Choose your own adventure books


21 (100%)
do they till make these anymore and if so what are they like? also how hard is it to find some of the earler ones and would it be expensive to get them?
Go to your local used book store, check for the young adult section, I'm sure you could find piles of them for .25 or .50. Also make sure to pick up some Worlds of Power books while you're there.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Go to your local used book store, check for the young adult section, I'm sure you could find piles of them for .25 or .50. Also make sure to pick up some Worlds of Power books while you're there.[/quote]

were those the dungeons and dragons themed choose our own adv books? i think i had one of those if it was a guy had a magical talking necklace or something.
My cousin had all the Goosebumps CYAs, I would grab a few once he was done reading them. Weren't nearly as good as the simple mystery ones. Of course I thought Goosebumps was overrated anyway.

But yes, used bookstores, ebay (likely to be expensive there, but possibly in lots) and the library. Also they're being reprinted.
I used to do the ones branded "Lone Wolf". Definitely a fun past time. I think they still sell them at Waldenbooks in the Yound Adult Section.
Dude get the Transformers Choose Your Own Adventure books.

They're fucking great. No matter what you do, the Deceptacons ALWAYS lose!
[quote name='pittpizza']Dude get the Transformers Choose Your Own Adventure books.

They're fucking great. No matter what you do, the Deceptacons ALWAYS lose![/quote]

lol i had 2 of those i think one was called decepticon oil or some shit. i hated those things the pictures looked surprised theyre still making these id have figured tha was a fad that died out years ago along with kids liking to read. if jk rowling was smart shed do some harry potter cyoa.

another question though concering books. there used to be a series of small horror books about the size of a folded dollar and roughly 25 or 35 pages long. each one had one story and they had these really cool covers on them. the one story i remember was a brother and sister in the woods exploring cave with a cross in front of it. the brother removes the cross and whatever is inside gets out and kills him leaving her alone in a cabin.

the only thing keeping her alive is they hate light but as her fire begins to die out she freaks out and more or less ges into a fetal posistion thinking about how much she was afraid of the dark.

any of you know this story?

another book i want to find has to do with some kid with magic glasses that allow him or her to create things and something about the 4th dimension. at one oint they make a bike or motorcycle out of a broom.
Choose your Own Adventure
Those Time Traveling CYOA type deals (dinosaurs, pirates..)
Encyclopedia Brown
My Teacher is an Alien

[quote name='pittpizza']Dude get the Transformers Choose Your Own Adventure books.

They're fucking great. No matter what you do, the Deceptacons ALWAYS lose![/QUOTE]

lol, I never even knew they had CYOA for Transformers.

I had ones for Super Mario Bros, Thundercats, and Batman and I can tell you, there were some bad endings that really disturbed me as a child (NO! The Thundercats can't die! Noooooooooo!)
when I was a kid my stepmom used to make me go read at least 3 chapters of a book on Saturdays before I could go and play (I hated her for it then, love her for it now). I had picked up a CYOA book from the library and when Saturday rolled around I started reading that. when I came back downstairs half an hour later and told her I had finished she asked me how I had finished so soon. I explained that I just skipped to the ending because the book told me to, and she was pissed, telling me that's not how you read a book, and thought I was trying to get one over on her so I could go play. I remember the absolute joy I experienced when she finally picked up the book and skimmed it to see if I was lying or not.

good times.
Your trapped in a cave. There is a door to your left.

TAKE THE DOOR TO THE LEFT, go to post #32
[quote name='lordwow']

TAKE THE DOOR TO THE LEFT, go to post #32(and keep your finger in current post)
CONTINUE DOWN THE DARK CAVE, go to post #24(and keep your finger in current post)[/quote]

[quote name='lokizz']were those the dungeons and dragons themed choose our own adv books? i think i had one of those if it was a guy had a magical talking necklace or something.[/quote]The Endless Quest series of books are what you are thinking of, based on the Dungeons & Dragons game. The book you are thinking of is titled Return to Brookmere. The talking amulet is the Amulet of Mim, short for Mimulus.

- big D&D nerd
[quote name='lordwow']Your trapped in a cave. There is a door to your left.

TAKE THE DOOR TO THE LEFT, go to post #32
CONTINUE DOWN THE DARK CAVE, go to post #24[/quote]

*goes to post #32*

"You are dead."

*goes to post #24*

"You are dead."

Gentlegamer: "WTF!!!"
Oh man, I LOVED choose your own adventure books! I used to read them more than "regular" books. Whenever it came time to do a book report in school though, the teacher said we couldn't do a report on a CYOA book. That made me upset.
[quote name='Gentlegamer']The Endless Quest series of books are what you are thinking of, based on the Dungeons & Dragons game. The book you are thinking of is titled Return to Brookmere. The talking amulet is the Amulet of Mim, short for Mimulus.

- big D&D nerd[/quote]

damn thats the one! had a green cover and that guy was going back to the castle to reclaim the throne from a wererat. awesome freakin book.
The Mario and Zelda choose-your-own-adventure books were the best! I managed to collect them all, and still have them in storage somewhere.
[quote name='lokizz']were those the dungeons and dragons themed choose our own adv books? i think i had one of those if it was a guy had a magical talking necklace or something.[/quote]

Hell yea... I think his name was ... Zim? My grandpa used to send me these Endless Quest books when I was around 7 or 8. The extra cool thing was that he would further expand on the character descriptions and added art to many of the pages. Just little touches of flair to flesh details out. Since he was a professional writer and a serious gamer this was a real treat.

