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  1. Electric Blue

    Fan made Mother 3 strat guide. $26 shipped

    Something both you guys didn't consider is the thing that prevents Nintendo from translating Mother 3: opportunity cost. That is, the cost associated with diverting resources towards a particular project instead of another. Nintendo thinks (and they are most likely right) that their resources...
  2. Electric Blue

    Izuna 2: and Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard 20 Little update

    Alright, it would be more correct to call it a Dungeon Crawler. Either way, my opinion stands.
  3. Electric Blue

    Izuna 2: and Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard 20 Little update

    I really wanted to like EO, but I just can't get into this type of Rougelike. I mean, I really love games like Azure Dreams, Chocobos Dungeon, etc., but there are features in EO that are just plan not fun. I don't WANT to have to draw maps of the damn floors, or spend hours leveling up to stand...
  4. Electric Blue

    Target Clearance Thread XI

    Here's the thing though, when you play an MMO like WoW, you don't buy / have time for other games. When I played WoW, I didn't buy any other games for about a year. Thats worth 15 dollars a month.
  5. Electric Blue

    Circuit City July Clearance - 20% off until July 12th

    I've seen hundreds of copies in stores in both Illinois and New Jersey, and I have never seen a Y-seal copy of DQM:J. I guess Square decided to be cheap (even though the game came out at 35).
  6. Electric Blue

    Play Asia Weekly Special: Tales of Destiny Director's Cut
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