20,000th Registered CAG Contest Thread - Win $200 good at VideoGameDeals.com

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Congratulations Ledhead, the winner of the $200 www.VideoGameDeals.com voucher winner!

A big thanks to everyone that is a part of the growing CAG community. We're all helping make the dream of cheap video games a reality.

To celebrate our 20,000th registered user, CAG is going to give away 20,000 pennies in the form of a $200 VideoGameDeals.com Gift Voucher.

To enter this giveaway, simply post in this thread and tell us what being a CAG means to you. Do not post anything but a single entry in this thread.

Winner will be chosen at random.
One entry and post per person.
Contest ends September 30th at midnight EST.[/b]
CAG to me means finding myself. I've been a cheap ass for years, but never really bought games! It wasn't until I picked up a working xbox at a pawn shop for $100 (with Halo!), that I needed to embrace my inner CAG! I lost my CAG virginity to the TRU sales and haven't gone back! This place is the first place I hit daily for excellent deals on games! Why pay more than $20? Being a CAG means, I can buy more games for my money, and be one happy CAG!
Being a member of this site means getting to play more games without the disapproval of your spouse from spending too much.

And for married people, that is a GREAT thing!
CAG has been a great website that i love to always go to. CAG has greatly affected my life in buying everything i need and love. I love CAG!!!!!!
CAG means that my gaming hobby costs me less - MUCH less - than it did before. I'm sure that it's been said somewhere in this thread, but it's the best meaning I've got for it. :D
Being a CAG is all about great deals, great savings and everyone here is just one big happy cheap ass family! Happy 20,000 Members cheapassgamer.com
To me, CAG means being the best cheap ass you can be.
I've not payed over 30 bucks for a game in months and CAG means getting the most bang out of your 15-year old, jobless buck.
What being a Cheap Ass Gamer is to get great games for cheap ass prices thankz again king cheapassgamer cheapyD
Gratz CheapyD

This community is second to none.

CAG means to me:

To experience all types of gaming for the least expense. Helpful if you enjoy multiple genres.

My wife rollin her eyes as another game (or more :)) gets opened in front of her.
To me, CAG means being able to live the American dream. Receiving opportunity and getting more for less is what this great country was founded on. Thanks to this website, I feel like I am able to experience the riches of the world...without having to actually BE rich. Thank you, CAG, for you are truly doing the work of God!
This one is simple...

What does cage mean to me?

Spending money.
Lots money saved.
Lots money spent trying to save. :lol:
Digging through bargain bins cause I know it's gotta be in there.
Spending money.
Driving places I never thought I woulda just to find that ONE game in a posted list.
Charge it!
Talking the significant other into yet another trip.
Did I say spend money?
CAG means that I can fianlly say that I'm the cheapest bastard in my family, I goal I've been trying to reach for years!
Being a CAG is beneficial many ways! I get to save $, play some games as a result, and in the process take trips down memory lane with all the random stuff going on in the forums!
To me, Being a Cheap Ass Gamer means I can keep my home. If I had to pay MSRP for newer game, I wouldn't have the money to pay the 'rents. It means I have an excuse to stay up late on a night I should be asleep for work the next morning, then getting up and frightening all of the people I work with with my Gamer RedEye. It gives me an excuse to stay home at night instead of spending money I don't have. Most of all, it means I can have a bad ass game collection, to the envy of my friends. Thanks CAG!
I've been laid-off decent jobs quite a few times, and that's left me penny-less. I was forced to employ under minimum-wage jobs for a while, so I had to squeeze cash. I know many of us have gone through this, and they needed to find ways to save as much money as possible.

CAG is the perfect place to save that money we all work so hard for. Hell, CAG has helped us save a few or a lot of bucks at a time, and that buiilds up. After just a few months of buying games, you've probably saved up to $50, and probably even more. With that extra cash, you could spend it on other things: presents, taxes, or more games. Let's face it: CAG is our home.

Go CAG! Go!
Being a CAG means that your smart enough to know that you don't have to pay full price to enjoy the quality of a good game.
To get the cheapest and best deals on the net, sometimes stuff for free. So thank you for Target Rainkcheck Deal, thank you for the free Magazine Subscriptions and thank you for all the other deals.

Now will an Armor Truck deliver those 20,000 pennies, and hopefully there rolled up too! Wait, it's a Voucher for online. BAH! Oh well, I am cheap, just give me anything.
Cheapass gamer means alot to me, its where i found out about the Circuit City deals and Outpost deals, this place is the best for cheap ass gamers like me!
This site has given me many great deals plus it's updated regarly. The best gaming site around. Thanks for the deals CAG.
CAG has been like a second home for me. It gets me outta bed in the morning and is like a peck on the cheek. Ever since I discovered this place my life has changed for the cheaper. I now have so many games, I've actually begun the process of transforming my physical being into a polygonal, nintendo 64esq character.
Ever since I found this site I check it daily. I am not that sociable but I do post when I do find a great deal. I find that this whole underground cheapasses supporting other cheapasses rewarding. I am what I would like to call openly "Frugal" my wife calls me a cheap ass! You guys help made it okay to be a cheap ass :lol:

I can't recall a feeling more invigorating than when I beat down the Circuit City door during the first day of the closeouts that no one new about and nabbed up some nice games for dirt cheap and the employees face falling all over the floor :lol:

I appreciate all that the members of this site do for each other and I appreciate everything that CheapyD and friends do for us.

May you all be forever cheap!
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