20,000th Registered CAG Contest Thread - Win $200 good at VideoGameDeals.com

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Congratulations Ledhead, the winner of the $200 www.VideoGameDeals.com voucher winner!

A big thanks to everyone that is a part of the growing CAG community. We're all helping make the dream of cheap video games a reality.

To celebrate our 20,000th registered user, CAG is going to give away 20,000 pennies in the form of a $200 VideoGameDeals.com Gift Voucher.

To enter this giveaway, simply post in this thread and tell us what being a CAG means to you. Do not post anything but a single entry in this thread.

Winner will be chosen at random.
One entry and post per person.
Contest ends September 30th at midnight EST.[/b]
For me being a cheap ass gamer means I no longer have to find those deals by myself... theres a whole community of cheap ass people just like me who just want to get the most gaming for the dollar. It makes me feel welcome :) and without cheap ass gamer I wouldn't have known about the circuit city deal and that would be 40 less games in my inventory.
CAG allows me to expand my gaming library to include games that I would never have considered picking up, and helps me make that perplexing leap from off the fence about a game that I was interested. Great site, and thanks for the 411 on the great deals, the community included.
CAG shows that there are a lot of people out there who are cheapasses like me. It is a community of people looking for good deals. It is a community of friends helping eachother save money and get the games that they want.

it's a place that has helped me spend a ton less for the games i wanted to get and more.
Before coming to CAG I was willing to pay up to 50 dollars for a new game, and now I'm really not willing to pay more than 30, this site has helped a cheap ass college kid out, and I love it!
Thanks CAG!
CAG is known for our great communitiy. An ever popular website, many are joining each and everyday.

CAG is not just about the deals, its about the brotherhood we share. Its about trustcompany posting the weekly sales. Its about all the looters that get other CAGs cheap deals from such sales as TRU and CC. Its about "wheel and deal". Its about the bond we all together have.
CAG is the only way to waste away my life inside my room, typing messages just to help/annoy other people. The deals here are only part of why I love CAG. The people here are nice and they love videogames as much as I do. I'm able to play with other CAGs (sounds funny doesn't it) over XBL and talk about all the cheapass deals over the nation.

Now give me my $200.
What does CAG.com mean to me? Well, without CAG, I would have spent that $200 on 4 games, but now I could easily take that four games and turn it into 10+. CAG is a community full of people who can to relate to one-another. Who doesn't like to save money?

CAG gives me bragging rights to all of my friends as they look at my collection of games and ask how I could ever afford it all.

Happy 20k users CAG!!! Thanks of course to the biggest cheapass of all, Cheapy.
CAG means learning the way of the cheapasses and being able to spend less than $25 for a new game when I used to spend $50
A great web site with some of the best gaming deals around. People that are on the lookout or on the prowl for some good stuff for cheap. I've found everything from video games to magazines to strange free stuff to dental plans thanks to some guys on here. One of the best online communities out here. I'm glad it's getting as big as it is.
Being a professional cheap ass, cheap ass gaming means filling my quota of video games while keeping in line with my cheap ass lifestyle
CAG means the cheapest places to find what ever your looking for, and if you can't find it anywhere im sure some one here will lend a helping hand. Its the best place on the net!
Wow I can't believe there are 20000 members. Being a CAG is something that is very important to me. All members on CAG share a common bond. Our bond is the desire to find great games at dirt cheap prices. We all are friends here cause we want to all want the same thing. I have never in all of my life seen such a closeknit family like we have here. CheapyD and everyone else that made it possible, I want to officially commend you on all of the wonderful work you guys have been doing and I hope that we will all be here to see the next 20000 members join CAG! CONGRATS TO ALL!!!!!!
CAG to me is a great place to find great deals, great humor, and great people. I've never gotten mad at anyone on this site. Just a great community all around.
Being a CAG means that you are always looking for the best price, even though you may want a game so badly, if you find the better deal, you save up some extra cash for more games. More games = more possibilities of getting what you want.
CAG means getting so many games at great prices that there are usually 3-4 unopened ones in my drawer at all times.
CAG saves me the time and pain of looking through weekly ads. All I have to do is check the recent posts to see the best deals going.
CAG means another website I have to visit on a daily basis so that I'm not one of the people in a thread that whines about how everybody else bought the game and didn't leave any for me. Plus it's just cool.
Being a CAG means picking up mismarked games and stunning cashiers and other customers at how little you paid for them.
CAG means being able to get the best value for your entertainment dollar, thanks to fellow community members. Congrats on the 20,000 registered members. I'm sure that you will be hearing from most of us cheapasses in this thread since there is the potential to obtain free money (well, a free gift card) and a true cheapass would not pass up that opportunity.
Here's a toast to the big 20,000!

For me, being a CAG means being able to spend time in a relaxed, laid-back community with lots of great users. It also means getting your money's worth, more bang for your buck, and lots of great games at cheap prices!
Awesome site, I just wish I would have found it sooner. If I hadn't used it I don't know how much money I would have thrown down. Saved me hundreds of $. Thanks
CAGer means great deals, the common goal of one and all to find betters deals to surpass them.

To put it bluntly, CAGer is a gaping hole in my wallet :lol:
What being a CAG means to me? Never paying full price for a game unless it's that damn good...being friendly to other CAG's and hooking them up when I can....looking out for people who claim to be CAG's then go off buying every full priced game they like without a GGC and shunning those who bite off of CAG and don't even have the balls to give them credit....yes, I am speaking about those places that are large where men keep their monetary things...but all in all, it's all about one big cheap ass gaming community who loves games as much as I do...even though we don't even have time to play them all. Yay us. Yay CAG. Congratulations.
Being a CAG, I am more aware on who should I give my money to because certain people deserve our hard earned money since the store owners went out of thier way to have the 'perfect price' for entertaining video games.
It my way to save money on games that I will pick up anyway. But now I don't have to wait for xbox 2 to come out for me to be able to afford all the xbox games.

The community is also great, it really tries to not fall into the typical traps that other message boards and game site fall into.
CAG is a great site! i love the savings and i come here every day to check out the forums and site. thanks for all the great savings everyone who has worked hard!
To me, CAG means smiling to myself when someone tells me, "You're not gonna find that game for less than $50!" Because I can, thanks to all my cheapass amigos (y amigas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
Being a CAGer means getting great deals on great video games because of the wonderful CAG community. :cry: I'm getting emotional here :cry: And it also means bragging to friends about how I scored great deals!
CAG to me means that a poor, addicted gamer can get more games for less (greatest amount saved: over $75 thanks to the GGC... thanks CAG!!)
CAG is one of the 2 sites I visit frequently. Not only I come here for the deals, but I come here for the community. Whenever theres a problem such as a scammer we bond together and come to each others aid which I think is awesome. Its because of u guys I visit this site everday and I thank you for it. I used to pay $50 a game almost every 2 weeks. Now I can play more with that money. Thank you CheapyD and fellow CAG'ers. Without u guys I dont know what ill be going through financially. Its great to be here and I hope it'll stay like that for a very long time.

Thank you again CAG.
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