$2500 home theater system...free

Yea ive been in this boat also I got stopped one day at the atm and a guy asked me if i wanted to buy some speakers except these were supposed to be $1200. He had one set hooked up in his van and they didnt sound half bad. I ended up buying the other set off him for $200. The ones i got are actually not that bad ive had them for two months and they are still running strong. The brand was C4 Audio if anyone was wondering.
I had the same type of thing happen to me a few months back outside a Best Buy store. They weren't delivery guys from Best Buy, but they were delivering (in a like-new green Chevy pick-up) some car speakers and they stopped me and said some order was cancelled so they had these to give away. I paused for a second, thought to myself, "Too good to be true" and said no thanks. They asked again as if I was a big dummy for letting it go, and then they took off.
I've never had this happen to me before? I think this is the Aristrocrats scam thread. I'm guessing this is the same speakers that all these chinese shops around here have. 1000watt pyramid branded stuff for like 3.50.
the white van speaker scam..............
this crapy speaker company/idea has been around for decades.

and they act like they're in a rush. the guys that tried to get me even had a brochure of the speaker. that was almost 15 years ago! this is still happening now days.

Although they never want to give me their stuff for free... This happens to me like once every 6 months. I want to get to the bottom of this crap, are they stolen or something?? Is there like a white van stolen speakers gang or something who uses the same story on everyone??
Wow lots of scams. This happened to me when I was 20 and in SoCal. Shitty town called paramount CA. Guy in car pulls up has lots of stereo equip for sale and business card, says they buy from boats off the docks. Anyways, I buy a pair of speakers and then 2wks goes buy and all my stuff is stolen out of my car. Speakers radio, and EQ. Can't chk with Police they said $500 or more for finger print. chk pawn shops. DOh! Never purchased off the street again!:bomb:
OK scammers got me. I was 19 in a bar drinking. (Don't do this, not legal) and a black guy comes up and asks if I want to buy a DVD player for $20. I told him I didn't have $20, I only had $10. He agreed that was enough. We went out to the parking lot and he showed me the DVD player from the trunk of his car. Then he set it down and asked me for the money. He had left the cord hanging out fo the box. When he handed me the box it still had the cord hanging out, he looks around and says, conspiratorially, don't let anyone see you with that and drives off. I take it to my car and open it up..... It's a box of rocks with an electric cord hanging out. He switched boxes on me.

My only defense I was too young to be drinking and buying. :hot:

Maybe a good business now would be selling white vans?
A few years ago this scam was with cameras and not speakers. They used to have these crappy looking cameras that came in a box with the flash and lenses. But all the pieces were cheap plastic with price stickers of $500 or something. They would sell them to people for $50. I knew people buy them because I saw them sell a few and when I worked at a pawn shop we would get people trying to pawn them all the time. Those things weren't worth shit.
I'm glad that I was the catalyst for all of these stories to come out of the woodwork.

Sorry Aquariuzz, I couldn't help but laugh at your story. Sucks that you got tricked like that.
bread's done