Don't gamers care about the coming in-game ad invasion?


Just about every day now the videogame media talk about how another advertising company has jumped into the videogame business. Game companies like M$ and Sony want to turn their next-gen consoles into next-gen advertising machines. Advertisers even have the nerve to say that their ads will "make games better".

My question is why don't gamers care? Are gamers going to let there games be overrun with commercials? It's bad now when you're supposed to be in a fantasy world and you see a billboard for pepsi, but things will get much worse.
If ads would actually lower the cost of the game for the consumer it wouldn't bother me as much but since thats not a reality... yes its really annoying
Personally I don't recall the last advertisement I've seen in a game, so as of yet, I'm not concerned. Racing and sports games tend to be the biggest culprit of that sort of thing, and I only have a couple of those, nothing recent.

If Pikmin 3 is released with a bunch of ads, that might bother me. :lol:
It makes money for the developers, so I think it's a good thing. They don't bother me because I don't really notice them. But I could see them getting out of hand by putting too many ads, then that would bother me.
[quote name='botticus']Personally I don't recall the last advertisement I've seen in a game, so as of yet, I'm not concerned. Racing and sports games tend to be the biggest culprit of that sort of thing, and I only have a couple of those, nothing recent.

If Pikmin 3 is released with a bunch of ads, that might bother me. :lol:[/quote] Exactly, I think they go well with games in urban areas because that is truly what an urban area looks like. But if they were in Pikmin, Animal Crossing, platformers then that would really make me mad.
Kingdom Hearts is a big advertisment for Disney.

Monkey Ball having Dole bananas was kinda cute.

Sports and Driving titles use in game ads to lend a more authentic feel to the game. Gran Turismo, Madden, etc...

Did Crazy Taxi drive you insane with its destinations?

Maybe MMORPGs will get corporate guilds in the future?

As long as it doesn't halt the game in order to show you a product, gamers will not care. as long as it maskes sense and fits the context, we won't mind.

Do you cry when you see product placement in movies and television?
i agree with whats already been said, billboards in sports games or signs in urban environments add to realism.
actually i dont know many cases at all that it would bother me unless i have to watch ads during the game. i wouldnt mind watching an ad rather than a spinning wheel during load times.
i kinda think a pepsi billboard in animal crossing might be kinda funny.
But thats just me.
I remember discussing this back in the days of the Dreamcast. It really hasn't affected my enjoyment of a game one bit as usually developers don't want to take you out of the atmosphere of their game with advertisements that don't fit.

Just to chime in...

No I don't want no stinking ads in my games!

And I don't plan on purchasing any that have them. I'm already irritated with the XBL ads as it is...
I have never seen an add in a video game, I mostly play 1st party games. Only ad Ive seen in probably in PSO wher theres a GBA, but I would consider that a cameo.
[quote name='Pijaibros']Do you cry when you see product placement in movies and television?[/QUOTE]

Like the goddamned AMC 20 minute commercials? Yes, I fucking do.
You guys don't seem to understand how in-game ads of the past are nothing like what is on the horizon. Already 3 or 4 major advertising companies have signed on to make in-game ads. Microsft just bought out an advertising company for use with their Xbox. The scale of coming in-games ads is nothing like we've seen before.

“We quickly are working towards migrating dollars away from television, because advertisers realize these gamers, this 18-34-year-old male audience, is watching less and less TV on a nightly, weekly basis." - Nicholas Longano, President, Massive

"TV advertising is increasingly viewed with concern because of commercial skipping and lack of engagement. Games are the most powerful advertising medium that exists today" - John Epstein, Double Fusion ad agency

"...[ads] will be included in pre and post game screens, during the loading of new levels and in areas around the playing screen." - Realnetwork
Out of all the concerns about games I think we have bigger worries. This reminds of how people bitched about ads before movies. Now no one really cares. If the game is good I do not care.

