What are the requirements to work at Gamestop?

[quote name='caffolote']I would just like to know how to become an employee at Gamestop.[/quote]

You need a Masters in Philosophy or English. They might take a Physics Grad, but that's scraping the bottom of the barrel.:D


Honestly, I have no idea.
An abrasive personality, a total lack of knowledge about any product the store stocks, and slothful personal hygenie habits probably wouldn't hurt.
[quote name='caffolote']I would just like to know how to become an employee at Gamestop.[/quote]

Be at least 16, go fill out an application, and leave a working phone number. That's about it.
[quote name='JSweeney']An abrasive personality, a total lack of knowledge about any product the store stocks, and slothful personal hygenie habits probably wouldn't hurt.[/quote]

Alright, I shall rule them all!
[quote name='JSweeney']An abrasive personality, a total lack of knowledge about any product the store stocks, and slothful personal hygenie habits probably wouldn't hurt.[/quote]

And don't forget you have to have anticustomer skills, it takes years of training. :D
[quote name='JSweeney']An abrasive personality, a total lack of knowledge about any product the store stocks, and slothful personal hygenie habits probably wouldn't hurt.[/quote]

Sweet, I'm 2 for 3.
[quote name='JSweeney']An abrasive personality, a total lack of knowledge about any product the store stocks, and slothful personal hygenie habits probably wouldn't hurt.[/quote]

damnit you stole my post!
A key must is to annoy the customer who actually buys something, to death. You must continue to ask them to preorder stuff for a system that you don't know they have. If they refuse, you act like you're all dope and tell them how stupid they are. If you can do that, you're a shoe in.
[quote name='rabbitt']Did you pass the 6th grade?

[ ]Yes [ ]No [ ]Potato

Regardless of which one you check, you've got the job.[/quote]

Not true. I checked yes when I applied and was told I was over-qualified.
Although no one else has given you a straight answer, I'll try to add a little advice.

With stores like Gamestop and EB, they often prefer people with previous retail experience or something to convince them that you would be a reliable worker. Since they have a smaller staff than the larger stores like Best Buy, Circuit City, etc., they have to be a little pickier about who they hire, because one person calling in makes a bigger difference.

They also want someone who is enthusiastic about games, but also understands that the job isn't just about standing around talking about games all day. If you ever get an interview, be sure to tell them that you understand you still have to help keep the store organized, process pre-owned products, and tell customers about upcoming products to get pre-sells in order to build a loyal customer base.

One last thing would be to just prove to them you are a good pitch man when it comes to warranties, accessories, pre-selling, and just selling in general. A lot of time you have to mention a lot of promotions to customers and the stores definitely want people who are comfortable with selling those types of things.

A lot of these guys have had negative experiences with the stores mainly because the sales people just aren't very good. Part of being a good salesperson is knowing when someone just doesn't want what you are selling and that pushing it further will have a negative impact. For example, I have no problem with an employee asking if I would like a strategy guide or disc guarantee, but I certainly don't want them telling me I'm stupid for not getting either one or asking me multiple times during the same transaction.

Anyway, I hope this helps and good luck job hunting.
[quote name='BasketCase1080']only requirement is to either not have a brain, or just be a complete shwag.[/quote]

Damn, only 1 for 2 there.
repetske, since you're the only one giving honest answers, maybe you can help me out with something. I've tried applying at both EB and GS and called them about my app. Everything goes fine until the game knowledge, which I just put that knowledge in suggestions for games, knowledge in consoles, keeps up with the news, etc. and they tell me that's not what they're looking for.

What would be the best selection of choices that I should put down when I reapply?
[quote name='repetske']I certainly don't want them telling me I'm stupid for not getting either one or asking me multiple times during the same transaction.[/quote]

I was at EB today picking up Katamari w/ a gift voucher I had recieved and ha must have asked me 3 or 4 times whether I wanted their disc gurantee. He kept asking if I was sure I didn't want it. :roll: It bugs the hell out of me. I'm sure part of it was the fact that I'm only 14 and to him I must look completely brain-dead and unable to make my own decisions. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
The requirements to be a Gamestop employee:

A) Know very little about the product outside of "my friend's friend heard it rawks!"

B) Prefer to hit on all the hot chicks who come in despite the fact that they would never give you any chance in a million years.

