Spider-Man 3 - Green Goblin (Jr.) First Look


170 (100%)


The Spider-Man 3 website updated with wallpapers which include Green Goblin (as seen above). Doesn't look like a goblin to me, anyone up for paintball ;). Regardless of the many charcter trait changes, I'm still so interested in this movie.
I really don't understand why a goblin mask is so hard to do.

Let's go play some paintball, dudes.

EDIT: And I said that before I even read your post, now I look like a wagon-hopper.
[quote name='iheartmetal']thats actually a screenshot from the ps3 game, see look at the 3 in the corner[/quote]

ummmmmm ???? nah...

anyways i think the on from part 1 looked better.. but have to see more of this one..

green goblin rules!!
I think they both look fucking terrible. I can't understand why Raimi can't make a good mutant MASK?? After all the creepy shit involved in the Dead movies...

Isn't the green goblin supposed to BE MUTATED?

Like someone said above me... "are you ready for some paiiiiintbaalllll?!"


[quote name='guyver2077']ummmmmm ???? nah...

anyways i think the on from part 1 looked better.. but have to see more of this one..

green goblin rules!![/quote]

i think he was mocking the logo. i could be wrong.
[quote name='iheartmetal']thats actually a screenshot from the ps3 game, see look at the 3 in the corner[/QUOTE]

Hell, they both have the same damn font, so who knows.

And WTF is up with the half-mask that doesn't cover his forehead and skull? It looks stupid.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Hell, they both have the same damn font, so who knows.

And WTF is up with the half-mask that doesn't cover his forehead and skull? It looks stupid.[/QUOTE]

Because he's a special ops commando.
doesnt it show him wear a different mask in the trailer?

He does. And if it's not in the 'proper' trailer, there's definitely a quick shot out there showing the mask mechanically 'peeling back', much like the exo-suit in the first Dark Sector teaser (from, like, 2004).

This looks like something more from the Splinter Cell universe...not to be mistaken as a complaint. Maybe he goes through a couple iterations of the suit before he finds the appropriate mask...much like Spidey did.
"Hey, guys, what can we do to alienate our comic-loving audience?"

"I don't know, but I'll be the answer can be found at Dick's Sporting Goods!"
[quote name='Roufuss']


Resemblance is uncanny... first thing I thought of was "omg Snake Eyes!"[/quote]

Exactly what I was thinking.

I absolutely hate how the top of his head is exposed like that.
Again, I really don't think we'll see the 'final' Hobgoblin/Green Goblin Jr. costume being so, um, 'hairy'. Har-dee-har.

The Japanese TV spot/trailer (there's this site called U-Tool or something...) shows what appears to be (it's grainy, natch) a full-head mask 'unfolding' from the center outward. I think Peter would recognize that 'do and not exclaim "Harry!"
From this wiki:

Harry wears a black suit, with some green elements, with a pair of green goggles and a green retractable mouthpiece whilst riding an snowboard-shaped glider called the Sky Stick. A November, 2006 trailer revealed that Harry's suit features large, retractable blades on his arms, and a short sword.

Seem's to me that this is it. They're going for a hipper look with a flying snowboard.

[quote name='LinkinPrime']From this wiki:

Seem's to me that this is it. They're going for a hipper look with a flying snowboard.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Green Goblin XTREME.
[quote name='Roufuss']:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Green Goblin XTREME.[/quote]

Exactly what I was thinking. I'll reserve judgement for the movie though. Raimi hasn't steered us wrong yet.
[quote name='Quillion']Exactly what I was thinking. I'll reserve judgement for the movie though. Raimi hasn't steered us wrong yet.[/QUOTE]

what about For Love Of The Game?

j/k I like that movie
[quote name='Quillion']I'll reserve judgement for the movie though. Raimi hasn't steered us wrong yet.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I mean, seriously, the "GG Jr." suit looks a damn sight better than:


That worked out pretty well. Personally, I can't believe people want the suit to look more like this guy:


So, in short, "Blah blah, organic webshooters, Wolverine's costume is the wrong color, blah fucking blah."
i wsh they would go with a modified version of the original costume from the comics with the purple hat and bag and the creepy face. the first green goblin looked like crap and this new one is worse . it cant be that hard to snazz up the original costume and make it more hip and cool and extreme if necessary. hell give him a flying snowboard if you have to but stick with what makes the goblin the goblin. pumpkin bombs, those cool throwing blades the evil creepy face with sharp teeth and the cool laugh.
[quote name='shipwreck']Maybe this is just prior to him putting on his purple stocking cap?[/quote]

Right after he twists off the cap to a Mountain Dew MDX.:)
I have a bad feeling about this - the movie has too many villains.

Are you counting three...or four?* (Slyly smirks)

Just on a head-count basis, it's kind of a concern, but I suspect we won't see much of Venom until the last, oh, ten minutes. It's going to take the vast majority of the film for Parker to discover the symbiote (however that happens), have it become the suit, have him get hooked on the suit's enhanced powers, have New York take notice of the suit (witness framed Bugle headline of "Spider-Man Shows True Colors" or whatever in the shot of Parker slamming Brock into a wall), have the suit all but consume and corrupt Parker, have him fail at getting rid of it, then have him succeed. Hell, Venom might be effectively the last shot of the film, or at least the last shot prior to whatever 'uplifting' (if not severly bittersweet) ending sequence that centers on Peter/Spider-Man. And that's all happening while Harry is hunting him down while Peter is hunting Sandman down.

Seriously, I don't know much about the film except for what's in the trailers and the bare-bones, common sense elements. Nor do I want to. Just a few more months. I suspect we'll see at least two deaths in the film, if not three or four. Spidey might not even be aware of Venom's existence by the credits, as that confrontation is what will probably guarantee the fourth film and be the 'title card bout' that will guarantee massive ticket sales, no matter how this film is received (which I can't imagine being anything less than the last two).

Sam Raimi had to be coerced into shoehorning Venom into this film, so I don't expect him to be a priority. This will largely be a 'vendetta' film, as the trailers indicate, and Eddie Brock's vendetta will have to wait at least a couple more years.

*--If an early rumor I heard is to be believed, Spidey dispatches (read: probably busts him in a Scooby-Dooish sort of way) a certain 'classic era' villain very early in the film, as played by a certain actor that will probably fit the somewhat comical nature of the confrontation, probably being the last sequence of out-and-out levity in the film. It would most likely be a 'fan service' moment to also break the crowd in with a 'bang' (and flashy effects...think about it), much like the Danger Room sequence in The Last Stand. It would also serve to establish how beloved the Web-Slinger has become.
[quote name='chimpian']gay, totally gay, liberacci(sp) gay[/QUOTE]


Liberace was gay?

but there were NO signs!!

*head asplodes*
[quote name='jollydwarf']I have a bad feeling about this - the movie has too many villains.

Are you counting three...or four?* (Slyly smirks)

Just on a head-count basis, it's kind of a concern, but I suspect we won't see much of Venom until the last, oh, ten minutes. It's going to take the vast majority of the film for Parker to discover the symbiote (however that happens), have it become the suit, have him get hooked on the suit's enhanced powers, have New York take notice of the suit (witness framed Bugle headline of "Spider-Man Shows True Colors" or whatever in the shot of Parker slamming Brock into a wall), have the suit all but consume and corrupt Parker, have him fail at getting rid of it, then have him succeed. Hell, Venom might be effectively the last shot of the film, or at least the last shot prior to whatever 'uplifting' (if not severly bittersweet) ending sequence that centers on Peter/Spider-Man. And that's all happening while Harry is hunting him down while Peter is hunting Sandman down.

Seriously, I don't know much about the film except for what's in the trailers and the bare-bones, common sense elements. Nor do I want to. Just a few more months. I suspect we'll see at least two deaths in the film, if not three or four. Spidey might not even be aware of Venom's existence by the credits, as that confrontation is what will probably guarantee the fourth film and be the 'title card bout' that will guarantee massive ticket sales, no matter how this film is received (which I can't imagine being anything less than the last two).