Plus, look at MGS2. Hideo slapped FHM babes all over that game. Talk about some good ads my CAGgys.
Doesn't Fight Night Round 3 have ads everywhere? Kind of annoying to just play in a ring full of advertisements, but if its just a little bit of advertisement I wouldn't mind.
[quote name='assassinX']Doesn't Fight Night Round 3 have ads everywhere?[/QUOTE]

Yes, but boxing has ads everywhere.
[quote name='Pijaibros']Kingdom Hearts is a big advertisment for Disney.

Monkey Ball having Dole bananas was kinda cute.

Sports and Driving titles use in game ads to lend a more authentic feel to the game. Gran Turismo, Madden, etc...

Did Crazy Taxi drive you insane with its destinations?

Maybe MMORPGs will get corporate guilds in the future?

As long as it doesn't halt the game in order to show you a product, gamers will not care. as long as it maskes sense and fits the context, we won't mind.

Do you cry when you see product placement in movies and television?[/quote]

Finally, someone with common sense. I agree with everything you said.
[quote name='onetrackmind']If ads would actually lower the cost of the game for the consumer it wouldn't bother me as much but since thats not a reality... yes its really annoying[/QUOTE]

^What he said^
If I remember correctly, the OP was a perpetual nuisance in the vs forum; an ever-present brat touting the benefits of conservative Republican ideology, and chirping in rote recitation anything that any right-wing ideologue let out of their smarmy craws.

With that in mind, I must say, either you've changed political philosophies considerably, or you don't like the taste of the soup you gave out the recipe for. In-game ads? Tough shit, it's the free market, kiddo. If your personal cost-benefit analysis isn't going to wanna pay $60+ for new retail games throughout the next gen, guess what? Someone will have to cover the cost of overhead for the developers, as the costs of making a game, from start to finish, increase immensely over time, while the MSRP of games has remained constant over *decades* (or gone down, if you want to point to N64 and some SNES pricepoints).

Lemme put it to you this way: this ain't charity. fucking learn to deal with it, seeing as how it's a consequence of the free market that you espouse.
[quote name='assassinX']Doesn't Fight Night Round 3 have ads everywhere? Kind of annoying to just play in a ring full of advertisements, but if its just a little bit of advertisement I wouldn't mind.[/QUOTE]
Playing the classic black and white matches while the gigantor Dodge spotlight shines around the crowd, in the background, is a little on the motherfuckin' ridiculous / sloppy side.
ProjectGothamRacing3 has ads that I enjoy seeing such as McDonalds that are the actual signs in real life next to them. I think PerfectDarkZero had a Samsung logo in the top right corner of menu screen which never bothered me. G.R.A.W. has ads such as an Axe board that are fun to see (and I think the rest of the boards are fake ads). I also remember NBA 2K6 had sponsered replays and things, just like in real life which I though were pretty cool. I haven't felt wronged by any advertisements in games.
[quote name='shipwreck']Yes, but boxing has ads everywhere.[/QUOTE]

Yeah but boxers don't have THE KING as a trainer. It's fucking gay.
I have to agree with Pijai. Ads in games aren't a huge problem right now: they can add authenticity, give developers a nice little break, and have had some great successes, like in Kingdom Hearts and Anarchy Online (Where billboards pay for server fees instead of monthly fees) Also, with rising costs, i feel like advertising will allow small companies to survive, for a little while.

Also, since systems will now be online, it could be interesting if advertisements changed over time. For example, while one month an ingame billboard may be for Powerade, the next time you play through the level, it may be for something completely different
[quote name='Scrubking']You guys don't seem to understand how in-game ads of the past are nothing like what is on the horizon. Already 3 or 4 major advertising companies have signed on to make in-game ads. Microsft just bought out an advertising company for use with their Xbox. The scale of coming in-games ads is nothing like we've seen before.[/QUOTE]

I don't mind them the way they are now, As long as it's in context like crazy taxi and stuff. However if they get to be real commercials I won't buy the game no matter how good it is. I hate it when I buy dvds and watch tv and I will hate it in games as well.:bomb:
I don't want ads in my games. It completely takes you out of the experience because ads are always pretty blatant... they have to be since the company's getting revenue for having ads included so they won't be tucked away somewhere where people won't notice. Luckily, nearly all the games I play are not the kinds of games where advertising would fit in even the slightest bit... so it's not too much of an issue for me.

