[DEAD] Get six issues of HGM delivered for only $0!


CAG Veteran
(We got permission from CheapyD to post this commercial-type post).

Hardcore Gamer Magazine is a new print and online magazine on the market! We're looking to bulk up our readership numbers as well as find out some info about them.

Therefore, we're offering 6 issues of HGM to anyone willing to take the time to fill out the Hardcore Gamer Magazine...

Reader Survey! (
[quote name='Pootie Thang']It keeps on saying servey missing info... and everything is filled out[/QUOTE]

For the psp and DS ones you have to click yes or no on both choices.
[quote name='help1']so after 6 issues we wont get anymore correct?[/QUOTE]
As long as you don't pull that sleaze maneuver of automatically subscribing me for a year and sending the bill collectors after I've canceled (OXM I'm looking at you).

If you just stop sending me issues after the 6 (assuming I don't want to subscribe), then I'm game.
[quote name='evilmax17']As long as you don't pull that sleaze maneuver of automatically subscribing me for a year and sending the bill collectors after I've canceled (OXM I'm looking at you).

If you just stop sending me issues after the 6 (assuming I don't want to subscribe), then I'm game.[/QUOTE]

I guarantee we will never do that.
Always looking for new mags for my classroom. Thanks!

I'd be more than happy to drop my Gamepro sub for a mag that doesn't suck.
Hey OP, I did the survey and submitted it and the next page was blocked by my work's web filter. Any way to know if I am registered? I don't want to register twice.

[quote name='help1']so after 6 issues we wont get anymore correct?[/QUOTE]
no, it continues forever for free, they just say 6 so they dont have to give away TOO MANY lifetime subscriptions for free

bread's done