I hate those new McDonalds Commercials


Those commercials irritate the hell out of me. They have that dork talking about his chicken selects. I just want to smash his head into the ground whenever he appears on TV.

What I wonder about is: Who the hell greenlights this crap? It must cost millions of dollars to put that up.....
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I'm lovin' it...[/quote]

But as we all know, it's a contracted anagram for AILING VOMIT
(thanks Maddox)
Supersize Me and Fast food nation have pretty much convinced me to stay away from MCDonalds
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl'][quote name='Admiral Ackbar']If I see one more of those stupid Chicken Select commercials on TV I'm going to make someone at McDonalds PAY![/quote]

I hear that. Not that I eat at McD's anyway, but if I did those would be cause enough to stop.[/quote]

You know, it probably would have been easier to retype my post than to find and quote it. Oh well.
[quote name='Xevious']Those commercials irritate the hell out of me. They have that dork talking about his chicken selects. I just want to smash his head into the ground whenever he appears on TV.

What I wonder about is: Who the hell greenlights this crap? It must cost millions of dollars to put that up.....[/quote]
I hate all McDonald's commercials...Especially the ones where they rap about the food, I've always managed to find those borderline retarted.
I think whats worse is those C2 commericals from coke, where somehow half the carbs makes u more free. They always show it at the movies I go to and it pisses me off each time.
[quote name='Ugamer_X'][quote name='Xevious']Those commercials irritate the hell out of me. They have that dork talking about his chicken selects. I just want to smash his head into the ground whenever he appears on TV.

What I wonder about is: Who the hell greenlights this crap? It must cost millions of dollars to put that up.....[/quote]
I hate all McDonald's commercials...Especially the ones where they rap about the food, I've always managed to find those borderline retarted.[/quote]

I thought those were Burger King commercials where they "rap", but maybe they both have that poor of judgement.
The chicken select commercial with the black woman talking to herself like some one else is there drives me nuts! I just wanna slap the taste out of her mouth and send her on her way.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl'][quote name='Ugamer_X'][quote name='Xevious']Those commercials irritate the hell out of me. They have that dork talking about his chicken selects. I just want to smash his head into the ground whenever he appears on TV.

What I wonder about is: Who the hell greenlights this crap? It must cost millions of dollars to put that up.....[/quote]
I hate all McDonald's commercials...Especially the ones where they rap about the food, I've always managed to find those borderline retarted.[/quote]

I thought those were Burger King commercials where they "rap", but maybe they both have that poor of judgement.[/quote]
Yeah, Buger King did them too, but McDonald's is the most recent perpetrator of those crimes against humanity.
The first chicken selects commercial was the worst, with the woman. :?

I think it was when McDonald's got the dollar menu, I hated the ones where her date takes her to McD's (wow big spender), and he orders for both of them, and she's like "wow he's a control freak", and then she changes her order to a salad, and he thinks "wow she's a control freak." I dunno, I just thought that one was crappy.
i used to hate those wopperhead comercials but now i like em. Those chicken select comercials a just gay. Also if i want cheap chicken nuggets ill go there, if i wand good qualiy chicken strips ill go to arbys.

Why does mcdonnalds take the time to make there onions so small, and so fucking nasty.
[quote name='Xevious']Those commercials irritate the hell out of me. They have that dork talking about his chicken selects. I just want to smash his head into the ground whenever he appears on TV.

What I wonder about is: Who the hell greenlights this crap? It must cost millions of dollars to put that up.....[/quote]

I go to McDonald's to eat on the dollar menu. I'm not just a CAG. My cheapness carries over into everything.
[quote name='Rig']I go to McDonald's to eat on the dollar menu. I'm not just a CAG. My cheapness carries over into everything.[/quote]

Two Double Cheese and a Dollar Fry is a great deal for $3.
I really started to hate McDonald's ad campain when they started the I'm lovin' it... ads. The only time Ive been there in the past several years is for the occasional McFlurry. I dont remember the last time Ive ate a meal at McDonalds.
Come on, don't all of you guys know that the entire world is just like urban America and only black people eat at McDonalds? :roll:

I don't eat at McDonald's anymore. I just can't stand their food. I prefer Wendy's or Burger King if I want a burger because they actually put LETTUCE and TOMATO on it. Wendy's has a great value menu too.