For people who've said "It's okay if it makes the game cheaper..." well... look at the games that have had advertising so far. Have the majority been cheaper? No. They haven't. Splinter Cell: PT and CT for example both had the standard $50 retail price (CT even had a special edition for $5 or $10 more) and other games have been the same way. Ads make games cheaper for the developer, but the consumer doesn't win even a little bit unless you want to make a case for seeing "The Hills Have Eyes" ads on the back of every truck and on every computer screen in Splinter Cell.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']If it fits with the game's world and isn't overdone, I'm fine with it.[/QUOTE]
I agree. I wish they would lower prices of the games with ads in them. Even though it doesnt bother me that much it does bother me that we have to pay more for next gen games, the companys now leave stuff out to add on later for download that we then have to pay more for, and then put ads. The ads in game should cut down on cost.
[quote name='AlbinoNinja']Also, since systems will now be online, it could be interesting if advertisements changed over time. For example, while one month an ingame billboard may be for Powerade, the next time you play through the level, it may be for something completely different[/QUOTE]

I can assure you that will happen. The current trend in filmmaking is to use "bluescreen" products in films (such as a can an actor/actress is holding). They can then "rent" the space during first run in theaters, as well as update them over time, and be more region-specific. It allows them to use the same space to advertise multiple products, and still be able to rotate in fresh products as older licenses become irrelevant.

But if I ever come across a version of "Suburbia" where the kids are drinking something other than "Burgie!" beer, I'm gonna kill someone.
[quote name='Pijaibros']Do you cry when you see product placement in movies and television?[/QUOTE]

I do sometimes. Like in Spider-Man 1, there was an entire mini commercial within the freaking film as Peter tries to test out his new webbing powers on a fresh can of Dr. Pepper. Eesh!
i guess it would depend on how bad it affects the gameplay...if it becomes like it is in fight night, then i dont' give a shit
Wow, you couldn't f phrased that last choice in a more biased sounding way. No one wants to claim they are a sheep, maybe it could be phrased "I don't care, it doesn't bother me" or "I don't care, as long as the games good."
[quote name='basketkase543']I do sometimes. Like in Spider-Man 1, there was an entire mini commercial within the freaking film as Peter tries to test out his new webbing powers on a fresh can of Dr. Pepper. Eesh![/QUOTE]

That adds realism. Better then having some corny looking fake soda can. Give movies and games a more "real" feel when you see real life products in it.
You actually think that in-game ads will lower the price of games for consumers? Developers/publishers are not in the habit of handing out money, they don't hand profits back to you and I.

I refuse to buy games with ads in them. Granted, most of my gaming tastes tend to lean towards games that don't lend themselves to contemporary products, but if in-game ads become prevalent, then I see those sort of games being phased out in favor of more "urban" or contemporary games. And that's what I fear, that advertisers will hold more sway in the game design process. Gone will be the fantasy or medieval or sci-fi settings, discarded in favor of your urban and modern games. I mean, you can't very well advertise Nike's in Oblivion, can you? Well, they can, but it certainly doesn't fit.

And yes, I do absolutely hate ads in films. Damn product placement. Just one of the many reasons that I don't watch TV, or listen to the radio.
If the ads are contextual, then it's okay. for instance, if I see a billboard in the next GTA with an ad, that's makes sense, since it's supposed to be a city. And even in Pikmin, which someone mentioned, some things could be contextual - I remember the first one had Duracell batteries, and other things like juicy juice or whatnot that make sense would be fine.

But as soon as I see a billboard in the next mario game, I'm gonna bitch.
I dont mind them. I mostly play sports game so it's cool to see some realistic advertisements in the game instead of some made up ones. Some good ones are:

NCAA 07 - Coin toss and post game stats are by Coke
NBA 2K6 - Pregame warmups and starting rosters by Toyota
[quote name='mykevermin']If I remember correctly, the OP was a perpetual nuisance in the vs forum; an ever-present brat touting the benefits of conservative Republican ideology, and chirping in rote recitation anything that any right-wing ideologue let out of their smarmy craws.

