Tales from the Pawn Shop(s)!


217 (100%)
Yea I was inspired by another thread here. I found FFVII in almost mint condition black label complete marked at $10 and I got it for $5. Oh yea!!

I also picked up a DS lite with a few extra games, charger, 2 stylus, and original box for $105

Not too shabby today
I found a guitar hero game only for $7 the other day..

i've also found other items such as..

White PSP - $130
Black DS Lite - $60
Disney DVDs - $5

some others.. all i can think of right now.
My pawn shop gave me a complete GH FFVII free, because someone returned and they said they couldn't resell it. Works on my PS2 though.

I also just bought a complete Capcom vs. SNK 2 for PS2, 6 bucks. Pawn Shops are great, I've gotten SO many great deals from them. :D
Here are some of my finds:

Sega CD - $5
Sega 32X w/ Moto Cross Championship - $2
Power Stone 2 - $7 (COMPLETE)
Sonic Jam - $3
Call of Duty 2 (Xbox 360) and F-Zero (SNES) - $5!!
Dreamcast w/ 11 games, two controllers and 1 VMU - $30
Dreamcast Sports Edition w/ Resident Evil Code: VERONICA, controller and VMU - $15
Earthworm Jim (SNES) - $2
Aladdin (Genesis) - $1
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - $1.50

I love how most of my goods have been Sega stuff. Now I just need a Master System, Game Gear, CDX and Nomad to complete my Sega console and handheld collection.
I get my best finds at pawn shops. In one haul last month I got the following PS1 games (all complete):

Suikoden II
Vandal Hearts
Vandal Hearts II
Final Fantasy Tactics (non-GH)
Final Fantasy VII (non-GH)
Civilization II w/map

All were $4 each. Ended up making $270 after I sold them all.
[quote name='norkusa']I get my best finds at pawn shops. In one haul last month I got the following PS1 games (all complete):

Suikoden II
Vandal Hearts
Vandal Hearts II
Final Fantasy Tactics (non-GH)
Final Fantasy VII (non-GH)
Civilization II w/map

All were $4 each. Ended up making $270 after I sold them all.[/QUOTE]

jesus christ. I've had good luck with mostly the same games you got, though most of mine weren't complete. a year or 2 ago when gamecrazy was doing their classic plastic sale I got both suikodens, both vandal hearts and a ton of other ps1 RPGs for $5 each, but most of them were disc only.

as for my pawn shop finds:

FF VII black label complete -- $5
Tales of Destiny (disc only but FLAWLESS condition) -- $5
Paper Mario 64 -- $5

and back when disgaea had just come out and was really rare, I got Disgaea, Zone of the Enders: 2nd Runner, and the original Shadow Hearts all complete and mint for $25 total.
Picked up a bunch of good stuff on monday. The highlights include
God of War II $10
Final Fantasy XII $10
Metal Gear Substance PS2 $10
FFVII Black Label $12
Gears of War $17
Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii) $17
Smallville Seasons 1-3 $20 total
Sopranos Season 6, Part 1 $15
My local pawn shops over value their stuff, which may explain WHY they still had a caseload of PS1 games and 10 shelves filled with CD's that no one bought.

Only game I ever thought I got a 'deal' on from them was:

The Guy Game(xbox): $18

And, I only considered it a deal because I couldn't find it anywhere else for any lower.
I've gotten a few deals from pawn shops.

Skies of Arcadia Legends- $9.99
Tales of Symphonia- $4.99
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee- $4.99

Sure beats the prices Gamestop has for those games.
There's usually nothing worth mentioning at the pawn shops I check out. If there is something decent it's usually overpriced.

However, I did find a complete copy of Metal Gear Solid: PO for $9.95 at a PS this past weekend.
See, that's what I find funniest is that my local PS's have some newer games, but they have buy*sell*trade on their biz cards, yet I asked them for a couple 2 for 1 trades for some rarer games they had and they said 'buy/sell only'.