C) Have a haterid towards anything Sega Dreamcast.

D) Act like the N-Gage is the greatest thing ever made (which I swear is a requirement at Gamestop).

E) Peddle preorders, warranties, etc to death on a customer who is buying a used copy of "WWE Wrestlemania 19" on DVD.

And more importantly...

F) The overall ability to piss people off 24/7.... and do it well I might add.
hey OP,

With all these people talking about how the gamestop workers are hated, are you sure you wnt to work there and be hated by people?
[quote name='help1']hey OP,

With all these people talking about how the gamestop workers are hated, are you sure you wnt to work there and be hated by people?[/quote]

I don't hate every Gamestop employee I know, just the ones who are rude, lazy, or act like they know everything when they obviously don't. But that other 1 Gamestop employee I know is fine.
Are you sure you only have to be 16 to work at game stores? I would have thought 18 because your selling mature games.
[quote name='caffolote']I would just like to know how to become an employee at Gamestop.[/quote]

whatever you do Never tell a store that you like to buy and sell used games. I did this once and they acted like if they hired me i would stand there buying and selling my games instead of pushing the Stores junk .
[quote name='Moxio']Be 16 and have hands.[/quote]

If they refused to hire you based on not having hands, you could probably sue them under the Americans with Disabilities Act!
[quote name='caffolote']I would just like to know how to become an employee at Gamestop.[/quote]

Only requirement:

You need a pulse.

Ba dum dum....chhhh

THANK YOU!!! I'm here all week..........Try the veal!
Why not just walk into a store and talk to the manager? You know your just wasting your time asking a message board that mostly hates GS/EB.
"What are the requirements to work at Gamestop?"

it depends on which ones you work at, cuz lets all face it gamestop employees are stupid in most cases but not all of them are dumb, so I guess you have to be videogame ignorant, 16 or up, a legal us resident who is able to work, and stupid.... damn fbsn's
[quote name='repetske']Although no one else has given you a straight answer, I'll try to add a little advice.

With stores like Gamestop and EB, they often prefer people with previous retail experience or something to convince them that you would be a reliable worker. Since they have a smaller staff than the larger stores like Best Buy, Circuit City, etc., they have to be a little pickier about who they hire, because one person calling in makes a bigger difference.

They also want someone who is enthusiastic about games, but also understands that the job isn't just about standing around talking about games all day. If you ever get an interview, be sure to tell them that you understand you still have to help keep the store organized, process pre-owned products, and tell customers about upcoming products to get pre-sells in order to build a loyal customer base.

One last thing would be to just prove to them you are a good pitch man when it comes to warranties, accessories, pre-selling, and just selling in general. A lot of time you have to mention a lot of promotions to customers and the stores definitely want people who are comfortable with selling those types of things.

A lot of these guys have had negative experiences with the stores mainly because the sales people just aren't very good. Part of being a good salesperson is knowing when someone just doesn't want what you are selling and that pushing it further will have a negative impact. For example, I have no problem with an employee asking if I would like a strategy guide or disc guarantee, but I certainly don't want them telling me I'm stupid for not getting either one or asking me multiple times during the same transaction.

Anyway, I hope this helps and good luck job hunting.[/quote]

This guy right here was an awesome EB employee. I never believed y'all's stories of evil EB/Gamestop 'cause I had this guy and his co-workers in my town. :D
[quote name='tyecko']Are you sure you only have to be 16 to work at game stores? I would have thought 18 because your selling mature games.[/quote]

It doesn't really matter. I used to work at AMC Theatres when I was 16 even though there were Rated-R films there. Also worked at Toys R Us at 16 even though they sold mature rated games.
[quote name='NateWhs152']be a fag[/quote]

Wow, with such small minded insults, obvious bigotry and apparent lack of intelligence, we must have a gamestop employee of the month right here!!
[quote name='repetske']Although no one else has given you a straight answer, I'll try to add a little advice.

With stores like Gamestop and EB, they often prefer people with previous retail experience or something to convince them that you would be a reliable worker. Since they have a smaller staff than the larger stores like Best Buy, Circuit City, etc., they have to be a little pickier about who they hire, because one person calling in makes a bigger difference.

