What is your favorite Zelda game?

Wind Waker is the best. Awesome graphics, and an incredible game engine. It has many flaws - too much backtracking, overuse of sailing, not enough dungeons, too easy - but what is there is so effective it renders the flaws moot. If they would make OOT or Majora with the WW engine, then they would have something!
Wind Waker and Link to the Past are close seconds to Link's Awakening. I really never played anything else on my GBC, I always went straight to this game.
[quote name='rebenns']Wind Waker is the best. Awesome graphics, and an incredible game engine. It has many flaws - too much backtracking, overuse of sailing, not enough dungeons, too easy - but what is there is so effective it renders the flaws moot. If they would make OOT or Majora with the WW engine, then they would have something![/quote]

If you buy a action reply disc you can play 2 more dungeons that were left out of the game. I think they were replaced by the fire/ice islands.
Well, the only correct answer to this question is Wand of Gamelon, since it's one of the only 2 real Zelda games. Every other game in the series is technically a Link game.
1> Majora's Mask
2> Link to the Past
3> Wind Waker
4> Legend of Zelda
5> Ocarina of Time
6> Link's Awakening
7> Link's Adventure (LoZ2)

I haven't played the Oracle ones.

And get out of here with your Philips CDI bs jmcc. They are all Legend of Zelda games. They are CALLED Legend of Zelda. You don't call Super Mario Brothers games Super Peach Rescue because they are always rescuing her, do you?
[quote name='WildWop']

And get out of here with your Philips CDI bs jmcc. They are all Legend of Zelda games. They are CALLED Legend of Zelda. You don't call Super Mario Brothers games Super Peach Rescue because they are always rescuing her, do you?[/quote]

I think thats kind of his point. ALthough its still pretty lame.
[quote name='starman9000'][quote name='WildWop']

And get out of here with your Philips CDI bs jmcc. They are all Legend of Zelda games. They are CALLED Legend of Zelda. You don't call Super Mario Brothers games Super Peach Rescue because they are always rescuing her, do you?[/quote]

I think thats kind of his point. ALthough its still pretty lame.[/quote]

Hmm.. Yup, definitely undermined my own point. Aren't I S.M.R.T?

At least Legend of Zelda is more catchy than Legend of Link
I can't stand Majora's mask. The save system just makes me feel to uneasy to even play it. Like how you gotta finish some subquests AFTER you finish a dungeon, but BEFORE the third day is up. I couldn't stand that. Plus if the game ever crashes hours of progress are lost, and I accidentally misunderstood the rules of the game and didn't know I had to save using the ocarina and thought it saved automatically at the end of the third day. So now I have to go back and replay several hours of stuff that i haven't gotten around to.

And so far I'd vote for A link to the Past, but I just started the Wind Waker and after the first dungeon it looks like it could very well be the best.
A link to the past was quite possibly the best Super Nintendo Game, thus making it the best Zelda game. Old school systems are totally boss!!!
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']I can't stand Majora's mask. The save system just makes me feel to uneasy to even play it. Like how you gotta finish some subquests AFTER you finish a dungeon, but BEFORE the third day is up. I couldn't stand that. Plus if the game ever crashes hours of progress are lost, and I accidentally misunderstood the rules of the game and didn't know I had to save using the ocarina and thought it saved automatically at the end of the third day. So now I have to go back and replay several hours of stuff that i haven't gotten around to.

And so far I'd vote for A link to the Past, but I just started the Wind Waker and after the first dungeon it looks like it could very well be the best.[/quote]

don't blame the game for your stupidity.

also there's the Ace Ebb special Owl lamp/statutes which you can use to save at any point in your 3 day.

in conclusion, MM is far better thab OOT, which is not saying much.
[quote name='thorbahn3'][quote name='rebenns']Wind Waker is the best. Awesome graphics, and an incredible game engine. It has many flaws - too much backtracking, overuse of sailing, not enough dungeons, too easy - but what is there is so effective it renders the flaws moot. If they would make OOT or Majora with the WW engine, then they would have something![/quote]

If you buy a action reply disc you can play 2 more dungeons that were left out of the game. I think they were replaced by the fire/ice islands.[/quote]

[quote name='-Never4ever-'][quote name='thorbahn3'][quote name='rebenns']Wind Waker is the best. Awesome graphics, and an incredible game engine. It has many flaws - too much backtracking, overuse of sailing, not enough dungeons, too easy - but what is there is so effective it renders the flaws moot. If they would make OOT or Majora with the WW engine, then they would have something![/quote]

If you buy a action reply disc you can play 2 more dungeons that were left out of the game. I think they were replaced by the fire/ice islands.[/quote]

REALLY ?! HOW?[/quote]

Go buy a Action Replay for GCN. Then look online for the code so you can get access to them. It is something they left out of the game but was in the game. I saw it on a G4 TV show. everthing is checked though . Still a dungeon.