However, they did a deal with me about a month or two ago, my slim PStwo(which I didn't like due to how warm it got plus how fragile it looked and I only paid $10 for after double rebate and lotsa trading to FYE) in trade for a 50001 PS2 they had sitting there forever.

I may try and take down some of my Kmart games to them tomorrow if they still have God Of War II and try to get them to trade me 2-3 games for GOW II.

Edit: I later on found out the P1 memory port on the 50001 didn't work, so I had to find one with working ports and swap them out. I eventually found one(for $10.59) which worked flawlessly and swapped the ports, so for $40, I got myself a more reliable(in my opinion anyway) version of the PS2. I'd heard so many horror stories bout the slim PStwo.
[quote name='whoknows']I have 3 decent pawn shops in my town, however the one with the best stuff goes to ebay for prices....yeah...[/quote]

Most of the pawn shops around here are starting to use ebay to determine the value of thier items and then wonder why the shit just sits there. Many times they end up having a tent sale to make room and stuff is sold dirt cheap. $60 PSPs, $250 premium 360s and all games for $5. Man that was a good day.
From one pawn shop I go to regularly. They have 2 for $15 PS2 games, $10 Gamecube games & $10 X-Box games:

Gradius III & IV
Sly Cooper
Jak & Daxter
Jade Cocoon 2
Bloody Roar 4
Xenosaga I
Myst III Exile
Kya: Dark Lineage
X-Box 360 w/ 20 GB hard drive - $300
[quote name='rxdoga']Most of the pawn shops around here are starting to use ebay to determine the value of thier items and then wonder why the shit just sits there. Many times they end up having a tent sale to make room and stuff is sold dirt cheap. $60 PSPs, $250 premium 360s and all games for $5. Man that was a good day.[/QUOTE]
When people sell stuff to them they look up ebay for the prices...

There has been a copy for Parasite Eve for $50 sitting there for almost a year now. What ebay did they look at to get that price?
Not to get off topic but what sort of horror stories have you heard? I thought that fat ps2 way was more of a pain in the ass. DRE's even after I cleaned it.
Well, for example, overseas(in Japan I think)they had problems with their silver Slim PStwos not reading many PS1/PS2 discs from the start. I've also heard of slims 'bricking'(dying) far quicker than their predecessors(this is possibly due to the fact there isn't any fan in the system).

I could be wrong on the 'no fan' thing, but none of the videos I've seen anywhere of someone taking apart a slim seem to show ANY fan.

Those are just a few problems, but even the slim still gets the infamous DRE, so they STILL haven't solved that problem. However, there are supposedly less incidents of it happening.

And, as usual, I know this response will be followed up by 'I have a PS2 from launch with NO problems' responses. Good for you is all I'm saying in advance.

Oh and kube, most DREs are just from the laser being dirty or close to dead. A new laser costs $60 from most sites and is easy to install(open the PS2, take the lid off over the laser, take out the disc tray, undo a couple screws, take the old laser off, then repeat these steps in reverse to get it back together).

AND, most sites have a compatability chart so you don't buy the wrong laser.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']My local pawn shops over value their stuff, which may explain WHY they still had a caseload of PS1 games and 10 shelves filled with CD's that no one bought.

Only game I ever thought I got a 'deal' on from them was:

The Guy Game(xbox): $18

And, I only considered it a deal because I couldn't find it anywhere else for any lower.[/quote]

come on cag smartasses i figured someone would have commented on this by now. haha. jk.
LOL I actually bought it due to it being considered 'rare' by some(due to the controversy over it), but it's not the Xbox version that's rare I guess. :whistle2:X

And yes.....I also bought it for obvious reasons. LOL
Pawn shops are the best, most consistent places to find deals. They aren't as good as they used to be in my area but most of my game collection is from pawn shops.