Now, this is a bit random but did anyone play/read this adventure in the series?


It had a positively terrifying (at the time) plot twist in it where you meet this "kindly" inn keeper and it seems like a nice place to rest. So you have to choose. But something seems a little amiss. If you stay he ends up casting a charm on you and let's just say, the story ends... very very badly.


These books were awesome as well. What a choice to make for a nine year old --- Wizard OR Warrior, with all sorts of gear and spells to pick from. That cover takes me back to 1985 summer camp. Excuse me while I go open a box of Lemonheads.


I was also a big fan of the Lone Wolf series. These were the closest to roleplaying of any of the Choose Your Owns. You had gear, stats, equipment, spells AND (unless I'm mixing this up with another series) you could continue your character into the NEXT book! I also seem to recall LOTS of branching plot points, multiple good endings etc. -- you could replay these books quite a bit.


This one was pretty cool too.
You get to do a lot of drugs and fuck a zebra.
I had on coya that you were a kid who got sent back to medievel times. There was one choice.

cut the head off a snake and start a war or stand still and don't start a war.

Cut the head off go to page 54. You start a war in the battle you get shot by an arrow. You died.

Don't cut the head off. go to page 74

The snake bit you. You died!

That BLOWS!!!!!!!! I think that was the first time my mom heard me cuss! I think I pulled a " christmas story". Did you say what I think you said? Thats what I thought YOU SAID> YOUR GETTING SOAP!!!!!!!

Loved those books though.
after finding these pic im surrised how many of these i didnt read.the only ones ime sure i read are code name jonah, mystery of chimney rock , who killed harlowe thromby, vampire express,return to the cave of time, ghost hunter( i beieve in that one one possible outcome is you get turned into a ghost), terror island, beyond escape and secret of the ninja.

some more cover art image

Some of the ends were pretty bad. He He He funny now scary as a kid.

Mommy whats your head got beaten in until your eyes turned to mush. Can that happen?
I bought a few of the new reprints for my daughter. Passing on the tradition.

(except I think I read them more than she did)
man they should really look into making these into some kind of game or something. maybe animate 4 or 5 of these and put them on the ds or psp. i know id buy them or even better if you could choose the one you want to play the hell out of that shit.
I loved these books as a child. Man, just thinking about heading to the library as a kid and searching the racks for these little gems makes me smile.
Also, whoever mentioned My Teacher is an Alien is right on the money. MTIAA rocked!

That reminds me, I found a bunch of the D&D CYOA books for 10 cents each. I have yet to read them.
Holy Shit! Where Am I?

Sounds like a book that I need to read.

I remember that there was a whole lot of cheatin' going on when I used to read these books.
I remember those. Those came from the RPG board games before there was any written rules. In Japan they became the comic adventure games ( action games ) that we play time to time.

There was also some games like that on the PC like the one where you was on a
Navy ship....some reason I kept getting a disoreble discharge where the commanders would describe your not well actions and judge you like in the simpsons episode where Homer was a Naval officer traniee and went to Russia.

Again in Japan those evolved into the Tatical War games and Dating games Sims that people still play today.

I still play those alot.
My local Half Price Books has a bunch of used copies for $1 each. I picked my kids up a few of them. Good to see they seem to enjoy them as much as I did.

Also, if you sign up for the HPB newsletter they give you a $5 off coupon for $25 purchase. AND, this weekend(Sat,Sun,Mon) 20% off store wide.

I remember the Transformers books. Wasn't there G.I. Joe books too ?
Did anyone else choose books based on the number of endings? I seem to remember thinking that for some reason a book with more endings was somehow better.

Damn I was a stupid kid, I remember reading Vampire Express though, that book was money.
I read a lot of those, and also branched out into the ripoff brand stuff (ie "Which Way Books"). I also had two of the Transformers ones...they weren't CYOA branded, they were also done by a ripoff company. They were pretty cool though.

My favorite, though, was a Spider-Man based one that had in addition to the usual free-form choices occasionally had a dumbed-down D&D element every once in a while ("to try webbing, roll dice - if result is 1-3, go to page 55, otherwise go to page 96. Or to use your strength, roll dice - if result is 1-2, go to page 62, otherwise go to page 99). I'm guessing they made more of those for different Marvel characters but the Spider-Man one was the only one I had.
[quote name='benjamouth']Did anyone else choose books based on the number of endings? I seem to remember thinking that for some reason a book with more endings was somehow better.

Damn I was a stupid kid, I remember reading Vampire Express though, that book was money.[/quote]

sadly enough i chose alot of those cyoa books based on the cover. except for the vampire and ghost one since i was into that stuff as a kid. and 2 of he other ones i lucked out and snagged during RIF.

does anyone know if they used the same artist to draw the covers and if so did they do any other art anywhere else?
[quote name='BlueWingX']For everyone that either loved the Lone Wolf books, or really wants to try them, here's a website where you can download them with the permission of the author. They even have a program that tracks your stats in the books for you![/quote]

You sir, kick ass. I may not get work done for a couple weeks now :lol:. I was just starting to wonder what I did with my old books (I think I threw them away last time I visited my parents).
bread's done