I just got back looking for them for ya. Here are the codes. I even had to become a member of a action replay site for these so you own me. A dew code would be great. Just PM me a code if you want to.


Test room 1 - Hold (L + Z)

Test room 2 - Hold (L + Y)

Test room 3 - Hold (L + X)

Test room 4 - Hold (L + A)

Test room 5 - Hold (L + B)

Test room 6 - Hold (L + DPad Up)

Test room 7 - Hold (L + DPad Down)

Test room 8 - Hold (L + Dpad Left)

Test room 9 - Hold (L + Dpad Right)

Test room 10 - Hold (L + R + Z)

Test room 11 - Hold (L + R+ Y)

Test room 12 - Hold (L + R+ X)

Test room 13 - Hold (L + R+ A)

Test room 14 - Hold (L + R+ B)

Unrestricted Camera
My favorites are the original, Link to the Past and OOT, least favorites are Adventure of Link and Majora's Mask
Links awakening was really good, I also liked the original but going back and playing them now, i really wish the game had diagonal motion.
Ay of you ever see link in the CD-i game? he looks like a pimp :p
I've played every single Zelda game except for the CD-i ones, and I have to say without a doubt that the Wind Waker is the best. I can't even pinpoint what it is about WW that makes it so good. It's just the overall experience and feeling you get while playing the game. My only beef is that the difficulty level is just too easy.
Zelda is one series I havent enjoyed nearly as much in 3D. Didnt get into OoT, MM or WW.

I voted for the one that started it all, the Legend of Zelda. Great game that I have played a ton, plus finding out the alternate world gave me huge replay in a game when things like that just weren't done at that time.
1) Link to the Past
2) Wind Waker
3) Majora's Mask
13892743) Ocarina of Time - I despise that game. Made Zelda 2 look like a freakin' masterpiece.
[quote name='DenisDFat'][quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']I can't stand Majora's mask. The save system just makes me feel to uneasy to even play it. Like how you gotta finish some subquests AFTER you finish a dungeon, but BEFORE the third day is up. I couldn't stand that. Plus if the game ever crashes hours of progress are lost, and I accidentally misunderstood the rules of the game and didn't know I had to save using the ocarina and thought it saved automatically at the end of the third day. So now I have to go back and replay several hours of stuff that i haven't gotten around to.

And so far I'd vote for A link to the Past, but I just started the Wind Waker and after the first dungeon it looks like it could very well be the best.[/quote]

don't blame the game for your stupidity.

also there's the Ace Ebb special Owl lamp/statutes which you can use to save at any point in your 3 day.

in conclusion, MM is far better thab OOT, which is not saying much.[/quote]

You can save at the owl statues, but once you load the save up it gets erased. So if you don't feel like playing the goron races after the second dungeon you basically have to just spend hours on it, or not play it at all. The concept of never being able to go back (unless you complete entire dungeons again) is bullcrap.
I think OOT is the best. LTTP was good, but OOT drew me in and never let go. I have fond memories of that game. Wind Waker never caught me like that...
I'd have to cast my vote for Link to the Past. I got my SNES back in the day so I could play that game. Countless hours of fun. Ah...memories...

As for the second, I'd have to say it's a tie between Oot and WW. Both were great games that I was immediately hooked to once I started playing.
OOT is probably the most overrated game ever, tied with such craptacular, yet popular games as Halo, GTA3, Chrono Trigger, FF7, FF8, and Super mario 64

p...s. I'm pretty sure that you only had to enter the dungeon and you'd get teh w4rped back to the dungeon master for easy bratage. But despite MM being vastly superior to OOT in every way, it still wasn;t that good of a game, so i have not the will or the memory to care.
i found oot to be flawless, i also think lozww is a peice of bull shit, i hate the fucking thing..... y couldnt they have just stuck to the awsom idea depictied in the video at e3, it looked so cool. I dont know if its just me but cartoons give me head aches. I was so supprised to see how fagish gannon looked
While i love OOT and Link to the Past, my vote goes to Majora's Mask. It was such a great original concept. I had loads of fun finding different ways to live the days.
LTTP is the best by far. I've never liked the 3D Zeldas as much as the 2D ones, and MM was by far the worst of the 3 current 3D Zelda games in my opinion. It was fun, but I disliked the travelling back and forth through time bit, it made me feel always rushed. OOT isn't really overrated, I just think people are trying to make up for bashing it when the screen shots were first released. The sailing was unnecessary and annoying, but didn't annoy me as much as the time travelling. (call me weird)
:whistle2:o never played a zelda game!

Dam do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars, go directly to OOT or LttP !

I played OOT and after finishing it ran out and got MM. What a weak game compared to OOT. Looks like zelda, plays like zelda, but for some reason it didnt feel that zeldaish feeling. I think part of it has to do with the miyamoto touch, considering he wasnt that involved in MM.

Celda wind breaker wasnt to bad, the sailing gets boring but overall it wasnt as bad as they made it out to be.
bread's done