They also want someone who is enthusiastic about games, but also understands that the job isn't just about standing around talking about games all day. If you ever get an interview, be sure to tell them that you understand you still have to help keep the store organized, process pre-owned products, and tell customers about upcoming products to get pre-sells in order to build a loyal customer base.

One last thing would be to just prove to them you are a good pitch man when it comes to warranties, accessories, pre-selling, and just selling in general. A lot of time you have to mention a lot of promotions to customers and the stores definitely want people who are comfortable with selling those types of things.

A lot of these guys have had negative experiences with the stores mainly because the sales people just aren't very good. Part of being a good salesperson is knowing when someone just doesn't want what you are selling and that pushing it further will have a negative impact. For example, I have no problem with an employee asking if I would like a strategy guide or disc guarantee, but I certainly don't want them telling me I'm stupid for not getting either one or asking me multiple times during the same transaction.

Anyway, I hope this helps and good luck job hunting.[/quote]

Being serious, he's exactly right.
Knowledge of games is the least of the corporation's worries when they hire employees. The want someone who is honest, hardworking, shows on time and doesn't steal from them.

If you have past retail experience, it's good to tell them that... it will go a long way to getting you hired. While there are a good number of poor sales clerks and generally bad employees, some of the stores actually have a competant staff and a store manager that actually knows his stuff.

Sell yourself more on reliability, experience and honesty moreso than gaming knowledge and you shouldn't have a problem. Acting like a kid who thinks it would be "cool" to work at a videogame store is the quickest way not to get the job.
I gotta admit as a person who has hired over a hundred employees that game knowledge was last.

Realistically it's basic ability to work in retail. I preferred employees that seemed to have good eye contact, know when to SHUT UP, and basically be willing to work hard and have a good attitude.

Do not act like a gaming fanboy. Act like you want a job to work to make money and that you are willing to work hard to do it.

Listen well to the person who is interviewing you. Speak well and with a vibrant (not loud) voice. Do not mubble. Try not to "ummm" too much if possible. Answer the questions asked and then shut up...do not go on and on.

Dress casual but not crazy. Wear a plain shirt and jeans or slacks. Do not wear a shirt with any logos or music bands. You do not know if the interviewer likes or hates the item on the shirt. Again you want the person interviewing you to like you. You want them to get a sense that they can work with you and you would be willing to work hard for them and not be any hassle at all.

Hope that helps.

Oh...if you want I can phone interview you for a test. Or just ask your parents or someone will some management skills to do this for you. A little interview practice goes a long way. Most people that came in to speak with me really had no clue how to act.
[quote name='Kelcey']A key must is to annoy the customer who actually buys something, to death. You must continue to ask them to preorder stuff for a system that you don't know they have. If they refuse, you act like you're all dope and tell them how stupid they are. If you can do that, you're a shoe in.[/quote]

I work there, and this is exactly what they want.
Here's a serious answer...because I actually work in a Gamestop and I hate how everyone just generalizes every stores employees.

Know the employees, if you become a good customer, we will remember you, especially if you reserve a lot of games. Just get to know everyone there, and when you do apply, it makes things a lot easier.
man you guys are all dicks, from now on im going to be a dick to all the customers that come in to gamestop, because you guys generalize about the employees, well im going to generalize about the ignorant, immature, mindless, dickface, i wish i had a girlfriend look at my 13,000 posts and funny avatar i ordered halo from outpost little bitches....
EBGames has more stupid employees than Gamestop, so thats why I want to work at Gamestop. Any more serious answers?
[quote name='tyecko']Are you sure you only have to be 16 to work at game stores? I would have thought 18 because your selling mature games.[/quote]

It varies store to store. I was told I couldn't work at one because it was in a strip mall?! I could have worked at the one across the street in the shopping mall though. Just ask the manager, he/she should know.
[quote name='iheartmetal']man you guys are all dicks, from now on im going to be a dick to all the customers that come in to gamestop, because you guys generalize about the employees, well im going to generalize about the ignorant, immature, mindless, dickface, i wish i had a girlfriend look at my 13,000 posts and funny avatar i ordered halo from outpost little bitches....[/quote]

Wow. So you actually plan to act like the rest of the employees of your corporation? Great. I'm sure that the District Manager will be happy to report up the chain that that problem employee in one of the California stores has finally seen the light.
You'll make the home office so proud!!