This week I have gotten Okami complete ($6), which is a slow week for me.
Last week I got (this is a usual week for me)
Marvel Aliiance (360) complete and Ninja Gaiden (GG) cart only for $23 total
Ocarina of Time N64 complte $5
Gradius V Complete $4
Baldur's Gate II Complete (XBX) $8
Ogre Battle 64 (cart only) $3
[quote name='Otherguy676']Pawn shops are the best, most consistent places to find deals. They aren't as good as they used to be in my area but most of my game collection is from pawn shops.

This week I have gotten Okami complete ($6), which is a slow week for me.
Last week I got (this is a usual week for me)
Marvel Aliiance (360) complete and Ninja Gaiden (GG) cart only for $23 total
Ocarina of Time N64 complte $5
Gradius V Complete $4
Baldur's Gate II Complete (XBX) $8
Ogre Battle 64 (cart only) $3[/quote]

See, now this is NOT typical of my local pawn shops, as they use Egay as their barometer for what to sell things for. For example, I went to see what they'd give me for the following today:

Halo Triple Pack
Jade Empire Limited Edition
Stubbs The Zombie

The total? $20 fuckin dollars, which makes them as bad as GS.

Either way, semi new titles are $32.95, 6 months to a year old titles are $23.95, old as shit titles range from $6 to $10 usually and nothing is under $5 most times.

How in the HELL people are able to get these prices is beyond me, since my area of the country must suck. People here think their shit is worth its weight in platinum.......

Good finds though.....
Went to some Garage Sales with no luck, then I went to some Pawnshops and found: (All cart only)

First Stop:
Advance Wars 2 8.50
Metroid Zero Mission 8.50
Metal Slug Advance 8.50

Second Stop:
DK: King of Swing 5.00
Mario and Luigi: Super Star Saga x2 5.00 each
Summon Night 2 5.00
Kirby's Dreamland 3.00
Donkey Kong Country 3.00
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons 3.00

Not too bad if I say so myself. Almost bought .Hack/Infection, but for some reason I decided against it...
i found the other day at pawn shop the following
scarface for xbox 6.00
moto gp 3 for xbox 6.00
the guy game for xbox 6.00
need for speed carbon for xbox 6.00
traded moto and guy game for 22 cash so got 2 good games for 2 dollars
Wait wait wait wait, you traded The Guy Game? It got pulled from store shelves due to having a 17 year old in it(and thus making her appearance in the game illegal pretty much). It's considered sought after by some, though I only bought it for the above mentioned reason.

Ahhhh well, good finds nonetheless.....
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Wait wait wait wait, you traded The Guy Game? It got pulled from store shelves due to having a 17 year old in it(and thus making her appearance in the game illegal pretty much). It's considered sought after by some, though I only bought it for the above mentioned reason.[/QUOTE]

That story about the underage chick in the Guy Game was made up by a P.R. person so they could create a buzz about it and sell more copies. I still see it for sale at Gamestop/EB and every Blockbuster I go to has a copy for rent.

If there really was an underage girl in that game, there's no way in hell you'd still be able to buy it at major retail chains like that. It would have been yanked of store shelves moths ago.
That must be true, since Blockbuster(with its alleged 'family friendly' atmosphere) wouldn't keep it on the shelves. However, GS would sell anything I believe. :whistle2:X

Either way, I'm happy with my copy, since I didn't pay full retail for it. Now, if I could just find a copy of the DVD they released after they supposedly stopped selling the game.
See, that's what I thought, but I've been wrong before about games. I'm still surprised many places actually sold BMX XXX, which used footage of girls from Scores and topless female bike riders in it(I believe).

Wikipedia has a massive list of controversial and banned games.
[quote name='Scorch']Uh, no it wasn't.


Yeah, I know all about the official story. My point is you can't go into stores and buy magazines & vids of 17 yo girls flashing their tits. Why? Because it's highly illegal and the people selling them would get MAJOR fines and jail time if they did. That's why it makes absolutely no sense that major stores like EG/GS & Blockbuster are still selling this game if that story was really true.