Sam Raimi had to be coerced into shoehorning Venom into this film, so I don't expect him to be a priority. This will largely be a 'vendetta' film, as the trailers indicate, and Eddie Brock's vendetta will have to wait at least a couple more years.

*--If an early rumor I heard is to be believed, Spidey dispatches (read: probably busts him in a Scooby-Dooish sort of way) a certain 'classic era' villain very early in the film, as played by a certain actor that will probably fit the somewhat comical nature of the confrontation, probably being the last sequence of out-and-out levity in the film. It would most likely be a 'fan service' moment to also break the crowd in with a 'bang' (and flashy effects...think about it), much like the Danger Room sequence in The Last Stand. It would also serve to establish how beloved the Web-Slinger has become.[/QUOTE]

If that is actually true, I'd bet money on it being Rhino. He's too weak to be featured as a prominent villain at this point, and he's too important not to have in a Spider-man movie.
I don't like it. Other then being Green it looks nothing like the real costume. Damn throw us a freaking bone and have him at least throw pumpkins or razor bats.
No, it's not Rhino. And it's not The Lizard. It's really no mystery if you think about it, and the person playing the character, while not currently credited with a Spider-Man 3 role at IMDB, has already been in the last two films.

Again, just something I read at least a couple months ago.

EDIT: Here's a seemingly 'throwaway' line from Spider-Man 2 that might have very well been a cheeky bit of foreshadowing...you should remember this one:

"'No one will be seated after the doors are closed'...it helps maintain the illusion."

(Nabbed from a Google search to confirm the rumor)

If they do another trilogy centering around Venom and/or Carnage, I want the Black Cat in it. From an age standpoint, they missed their opportunity with Eliza Dushku or Ali Larter, but I would love to see Felicia Hardy* on the big screen. (EDIT 2: I take that back. Larter is almost 31, but Dushku just turned 26. Her being the slightly 'older woman' in the filmic context would make her even sexier, methinks.)

I would also like to see another hero at some point, even if just in an early action sequence cameo.

*--It just occurred to me...is her name supposed to have an almost subliminal innuendo to it?
[quote name='jollydwarf']No, it's not Rhino. And it's not The Lizard. It's really no mystery if you think about it, and the person playing the character, while not currently credited with a Spider-Man 3 role at IMDB, has already been in the last two films.

Again, just something I read at least a couple months ago.

EDIT: Here's a seemingly 'throwaway' line from Spider-Man 2 that might have very well been a cheeky bit of foreshadowing...you should remember this one:

"'No one will be seated after the doors are closed'...it helps maintain the illusion."

(Nabbed from a Google search to confirm the rumor)

If they do another trilogy centering around Venom and/or Carnage, I want the Black Cat in it. From an age standpoint, they missed their opportunity with Eliza Dushku or Ali Larter, but I would love to see Felicia Hardy* on the big screen. (EDIT 2: I take that back. Larter is almost 31, but Dushku just turned 26. Her being the slightly 'older woman' in the filmic context would make her even sexier, methinks.)

I would also like to see another hero at some point, even if just in an early action sequence cameo.

*--It just occurred to me...is her name supposed to have an almost subliminal innuendo to it?[/QUOTE]

Heard that same rumor, but I thought
Bruce Campbell
was going to play Shocker, not
Mysterio, as alluded to by the obvious clues

As for GG Jr, well
aintitcool already spoiled that he & pete get it on fairly early in the movie
, so I wouldn't be too concerned with too many villians, it's all about Spidey Vs Sandman, everything else is bit parts to help move the story along.
lol, the main villain is The Sandman? Seriously?

I don't see how they are going to make him convincing at all. Green Goblin, yea that's easy, and they even gave a real world sort of feel to Dr Octopus, but wtf are you going to do with The Sandman?