Judging by the post, your already there!
You'll make employee of the month this time, no doubt!!
[quote name='iheartmetal']man you guys are all dicks, from now on im going to be a dick to all the customers that come in to gamestop, because you guys generalize about the employees, well im going to generalize about the ignorant, immature, mindless, dickface, i wish i had a girlfriend look at my 13,000 posts and funny avatar i ordered halo from outpost little bitches....[/quote]

Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God, there is no more thankless or horrific fuckin industry than retail. My old store manager only hired gamers, cause we know our shit. Guess what? We're all still working there a year and a half (or more) later except for one guy. What happened to him? He went to Digipen. He'd own all you bitches, guaranteed.

Here's the reality. Upper management only cares about selling. Customer serivce is only a "relative" term to them. In other words, they don't give a shit as long as they're turning a profit. Until some asshole customer complains and they have to make amends. You wouldn't believe the amount of stupid fucking people that come into the store. I had one guy who got offended becuase we wouldn't accept his Dreamcast (back when we did) becuase the cords had pulls, the controller rattled and it looked like he spit tobacco tar all over it. He told us we should clean it up. Then the punk-ass teens with broken PS2's (like missing the front of the DVD tray broken) bitching about how little we give for busted stuff. The absolute worst are the pissed parents who we have to tell that we either won't take or charge a fee against their trade-ins for the games that little Billy used as toilet paper.

Here's what to expect. Be at least 16, know your shit. If you don't like a genre, ask your co-workers who do about those games. Read alot of gaming news sites and reviews. Because every fucktard who walks in thinks all we do is play games all day. If you work a semi-busy store expect to be processing alot of shipment everyday except for weekends. Your manager will be rating and keeping track of how many discount cards and reservations you get EVERY DAY. They will ask, they will bitch, they will threaten your job if you don't produce. You will then spend alot of time doing busy-work cleaning stuff becuase corporate likes to go around at least once a month and re-arrange lots of the store.

Find a place with a staff you respect, otherwise you'll absolutely hate the job. A good crew is the only reason I've stayed there.
Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God, there is no more thankless or horrific shaq-fuin industry than retail. My old store manager only hired gamers, cause we know our shit. Guess what? We're all still working there a year and a half (or more) later except for one guy. What happened to him?

That disturbs me. You'r subjecting yourself to hell either by choice or because you have no options. Your friend was the smartest of you all.

He went to Digipen. He'd own all you bitches, guaranteed.

Bullshit. Considering that Neko Hime and JaveryH are corporate lawyers, Epobirs has been published by wired, and there are at least 10 CAG with BS, MS or PHDs in Computer Science, and actually work in the industry, I doubt it. Not to mention the 5-6 other CAGs that also go to Digipen or Full Sail. One kid getting into a school that just about anyone who can afford the tuition can walk right into is not going to impress most of us.

Here's the reality. Upper management only cares about selling. Customer serivce is only a "relative" term to them. In other words, they don't give a shit as long as they're turning a profit. Until some asshole customer complains and they have to make amends. You wouldn't believe the amount of stupid shaq-fuing people that come into the store.

There's a flipside to that coin... you wouldn't belive how many mouth-breathing morons I've had to endure just to pick up a simple copy of a game that I preordered. There's a reason I don't shop at Gamestop very often, and it's not the prices. In fact, the part of the entire operation that I like the most is the website. If it weren't for Gamestop's website, I wouldn't buy anything from them at all.

I had one guy who got offended becuase we wouldn't accept his Dreamcast (back when we did) becuase the cords had pulls, the controller rattled and it looked like he spit tobacco tar all over it. He told us we should clean it up.
Then the punk-ass teens with broken PS2's (like missing the front of the DVD tray broken) bitching about how little we give for busted stuff. The absolute worst are the pissed parents who we have to tell that we either won't take or charge a fee against their trade-ins for the games that little Billy used as toilet paper.

Boo hoo. You knew that going it. Those compliants are going to fall on deaf ears. Don't want to deal with it? Don't work retail.

Here's what to expect. Be at least 16, know your shit.
If you don't like a genre, ask your co-workers who do about those games. Read alot of gaming news sites and reviews. Because every fucktard who walks in thinks all we do is play games all day. If you work a semi-busy store expect to be processing alot of shipment everyday except for weekends. Your manager will be rating and keeping track of how many discount cards and reservations you get EVERY DAY. They will ask, they will bitch, they will threaten your job if you don't produce. You will then spend alot of time doing busy-work cleaning stuff becuase corporate likes to go around at least once a month and re-arrange lots of the store.