I just don't like eating fast food anymore. A Big Mac with cheese has over 700+ calories (not including soft drink and fries).
[quote name='SadieDee']Come on, don't all of you guys know that the entire world is just like urban America and only black people eat at McDonalds? :roll:.[/quote]

Word life, homey? :wink:

As a Black man myself, I think there's a fine line between being subtle with your approach in terms of who you want to market to, and then there's the 'Blacks love rap, so let's kick a rhyme while selling a Big n Tasty' obvious...

And remember, kids... 18-25 year old White kids love RPG's and Madden is for African Americans only... ::sarcasm:: as told to me by an unnamed EB employee once... and while I'm on the subject, why do game store employees find it 'odd' when someone of color buys :gasp: an RPG? When I went to buy Shadow Hearts: Covenant, before I said a word as to what game I wanted, it was SUGGESTED and IMPLIED that I wanted NBA Live 2005... umm... no...
this girl in my computer graphics always sings"ba-da-bop-ba-ba im lovin it"

im going to go crazy the nevxt time i hear her sing it(or anyone for that matter)
[quote name='Fatesealer'][quote name='SadieDee']Come on, don't all of you guys know that the entire world is just like urban America and only black people eat at McDonalds? :roll:.[/quote]

Word life, homey? :wink:

As a Black man myself, I think there's a fine line between being subtle with your approach in terms of who you want to market to, and then there's the 'Blacks love rap, so let's kick a rhyme while selling a Big n Tasty' obvious...

And remember, kids... 18-25 year old White kids love RPG's and Madden is for African Americans only... ::sarcasm:: as told to me by an unnamed EB employee once... and while I'm on the subject, why do game store employees find it 'odd' when someone of color buys :gasp: an RPG?
When I went to buy Shadow Hearts: Covenant, before I said a word as to what game I wanted, it was SUGGESTED and IMPLIED that I wanted NBA Live 2005... umm... no...[/quote]

I don't think McDonalds is trying to just target african americans. Rap has become mainstream and very popular. McDonalds is just trying to be "cool". It doesn't mean it isn't annoying, but it really doesn't have anything to do with race.
[quote name='moiety']The first chicken selects commercial was the worst, with the woman. :?

I think it was when McDonald's got the dollar menu, I hated the ones where her date takes her to McD's (wow big spender), and he orders for both of them, and she's like "wow he's a control freak", and then she changes her order to a salad, and he thinks "wow she's a control freak." I dunno, I just thought that one was crappy.[/quote]

Yea, the dollar menu commercials were some of the worst.
[quote name='Fatesealer'][quote name='SadieDee']Come on, don't all of you guys know that the entire world is just like urban America and only black people eat at McDonalds? :roll:.[/quote]

Word life, homey? :wink:

As a Black man myself, I think there's a fine line between being subtle with your approach in terms of who you want to market to, and then there's the 'Blacks love rap, so let's kick a rhyme while selling a Big n Tasty' obvious...

And remember, kids... 18-25 year old White kids love RPG's and Madden is for African Americans only... ::sarcasm:: as told to me by an unnamed EB employee once... and while I'm on the subject, why do game store employees find it 'odd' when someone of color buys :gasp: an RPG? When I went to buy Shadow Hearts: Covenant, before I said a word as to what game I wanted, it was SUGGESTED and IMPLIED that I wanted NBA Live 2005... umm... no...[/quote]

african americans have been known for more athletic love than alot of white people-for example, i like BBALL and skateboarding..........i really dont play any of the games though(besides tony hawk on occasion).i hate racist people, and if an employee said something like that near me, i would call the manager as well as district manager and president of the Co. about it. you should only hate nazi's.