The guy was such a tool in the comics. Hell, let's throw in Boomerang, The Beetle, and Hydro Man too!
[quote name='Roufuss']


Resemblance is uncanny... first thing I thought of was "omg Snake Eyes!"[/quote]
TOO AWSOME! Snake eyes is the man! Good stuff, i dont think he looks that bad... i mean i hear he's just gonna get owned quick so nothing to worry about.
[quote name='jollydwarf']I have a bad feeling about this - the movie has too many villains.

Are you counting three...or four?* (Slyly smirks)

Just on a head-count basis, it's kind of a concern, but I suspect we won't see much of Venom until the last, oh, ten minutes. It's going to take the vast majority of the film for Parker to discover the symbiote (however that happens), have it become the suit, have him get hooked on the suit's enhanced powers, have New York take notice of the suit (witness framed Bugle headline of "Spider-Man Shows True Colors" or whatever in the shot of Parker slamming Brock into a wall), have the suit all but consume and corrupt Parker, have him fail at getting rid of it, then have him succeed. Hell, Venom might be effectively the last shot of the film, or at least the last shot prior to whatever 'uplifting' (if not severly bittersweet) ending sequence that centers on Peter/Spider-Man. And that's all happening while Harry is hunting him down while Peter is hunting Sandman down.

Seriously, I don't know much about the film except for what's in the trailers and the bare-bones, common sense elements. Nor do I want to. Just a few more months. I suspect we'll see at least two deaths in the film, if not three or four. Spidey might not even be aware of Venom's existence by the credits, as that confrontation is what will probably guarantee the fourth film and be the 'title card bout' that will guarantee massive ticket sales, no matter how this film is received (which I can't imagine being anything less than the last two).

Sam Raimi had to be coerced into shoehorning Venom into this film, so I don't expect him to be a priority. This will largely be a 'vendetta' film, as the trailers indicate, and Eddie Brock's vendetta will have to wait at least a couple more years.[/QUOTE]

I completely agree. There's just too much set-up needed with the black suit -- never mind Sandman -- to actually make it to Venom proper in two and a half hours. I wouldn't be surprised to see the official reveal for Venom in one of those "stick around after the credits" moments.

And just because it's a pet peeve: no way Carnage makes it in. He's about as low on the totem pole of Spiderman bad guys as you can get. He was in, what, a single 12-issue crossover about ten years ago? Spider-man has fought freaking Paste Pot Pete more often than Carnage. Let it go, people.

Oh, and Harry DOES have the pumpkin bombs: there's footage in the trailer of him lobbing them at Peter.
[quote name='Roufuss']lol, the main villain is The Sandman? Seriously?

I don't see how they are going to make him convincing at all. Green Goblin, yea that's easy, and they even gave a real world sort of feel to Dr Octopus, but wtf are you going to do with The Sandman?

The guy was such a tool in the comics. Hell, let's throw in Boomerang, The Beetle, and Hydro Man too![/QUOTE]

Well they already made him the guy that really killed Ben Parker (no need for spoiler tags, as I'm sure everyone has seen the trailers by now), so that already makes him personal to Peter. I'm guessing that him hunting down Sandman's going to be the central theme, and that Sandman probably won't be all that evil in the end.

The one thing I really want to know is where the hell the symbiote suit comes from.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Well they already made him the guy that really killed Ben Parker (no need for spoiler tags, as I'm sure everyone has seen the trailers by now), so that already makes him personal to Peter. I'm guessing that him hunting down Sandman's going to be the central theme, and that Sandman probably won't be all that evil in the end.

The one thing I really want to know is where the hell the symbiote suit comes from.[/QUOTE]

Wait, what? I never heard that, but then again, I haven't watched the trailers either. I'm starting to hate the fact that every villain is so closely related to Peter Parker.. Dr Octopus, yea, I could see that, it happened in the comics, Green Goblin, definitely, but Sandman? Give me a break.

Not every villain fight has to have some kind of emotional tie to it. I'm in shock about what you told me. Knowing Raimi, Venom will probably come from Mary Jane or Aunt May or something so you have that extra element of Peter Parker in there.
[quote name='Roufuss']lol, the main villain is The Sandman? Seriously?

