Post here if your Xbox still works!

Also launch day xbox here and still going strong. This box has more frequent flier miles than most people I know. They take a beating and keep right on going.
Um, yeah. I got mine launch day (well actually for that x-mas, but it was bought at launch), and mine still works perfectly. Granted, it kinda sat and collected dust for about a year due to NO good games, but now I use more frequently and its running just fine. The only problem I've had is my DVD remote its kinda fucky now b/c I heard if you play Sega GT 2002 with the receiver plugged in it gets fried or something (I started having problems after playing said game so, as crazy as it sounds, it could be true.)

I haven't heard of the console crapping out though. Is there something I don't know?

But recently I've been getting dirty disc errors with: Morrowind, Run Like Hell (I'm glad I got them with that game, makes me turn it off), Burnout 2, and sometimes Outlaw Golf.
Mine started giving me DRE's...traded it for a new one at EB...wouldnt load some games and froze at wierd times...sent it a new one free...sad thing is...all my game saves were lost...
[quote name='Gameboy415']Um, yeah. I got mine launch day (well actually for that x-mas, but it was bought at launch), and mine still works perfectly. Granted, it kinda sat and collected dust for about a year due to NO good games, but now I use more frequently and its running just fine. The only problem I've had is my DVD remote its kinda fucky now b/c I heard if you play Sega GT 2002 with the receiver plugged in it gets fried or something (I started having problems after playing said game so, as crazy as it sounds, it could be true.)

I haven't heard of the console crapping out though. Is there something I don't know?[/quote]

hmm that's a new word i've never seen before :)
anyway back on topic, i got mine launch day and it still works
only have DRE on some demos and indiana jones from time to time
oh and freezes during some World Series Baseball games
plus freezing with The Thing
but other than those, it's fine
Got it on launch day, and it is still going strong. Not a single problem, except for the occasional crash/lock up, which could be sloppy programming, and not the hardware. The original controllers are also functioning perfectly (something my GC can't boast).
I got mine the Christmas after launch. A year and a half ago, I started having disc read errors with it. Fortunately, the Circuit City extended warranty was purchased with it, so I sent it to them and they sent me a $300 giftcard. I bought a $200 JSRF/Sega GT bundle Xbox (it was after the price drop) and had $100 leftover, so it worked out well.
i have a regular black box that came with jsrf/sega gt and that one gives DREs like you wouldnt believe....

i have a clear green halo box that works perfectly and i have a lime green mountain dew xbox that works perfectly fine as well

each of my boxes has a different type of cd drive in...the dew u box being the samsung drive and the one that doesnt work so good being the thompson, i agree with everyone that the thompson drive sucks.....
Not sure of the version, don't really care. All I know is I've had it for quite some time with no problems.

*EDIT* I got mine the time that MechAssualt came out.
My Thomson started to give me DDE, I bought it after the 1st price drop. I sold it recently and bought me a Halo LE XBOX for $150. I think in actuallity though, I paid about $20 for it after I sold my old one.

$150 NEW Halo XBOX
- $90 OLD Xbox (ONLY box, no controller)
- $25 Green S-Controller I kept
$35....not too bad for an XBOX that works well
-$25 HALO (already had a copy of it)
$10 even better ;)

200+150=350 (for 2 new Xboxes)

350-90=260 (sold one used Xbox)

260-25=235 (already have an s-controller)

235-25=210 (Halo you already had)

you paid 210 for a new xbox.
Had it for a year and a half now and no problems. Well, I did have a disc read error once, but it was the disc's problem. Honestly, the only consoles, excluding my NES, I have ever had a problem with are those made by Sony.
above i said i have had DREs with my box...but other system has ever given me PS2 is perfect...shit, i have never even had a problem with the best of my 3 NESs (the one i owned as a kid)

so, knock on wood that my systems will stay problem free
[quote name='Supernothing']^^^

200+150=350 (for 2 new Xboxes)

350-90=260 (sold one used Xbox)

260-25=235 (already have an s-controller)

235-25=210 (Halo you already had)

you paid 210 for a new xbox.[/quote]

I was basically getting at that I spent $10 to replace my faulty XBOX. Not buy a BRAND new XBOX for only $10. I guess I should've stated that. Microsoft wanted $100 to fix my old XBOX. So $10 is much better
I have had the same xbox since launch and since then i have modded it, dropped it on the ground, numerously hit it on the side of the wall, yet it still runs like a lubricated feather.
Launch Xbox worked fine until traded in for Halo Edition... is it me or are the older Xbox's a lot noiser? New one (Phillips) is half the sound level of the old (Thomson)
[quote name='rywateska']...about to reach 26 months and the big dub diesel hasen't had a hiccup yet...[/quote]

I like that, "big dub diesel" I named mine, DRE-free
bread's done