The only official statement that I've ever seen about the case was made by Top Heavy Studios and was posted on Gamespot. That combined with the fact that the 17 yo was *still* included on the DVD re-release is why I call bullshit on this story.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']See, now this is NOT typical of my local pawn shops, as they use Egay as their barometer for what to sell things for. For example, I went to see what they'd give me for the following today:

Halo Triple Pack
Jade Empire Limited Edition
Stubbs The Zombie

The total? $20 fuckin dollars, which makes them as bad as GS.

Either way, semi new titles are $32.95, 6 months to a year old titles are $23.95, old as shit titles range from $6 to $10 usually and nothing is under $5 most times.

How in the HELL people are able to get these prices is beyond me, since my area of the country must suck. People here think their shit is worth its weight in platinum.......

Good finds though.....[/quote]
Except for the one that I mentioned where I got those GC games super cheap, the pawn shops around here over price. There's one that is wanting $15 each for a original Game Boy and Madden NFL '04 for Xbox, WTF?

Except for that one, I've stopped looking at Pawn Shops since they really don't know how to sell games.
How often do you guys have to go to the pawn shops to find these deals? I have never found any good video game deals near me. I was wondering if you go 100 times and find a good deal once, or if you just find one good store and they always have the good prices.
See, my stores here never have really good prices, cept on super old stuff. Although, there are 1-3 titles they have I've been wanting to play forever(like Rygar for the PS2, due to the fact I used to play the HELL out of the old arcade version), but I've been too cheap to spring for the $7 or $8 they want for it.

Now, the one local game shop on the other hand, he has incredible prices on most stuff and his shop is the one I've found most of my deals at that I didn't find out about here.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Either way, semi new titles are $32.95, 6 months to a year old titles are $23.95, old as shit titles range from $6 to $10 usually and nothing is under $5 most times.

How in the HELL people are able to get these prices is beyond me, since my area of the country must suck. People here think their shit is worth its weight in platinum.......[/QUOTE]

The trick is finding pawns that have fixed prices on ALL their games. It might not seem like they're are any, but they are out there. For example, there's about 10 pawns I go to in my area. Of those 10, about half of those sell ALL their games (except current gen stuff like 360 and Wii) with prices like $8 - $10 each. Those are the shops I like to go to on a regular basis. The rest that use Ebay/Gamestop prices I only go to once or twice a month.

BTW, here's my latest pawn shop find. Only cost me $8 out the door:

[quote name='norkusa']The trick is finding pawns that have fixed prices on ALL their games. It might not seem like they're are any, but they are out there. For example, there's about 10 pawns I go to in my area. Of those 10, about half of those sell ALL their games (except current gen stuff like 360 and Wii) with prices like $8 - $10 each. Those are the shops I like to go to on a regular basis. The rest that use Ebay/Gamestop prices I only go to once or twice a month.

BTW, here's my latest pawn shop find. Only cost me $8 out the door:


See, my 2 local pawn shops use Ebay as their barometer for pricing stuff, so I mainly stick to the one local indy game shop, where the guy always tries to 'price stuff lower than GS'.

He has something like 3 shelves filled with guides from most of the major recent drops, most he sells for $3-5, with certain ones going for more and disappearing quick.

He sold me a non-GH God Of War for $10, then tossed in an instruction manual when I noticed it was missing. But, so far, he hasn't been my source to find a frakkin' RCA cable for a Genesis. NO ONE HAS THEM ANYMORE!!!

I SO wanna take the Genny I bought from him up my one buddies house to play Zombies Ate My Neighbors again. We spent countless hours going through it back in the day. Thing is, I have 2 copies of it now(MAY be putting one cart only up for trade soon), since I found a cart only one at a thrift store.

