2:x[/QUOTE]

And he dies on 11-19-1998, which are the exact numbers of the seats on your crashed airplane.

[quote name='Demolition Man']Shooting it? Weak. I just gave the horse the finger poke of DOOM![/quote]
I have been out done on horse murder
[quote name='CommanderKeen93']I have been out done on horse murder[/QUOTE]

Yeah man. DemoMang is like Chuck Norris, except much, much more intense.
[quote name='evanft']Yeah man. DemoMang is like Chuck Norris, except much, much more intense.[/quote]
The Chuck Norris of horse killing?
[quote name='dcfox']The Chuck Norris of horse killing?[/QUOTE]

Yes. Instead of those Total Gymn thingamabobs, he seels instructional videos on how to kill horses. Some hot blonde chick is also involved.
[quote name='XchikaXchikaX']i think i don't feel good. it would really suck if i got sick.[/quote]
Queasy sick or flu sick?
Come on people, our discussion must become more vibrant. I'll give you a topic:

Zenithian Legend is neither Zenithian nor a legen. Discuss!
Don't you mean emOTT??

And dude, DOK doe not count towards a thread's hottness quotient, ok? She stops being hot when she calls you 16 times after you turned off your cell phone to avoid hearing her bitch about you not talking to her every 5 minutes. ;)
[quote name='CommanderKeen93']emu?[/QUOTE]


I'm really doing my best to win here people. Come on, gimmie something to work with.
[quote name='XchikaXchikaX']flu sick. i had queasy sick 2 weeks ago. that sucked.[/quote]
That sucks. Being sick in the summer is the worst.
Playing Guitar Hero 2 on Wednesday night seemed to really fuck up my neck/back/shoulders/arms. I've also been having these awful headaches the last couple days. Funny thing is that I don't feel any massive pain after my sessions from today or yesterday.

I think maybe my body is just getting used to the drop-off of activity from school ending. That, and I'm not eating nearly as much in the middle of the day.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Posting here cause CommanderKeen93 made me feel bad for posting in Demoman's topic, even though I was criticizing it.[/QUOTE]

Don't worry baby girl, Big Daddy Evan is her to make thing alllll riiiiiiiiight, cause Evan's OTTs are all about the ladies.

So we're just get out the champagne:

Woops, didn't mean to spray it all over the place like that. Lemme pur us a couple glasses.
champagne.jpg for some candles:

And finally, the music:

Allll riiiiiiight.
God Simpsons is bad these days. I guess they ran out of jobs they could sandwich Homer into, so now they're getting the dog wacky careers.
[quote name='jmcc']God Simpsons is bad these days. I guess they ran out of jobs they could sandwich Homer into, so now they're getting the dog wacky careers.[/quote]
Oddly enough Santa's Little Helper was already a police dog in an earlier episode.
"In the not-too-distant future
Next Sunday A.D.
There was a guy named Joel,
Not too different from you or me.
He worked at Gizmonic Institute
Just another face in a red jumpsuit.
He did a good job cleaning up the place
But his bosses didn't like him
So they shot him into space..."

So the question I ask myself is, do I really want to go dig out the VCR and find some of my old MST3K tapes to get my fix?
[quote name='dcfox']That sucks. Being sick in the summer is the worst.[/QUOTE]

Yep I still have my cold. It felt like it was gone, then I woke up this morning and felt worse then I have in the last 3 days.
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