I don't see how they are going to make him convincing at all. Green Goblin, yea that's easy, and they even gave a real world sort of feel to Dr Octopus, but wtf are you going to do with The Sandman?

The guy was such a tool in the comics. Hell, let's throw in Boomerang, The Beetle, and Hydro Man too![/QUOTE]

I'm kinda surprised to hear anyone pick those guys as "cooler" than the Sandman: Green Goblin had a SPECTACULARLY lame suit for years (see above) and Doc Ock was a half-blind fat guy with mechanical arms. The way I look at it, if they can make Doc Ock cool, Sandman should be a snap.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']The one thing I really want to know is where the hell the symbiote suit comes from.[/QUOTE]

My guess? They'd lift the storyline from the animated series, where the symbiote latched on to a space craft in distress.
[quote name='iheartmetal']thats actually a screenshot from the ps3 game, see look at the 3 in the corner[/QUOTE]

The PS3 and Spiderman use the same font. Some gaming site pointed it out to a executive of sony on a video I saw here. The Exec said "your the only person to notice."

[quote name='LinkinPrime']anyone up for paintball ;). .[/QUOTE]

I'm not into Spiderman at all. But thats pretty much what I thought.
[quote name='Greetard']If that is actually true, I'd bet money on it being Rhino. He's too weak to be featured as a prominent villain at this point, and he's too important not to have in a Spider-man movie.[/QUOTE]
dude, not rhino, hammerhead. the guy's power was having a hard skull...

[quote name='Roufuss']lol, the main villain is The Sandman? Seriously?

I don't see how they are going to make him convincing at all. Green Goblin, yea that's easy, and they even gave a real world sort of feel to Dr Octopus, but wtf are you going to do with The Sandman?[/QUOTE]
it's called computer generated sand effects
[quote name='trq']And just because it's a pet peeve: no way Carnage makes it in. He's about as low on the totem pole of Spiderman bad guys as you can get. He was in, what, a single 12-issue crossover about ten years ago? Spider-man has fought freaking Paste Pot Pete more often than Carnage. Let it go, people.
[/quote]No, Carnage better make it in somewhere. He's too awesome not too. Maybe they have a spin-off Venom movie where he fights Carnage, and it explains all the origins of how Carnage was formed from the Symbiote. It can go into the backstory and feature some fights. Don't tell me that won't make a lot of money because people that don't even read Spiderman know who Carnage and Venom are.

Also, I'm still waiting for the Lizard to come in. They set up this storyline for him so well. Probably the fifth movie.

[quote name='wikipedia']Protagonist
Venom's first appearance in a motion picture was originally to be as the star of the now defunct film, Venom, written by David Goyer and produced by New Line Pictures. Venom would have been portrayed as an anti-hero, and Carnage would have been the villain. The script was not produced, and the film rights to the Venom character ultimately reverted to Sony.[/quote]
Looks someone beat me to it.
[quote name='Predator21281']No, Carnage better make it in somewhere. He's too awesome not too. Maybe they have a spin-off Venom movie where he fights Carnage, and it explains all the origins of how Carnage was formed from the Symbiote. It can go into the backstory and feature some fights. Don't tell me that won't make a lot of money because people that don't even read Spiderman know who Carnage and Venom are.

Also, I'm still waiting for the Lizard to come in. They set up this storyline for him so well. Probably the fifth movie.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, see, this is what I don't get: all this love for a dude who's been in fewer comics than Man-Wolf, and whose whole schtick is "He's Venom ... but crazy." Yes, he's well known by people who don't even read Spider-man comics ... and haven't since 1991, when they introduced and last used Carnage in anything. He's just not an important or major character, alleged coolness aside. But hey, I dig all the Marvel B-characters from the '70s, so different strokes and all that.

You're right about the Lizard, though. That dude has been set up from movie one, and they're not doing much with him.
bread's done