Anyway, to summarize my normally long post, my local PS's go by Ebay pricing for stuff to base what price they give people and price it at, though some older games like Rygar are like $6-7.
There are a couple different types of Pawn Shops, the independantly owned and the franchises. The franchises have a set of rules they have to adhere to in order to take something in, such as they pay $3 for any PS2 game, regardless of condition, or $30 for a PS2, any type as long as it has the cables and 1 controller.

The one I've been at for 3 years south of Atlanta is independant. I've paid as little as $1 for a game (usually something we're really loaded with like the original Splinter Cell). I still have to listen to what the boss says but as the only gamer there I pretty much have my say as to what to pay for stuff and price it at. I'll see what places are selling their used syste, for and sell it for the same and throw in a game, etc.

I agree, most Pawn Shops don't know MvC2 from Mario Bros and that's the best way to get good deal from them. If a local shop uses eBay prices, I'll give anyone permission to take a sledghammer upside their heads. If you want ebay prices, go post it on friggin' ebay.

If anyone wants to know more about the biz, ask away.
Yea the shop I went today had a ps1 mouse and a SNES mouse. They were $5 a piece. I wasn't really interested. But I did get a mint copy of Pokemon Diamond for the DS for $10. It was marked at $25 but the sign said all games $10. Now that's a deal.
[quote name='tangytangerine']Except for the one that I mentioned where I got those GC games super cheap, the pawn shops around here over price. There's one that is wanting $15 each for a original Game Boy and Madden NFL '04 for Xbox, WTF?[/quote]
My only local pawn shop was asking $30 for an original Game Boy. Seriously. That should be a clue why I don't shop there very often.

Plus, it's a family owned store, and ALL the employees smoke like chimneys. The few times I've bought things there, I've gotten things home and the reek like smoke. I've actually had to spray Febreeze on some NES cartirdges to get the smell off of them. Are most pawn shops like this, or do I just have a bad one?
[quote name='Yaxley']My only local pawn shop was asking $30 for an original Game Boy. Seriously. That should be a clue why I don't shop there very often.

Plus, it's a family owned store, and ALL the employees smoke like chimneys. The few times I've bought things there, I've gotten things home and the reek like smoke. I've actually had to spray Febreeze on some NES cartirdges to get the smell off of them. Are most pawn shops like this, or do I just have a bad one?[/quote]

Depends on the area. South of Atlanta around me, I've been in maybe 2 or 3 shops that were actually clean (mine included). There's a few that constanly have some kind of grime of the floor, cobwebs and dust covering everything, Makes me never want to take a look around. Alough no smoke problems as GA is a no smoking in public state.
found these this week
scarface $8
mk armegedon$8
rocky balboa dvd $3
mi 3 $3
dave chapelle show season 2 $3, got to say love the wayne brady skit laughed my ass off for ever kept replaying it
xmen trilogy $3
OK, how come I can't have a pawn shop around by me selling DVDs for $3, let alone season sets. And those games prices, WTF!!!! My local shops want $12 for 5 year old games, what a rip.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']OK, how come I can't have a pawn shop around by me selling DVDs for $3, let alone season sets. And those games prices, WTF!!!! My local shops want $12 for 5 year old games, what a rip.[/quote]

lol i have three or 4 i do buisness with andd thats it, i also picked up metal gear solid 3 subsistance for 6 dollars
[quote name='Segasonic01']my pawn shop has MGS (GH, complete) for Ps1 for $10. Should I bite?[/quote]

imo i wouldnt sounds a little high to me
[quote name='camelking6969']lol i have three or 4 i do buisness with andd thats it, i also picked up metal gear solid 3 subsistance for 6 dollars[/quote]

LOL The Metal Gear games weren't my cup of tea, but yet I loved sneaking around to get the more gruesome kills in Manhunt. Go figure....
where i live (cleveland) i dont think there are ANY pawn shops... :(

u guys got some lucky deals :)
espically the Wii and 360 games...
bread's done