[quote name='Fatesealer'][quote name='SadieDee']Come on, don't all of you guys know that the entire world is just like urban America and only black people eat at McDonalds? :roll:.[/quote]

Word life, homey? :wink:

As a Black man myself, I think there's a fine line between being subtle with your approach in terms of who you want to market to, and then there's the 'Blacks love rap, so let's kick a rhyme while selling a Big n Tasty' obvious...

And remember, kids... 18-25 year old White kids love RPG's and Madden is for African Americans only... ::sarcasm:: as told to me by an unnamed EB employee once... and while I'm on the subject, why do game store employees find it 'odd' when someone of color buys :gasp: an RPG? When I went to buy Shadow Hearts: Covenant, before I said a word as to what game I wanted, it was SUGGESTED and IMPLIED that I wanted NBA Live 2005... umm... no...[/quote]

On behalf of white people everywhere, I give you our permission to slap the taste out of someone's mouth when they do that.

Also these commercials suck. When was the last "good" fast food commercial? Maybe the Taco Bell dog?
[quote name='pimp_daddy_smurf']this girl in my computer graphics always sings"ba-da-bop-ba-ba im lovin it"

im going to go crazy the nevxt time i hear her sing it(or anyone for that matter)[/quote]

You should sing a Misfits song in front of her the next time she does that.

As for the topic, the majority of TV commercials have always sucked, and the way I see it, life's too short to worry about that shit. I just ignore it.
Yeah, I've hated all the McDonald's commercials...until today. I live in St. Louis and I heard a good McD com on the radio. It went something like this (can't remember exactly):
A Guy (we'll call him "Bob") pulls up to the McD drive-thu very, very excited. The hot (at least her voice was hot) drive-thru chick is asking why he's so excited. Bob says, "As long as the Cardinals keep winning the playoffs I'll be excited. I haven't been this pumped since the Cardinals won the World Series in '82...*proceeds to hoot & hollar*.....do you remember that?"...*and hoots some more*. She responds (in a serious voice), "I'm not old enough to remember." He then calms down alot and says in a somber voice, "I......am......soooooo.........old."
I don't remember anymore of the commercial because I was laughing too hard in my truck. Oh, by the way I do live in St. Louis...but I am not a Cardinal's fan (my friends are).
[quote name='Xevious']Those commercials irritate the hell out of me. They have that dork talking about his chicken selects. I just want to smash his head into the ground whenever he appears on TV.

What I wonder about is: Who the hell greenlights this crap? It must cost millions of dollars to put that up.....[/quote]

I thought I was the only one who hated the Chicken Select commercials. They are obnoxious as hell, as every commercial portarays someone as a retard hell-bent on protecting their f-ing proccessed chicken product. What's even more irritating is that they have to say the name of the product at LEAST 5 times and the word "chicken" 10 times within the 20 second spot.

McDonalds, for gracing us with these "ad"s, I'd just like to say:

[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I'm lovin' it...[/quote]

You' just had to, didn't you?

I swear, these commercials are setting the bar for gayness in an advertizing medium, which was previously set by a previous Mc Donalds commercial: The Monopoly commercial where the african american had just won a convertible and asks his stark white friend, What did you win and the white dude says with the CHEASIEST smile "Bling Bling, dawg".

No wonder McDonalds is losing money
OMG I can't stand those new McDonald's commercials. Not only are they stupid and offensive, the new song drives me nuts.


ahhhhh! It makes me want to kill someone.

And the new chicken mcnuggets...WTF? They took the world's perfect junk food...the fried processed meat chicken mcnugget, the most unhealthy yet delicious piece of garbage food on the planet...and turned it into a fried chicken breast strip. If I wanted semi-healthy, I wouldn't be eating at McDonalds! That was the only thing I liked from McDonalds...goddammit, I'm not lovin' it!
bread's done