Actually, I think corporate would be much happier with proptness, neatness and experience than "knowledge about videogames". That's the last point you want to sell.

Find a place with a staff you respect, otherwise you'll absolutely hate the job. A good crew is the only reason I've stayed there.

Yet you hate the customer. Yeah, that's a real health environment.
Retail employees that bitch about customers is why customers develop a sever dislike for corporations. Considering the overall immaturity of the employees of Gamestop's retail storefronts, the negative image is well deserved. This post hasn't helped salvage your image regarding this facet either.
Just because some of you have had bad experiences at EB/Gamestop does not make them all bad. It seems to go in regions. Certain areas are much better than others. From what I have seen, the larger metropolitan areas seem to be worse than the smaller ones. This is from 1st had experience with both EB and Gamestop.
No one should really be so general in their statements as all companies have good/bad stores and good/bad employees. Just keep an open mind when you go to an new town/city because you might just be surprised as to what you will find in the local Gamestop or EB there.
God knows there are many, many BB and CC that suck ass worse than any EB or GS and they never seem to get bashed like EB and GS do.
For one JSweeney, nice of you to assume alot about EVERYTHING. Since you know it all, including me.

Promptness, neatness and experience? Gamestop really does only care about a pulse. If you don't have those first two things, you don't have a job ANYWHERE. Experience? Have you seen how many 16-18 year olds work there?

I didn't say I hate the customer. I hate the dickheads (ala You). If you work at a place where the employees are complete dicks or mindless idiots you'll hate it. Beuuase the environment you work in is a small amount of real estate. I've had some jobs with real bad co-workers. Not a good thing.

You'll find "mouth-breathing morons" at ANY retail chain if you've walked into more than one. The point is that if you've got one bad Gamestop, that doesn't make us all morons.

Retail is hell. It's called working through college dickhead. You got a problem? Gamestop in IL. If you're anywhere close, I'll tell you where to find me so I can stomp your ass.
Since when can ANYONE walk into Digipen? And by the way, he didn't PAY to get in. My "school you bitches" was reserved for the assholes (once again - YOU) who were seriously ripping on all people who work there. I sincerely don't hope you speak on behalf of the entire CAG community. Because it would just make this a sad place to be,
For one JSweeney, nice of you to assume alot about EVERYTHING. Since you know it all, including me.

Well aren't you just a little ray of sunshine.

Promptness, neatness and experience? Gamestop really does only care about a pulse. If you don't have those first two things, you don't have a job ANYWHERE. Experience? Have you seen how many 16-18 year olds work there?

It's nice how you keep building yourself up to cut yourself down.
It's all rather self-defeating, isn't it?

I didn't say I hate the customer. I hate the dickheads (ala You). If you work at a place where the employees are complete dicks or mindless idiots you'll hate it. Beuuase the environment you work in is a small amount of real estate. I've had some jobs with real bad co-workers. Not a good thing.

Namecalling. Nice.
That's really going to help establish and prove your point. :)

You'll find "mouth-breathing morons" at ANY retail chain if you've walked into more than one. The point is that if you've got one bad Gamestop, that doesn't make us all morons.

One bad gamestop? There are about 10 gamestops within 25 miles or so of me. I've been to all of them. The experience is remarkably similar.
One store is a bad sample. 10 is much more reliable. Sure it may just be a bad region, and the DM could be a moron, but that's far more likely that it's just a poor corporate culture.

Retail is hell. It's called working through college dickhead.
Aw, poor baby. I'm sure no one else has ever had to go through that.
Boo Hoo. Of course, if you were actually smarter or more qualified, you'd have an internship and actually be paid well. But hey, if you want to keep subjecting yourself to retail, be my guest :)

You got a problem? Gamestop in IL. If you're anywhere close, I'll tell you where to find me so I can stomp your ass.

Aw, you made a thread over the internet! Does that make you feel like a big man? Ohhh. The biggie meanie on the internet said mean things, so I'm going to make a juvenile threat of force. Brilliant!!

You know, if you're really into ass pounding, I'm sure dcfox would be more than happy to oblige you.
bread's done