With that in mind, I must say, either you've changed political philosophies considerably, or you don't like the taste of the soup you gave out the recipe for. In-game ads? Tough shit, it's the free market, kiddo. If your personal cost-benefit analysis isn't going to wanna pay $60+ for new retail games throughout the next gen, guess what? Someone will have to cover the cost of overhead for the developers, as the costs of making a game, from start to finish, increase immensely over time, while the MSRP of games has remained constant over *decades* (or gone down, if you want to point to N64 and some SNES pricepoints).

Lemme put it to you this way: this ain't charity. fucking learn to deal with it, seeing as how it's a consequence of the free market that you espouse.[/quote]


How I've come to love reading your slams of those that practice hypocracy!
And, of course, I loved the economic reasoning behind your rant.
[quote name='Rusty Ghia']You actually think that in-game ads will lower the price of games for consumers? Developers/publishers are not in the habit of handing out money, they don't hand profits back to you and I.[/QUOTE]
No, the companies are not going to lower prices, but it will not affect the company as much if the game fails, and if the game sells well, the company makes a greater profit, which they will use to make higher quality games.

For example: Splinter Cell was still $50 with advertisements, but the advertising revenue is being used to make games in development now. It may not seem that noticeable in a larger company, but with struggling new game companies, that $20,000 they made to place some Coke Machines in-game may be the difference between falling in the red or calling the latest release a success.
[quote name='AlbinoNinja']No, the companies are not going to lower prices, but it will not affect the company as much if the game fails, and if the game sells well, the company makes a greater profit, which they will use to make higher quality games.

For example: Splinter Cell was still $50 with advertisements, but the advertising revenue is being used to make games in development now. It may not seem that noticeable in a larger company, but with struggling new game companies, that $20,000 they made to place some Coke Machines in-game may be the difference between falling in the red or calling the latest release a success.[/QUOTE]

I heard about this in Splinter Cell: Chaos far it doesn't look too bad... now if every load screen has like an ad for Coke or a car insurance agency before you start, then Im gonna get pissed.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I heard about this in Splinter Cell: Chaos far it doesn't look too bad... now if every load screen has like an ad for Coke or a car insurance agency before you start, then Im gonna get pissed.[/QUOTE]
So do you punch your TV every time a show is interrupted for commercials?
[quote name='Wlogan31']:applause::applause::applause::applause::applause::applause::applause::applause::applause::applause:

How I've come to love reading your slams of those that practice hypocracy!
And, of course, I loved the economic reasoning behind your rant.[/QUOTE]

You can buy me a beer if you're going to the Forecastle Fest on Saturday to see Sleater-Kinney. ;)

EDIT: I suppose, to stay on topic, I have a question. People keep citing Kingdom Hearts in this thread. I played through the first as well as Chain of Memories - is this some absurd hypothetical (that, ironically enough, it would be foolish to think that marketing would exist in a *DISNEY* themed world), or are there product tie-ins in KH2?
As long as it's in context with the game, it would be okay with me. However, I would hate, for example, to be playing a game like Fable or Final Fantasy and I walk through a fantasy town with airships and neat little creatures ... then there's an ad for Nike on the wall. C'mon, everything else here is fantasy, let's leave it that way.

But racing games, sports titles ... they advertise at those in real life, so it seems natural to incorporate it into a game representing those real life things. I would even accept billboards in games like GTA, though I do prefer the funny ones they have now.
[quote name='mrchainsaw']Exactly, I think they go well with games in urban areas because that is truly what an urban area looks like. But if they were in Pikmin, Animal Crossing, platformers then that would really make me mad.[/quote]

But they were in Pikmin2...didn't you see all that "real" stuff you had to salvage? And who can forget the Dole bananas in Super Monkey Ball. They've been doing in-game ads since the Atari days with Pole Position. I really don't care as long as they're not pop-ups.
bread's done