pogs are making a come back!!


14 (100%)
so last week I went to the 7-11 by my work,

at the cash register they had packs of marvel pogs!!

I was like "dang yo, Ima buy me one pack next time"

so today I drop by to get a drink, not only did they have pogs,

but they had seperate packages for slammers!!

(the thin yet heavier metal types)

I bought a pack of pogs, it came w/ 5 pogs and a thick plastic slammer.

it was $2.99, the slammer is $4.99

and they're all marvel comics pogs, both officially marvel and officially pog.

they got a website on the package, but I left it in my car so I cant save the link...

anyway I only play for keeps. so... holla back
man 95 was a good year.

anyway, ahaha I found the website:


to quote it:

In 2006 POG, the classic game of flipping milk caps, is back with a whole new attitude. Funrise reintroduces the 90s collectible trend that swept the nation, but with a 21st century twist - new graphics, hot licenses and new technology. POG is available at specialty stores across the nation. Get ready to stack ‘em and slam ‘em! Some history....The original POG game was played on the island of Maui in the 1930’s. Kids used little card board disks, that came with milk bottles, to play. Back then they got their milk in a bottle from a local farm, instead of at a store.

With the help of a school teacher, about 15 years ago POG became popular again. The teacher remembered POG from when she was a kid. All her students thought it was a cool game and it spread until soon kids all over the world were playing!
My brother and I were totally into pogs way back when but I would hardly consider 7-11 a good indicator of upcoming cultural trends. That being said I'm off to the nearest 7-11. :lol:
man i really hope so...

i probably have 5000+ slammers in every metal/variety/color imaginable. If I could dump them at $.10 a piece I'd be happy.
Back in my day, my best friends dad used to make slammers for us. They would be out of mostly steel and stainless steel, all custom with finger notches and many well over an inch think.
Those were the good old days...
[quote name='smellhasreturned']Pogs were the best

I had some gay ones though like christian pogs

that sucked[/quote]

lol well you must have a christian family right? :lol:
No way! I remember pogs. Of course, I never really knew how to play.... I just kinda stacked them and kicked them down. Weren't you supposed to stack them and throw a different pog at them, and see how many you can knock down, and keep the ones that you did?

CheapyD should start his own line of CAG pogs.

EDIT: Funny movie about pogs. http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/pogs/
[quote name='Full_Throttle']No way! I remember pogs. Of course, I never really knew how to play.... I just kinda stacked them and kicked them down. Weren't you supposed to stack them and throw a different pog at them, and see how many you can knock down, and keep the ones that you did?

CheapyD should start his own line of CAG pogs.[/quote]
You would have regular pogs and a larger pog called the slammer. As the name implies you would slam it onto the other pogs and whichever ones you turned over you got to keep. At least that's how I remember playing.
[quote name='dcfox']You would have regular pogs and a larger pog called the slammer. As the name implies you would slam it onto the other pogs and whichever ones you turned over you got to keep. At least that's how I remember playing.[/quote]
Awesome!! I can see this becoming the new craze at lunchtime at my school. Last year we had a pokemon comeback :)
[quote name='Purple Flames']I say leave that shit in '95[/QUOTE]Werd. I remember this fad from middle school. The nerds at the picnic tables momentarily stopped playing Magic the Gathering to get into this.
I just came across a huge box of pogs while cleaning out my room.

I hope they comeback so I can sell them.

I still have the pog making machine...make your own pogs!
I just saw this at 7-11 today as well, the word "POGS" caught my eye and took me back to elementary school. Didn't get it then, don't get it now.
Did anyone have the Pog Maker? You'd just cut out something from a magazine, put it on top of a blank pog that came with the maker, and it would press the picture you wanted onto the pog. Anyway, that's how I got all of mine.
[quote name='2Fast']Did anyone have the Pog Maker? You'd just cut out something from a magazine, put it on top of a blank pog that came with the maker, and it would press the picture you wanted onto the pog. Anyway, that's how I got all of mine.[/quote]

I still have that pog maker and cardboard sheets to make 'em with! Yeah POGS!
[quote name='RedvsBlue']"Back with new technology"!?!?!

How much mroe advanced can cardboard get?[/QUOTE]

You have no idea. Fads hardly make a comeback, and if they do its normal decades later. Pogs were popular like 8-10 years ago. Man I remember playing pogs at lunch back in elementary school. The good ol days
I still have the Pog Maker somewhere in the attack.

I used to make Pogs out of weird looking kids in my grade school yearbooks.

not my pic, but I had about 3/4 of those ones.

I loved the sawblade looking ones. I had a metal poison slammer that had the sawblade look. It was my favorite.
[quote name='mr ryles']

not my pic, but I had about 3/4 of those ones.

I loved the sawblade looking ones. I had a metal poison slammer that had the sawblade look. It was my favorite.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I had a lot of those sawblade ones.

Man... pogs... so long ago.
I had a Pog maker too. Homemade Power Ranger pogs 4 teh win!

I hope pogs make a complete comeback mostly because I love to see kids waste their money on really stupid shit. Furthermore, it'd give a decent number of us to make some money selling the 1000s of pogs we bought back in the day when we were stupid kids.
I have a vague memory of pogs, as I was only about 5 or 6 years old. I had a few of the X-Men and Spider-Man variety. Is there an actual game you can play with them?
I had ot hang my head in shame when I saw them at my partners 7-11. I never got into them when I was a kid, and I won't now. I do remember that a lot of schools banned them because you could beam the living shit out of someone with the heavier slammers
[quote name='Apossum']fuck pogs

Those could make a legit comeback in the emo scene as a fast and easy way to cut one's wrist.
[quote name='Apossum']fuck pogs


Hell yeah! When I was in 4th grade in 92, those were da shiznit. Of course again, later on, schools banned them because "you could cut yourself!"
Oh man, these were huge in middle school. A couple of years ago I came across one of my MegaMan X pogs. Hope some of these 'hot new licenses' are videogame-related.
I used to be OBSESSED with pogs. You look back and think "I was obsessed with cardboard. Nice."

Actually, this is really dumb..but I only wanted alot of pogs BECAUSE I thought those pog tubes were the coolest COOLEST COOLEST things EVER and I just wanted to fill them all up!

And yes, a long plastic tube to hold my small cardboard pieces.

...Isn't it ridiculous what they will sell kids and make huge profits on?!?!
lol i remember those slap on wrists thingys. u ppl bring good memories. i do have some pogs the problem is that i dont know where i put them or maybe i threw them away.
Jeez, I still have some pogs, but they aren't the awesome ones I had as a kid. I used to have a Horror Kids kinda collection, and one of em was Jason. I swear, I worshipped that damn pog to death. Haha, how's this for a blast to the past, friend of mine had a pog of the Ziplock Finger! "Ziplock brings out Freshness!" or something like that! We thought that finger was the funniest thing ever.

[quote name='Apossum']fuck pogs


Yeah, we also need to bring back Pogo Balls. Tell me when 7-11 starts selling those.
bread's done