360 and beeping - an early sign of RROD?


33 (100%)
Wanted to get some sort of statistical analysis of this phenomenon. Microsoft has all but denied it exists, and most people on the internet who have not experienced it claim the 360 can't be beeping at you.

So, simple options. If it has beeped at you, give some details.

The beep sounds VERY similar to a BIOS beep, if not just a touch higher in pitch and not as 'angry'. It most certainly did not come from the TV. Popular theories right now are the accessories, HDD or power brick.

It happened tonight a couple of times, specifically when I was doing something like when I hit the guide button to check a recent achievement. NOT: the achievement did not make the noise I'm talking about.

I'm going to try an experiment tomorrow night and deduce if it is coming from the power cord. Other things are too close to the system right now to narrow it down.

When this happened on my first 360, a short time later followed RROD.

BTW, I had a PnC and the HD drive connected to the unit at the time.
I have never heard any beeping from my console or accessories.

That being said, I will be watching this thread, because this sounds interesting.
My first 360 used to make a loud, sharp beep and lock up all the time (dashboard, games, booting up). That became more frequent, then it wouldn't come on at all without the red lights.

I haven't heard many people mention the beeping noise, but it's definitely the 360.
can't remember if my xbox beeped when it rrod, i don't believe it did. then again im desensitized because my damn PC beeps all the fucking time when i boot it up (which i've been too lazy to mess with, but it still runs fine).
Actually I remember my xbox beeped once a couple months before it RROD'ed. I turned both my TV and xbox on at the same time and the transforming across from my house "exploded". The xbox then made a loud beeping sound and all four lights stayed red until I shut it off
[quote name='triforcer']can't remember if my xbox beeped when it rrod, i don't believe it did. then again im desensitized because my damn PC beeps all the fucking time when i boot it up (which i've been too lazy to mess with, but it still runs fine).[/quote]

If you didn't know, you can easily turn off the boot beep by going to Control Panel then Sound and turning off your system sounds.

As for the topic at hand, my 360 has yet to beep. O_O; Maybe it's a ghost?
Had another beep while watching a Harry Potter movie last night, but it didn't happen again and it was inconclusive as to where (besides the TV) it came from.
My 360 died to day via RRoD and RIGHT before it crapped out it beeped and froze. However yours is still working so I don't think it's due to the RRoD. But I'm no expert.
My second and third refurbs make this Clank/Vert sound when it boots. God damn Samsung drives!! :bomb: Is your 360 near your PC? Can you record the sound with your mic and post it?

...Or it maybe RROD who knows, but I stand by what I say.
I'm on my 2nd 360, but only because I sold the first one when I upgraded to a HDMI Pro console. I remember the first one beeped one time when I had my component cable slightly dislodged, and got the none-death red light, just that something minor was wrong.

It definitely was a beep.
Seriously what does this beep sound like? My 360 and PC are right next to each other sharing the same monitor and some times both of them are on at the same time and I know my PC is louder than the 360 :p. Anyways It can't be that clank/vert sound I hear right?
I voted on my 1 week old falcon 360. no beeps. However, my "custom" xbox will beep, and sometimes beep and rrod if the "custom" chip isn't seated properly.
Funny you should post this. Yesterday I kept hearing a beep and at first thought it was my computer doing it for some reason. Then it happened again later on when my computer was off. My 360 was on both times and I thought "Oh shit my Xbox is on its way out."

Later on I heard it once more and remembered that my Logitech xbox 360 remote control will beep when the batteries were dying. Sure enough a few seconds later the screen said Replace Batteries. What a relief that was.
[quote name='strikeratt']Well if M$ says it doesn't exsist ... I'm going to have to call you crazy sir.[/quote]
QFT. Only 3-5% of 360's get RRoD
I'm not a fan of the sounds the DVD drives make when they start up. My samsung made the worst sound (kinda a clinking/metalish) on startup. My hitachi made a quieter version of the samsung (which was loud) sound. My BenQ makes the most interesting sound...it's not loud, but it sounds kinda like a raspy fart (go figure). :roll:
My 360 (Falcon) which I bought about two weeks ago has made a 'hard drive seems to be dying' sound and there's this *clinking* sound sometimes.
Mine makes an electircal popping sound. It has done this since day one. I am not worried. I just hope it breaks befoer my 3 years are up.

Over the past few days, I had been getting more beeps while playing Mass Effect. Today, I tested a new setting for streaming videos, and it was beeping like crazy (once every minute or so). So, I got out the stethoscope and pinned down the source: the hard drive. There's also a thread on Xbox UK about it meaning the HDD is dying.

I don't know if it's dying or not, but I have my doubts that a HDD failure would cause the RROD problem. If it gets to be supremely annoying, I may call Microsoft and request a new HDD.
My last one would beep when it froze, and then it would RROD. I think it's a warning beep from the board that something is wrong somewhere.
The only beeps I got with mine were when I got the RROD. It froze, then beeped, and then I got the rings. I never noticed any beeping prior to my 360's death though.

This is driving me nuts. I've had the console for one week and have heard two, maybe three beeps. Sounds just like a PC speaker as the BIOS are loading, and loud enough to be heard over the roar of the engines in TDU. No freezing, crashing, or anything that would indicate a potential problem. I'm certain the sound is coming from the console, but most people insist that the 360 doesn't have an internal speaker. Has anyone found a definitive cause (and solution) for this?
I have only experienced a single long beep once. The console shut down automatically afterwards. I was playing CoD4 single player. This was about a month or two ago. Since then, I haven't heard any beeps.
Not sure if this is really being discussed anymore...but I've been experiencing the same beep since I've owned the thing begining around Christmas. Just finally got fed up.

I get the beeps intermitently regardless of whether I'm playing a game or watching movies. So, I started digging and it's definitly coming from the HDD. I've put a scope up to it to listen. I've listened in the surrounding area also....definitly the HDD. I've taken the HDD off the console and used it with only the memory card...no beeps. I've even gone as far as to "borrow" a brand new 120 GB to see if the beep continues...no beep with the new HDD.

Called MS, have a new 120 GB on the way...should solve the mysterious beep.
[quote name='Borat']Not sure if this is really being discussed anymore...but I've been experiencing the same beep since I've owned the thing begining around Christmas. Just finally got fed up.

I get the beeps intermitently regardless of whether I'm playing a game or watching movies. So, I started digging and it's definitly coming from the HDD. I've put a scope up to it to listen. I've listened in the surrounding area also....definitly the HDD. I've taken the HDD off the console and used it with only the memory card...no beeps. I've even gone as far as to "borrow" a brand new 120 GB to see if the beep continues...no beep with the new HDD.

Called MS, have a new 120 GB on the way...should solve the mysterious beep.[/QUOTE]

What did you do/the process involved?
yeah i know this says 2008 and its 2010 but my boyfriends 360 is beeping at him also. it just started happening today when he found out that his gamer profile is corrupt. :/ and it only happens when he signs into the corrupt gamer profile. hoping its not rrod.
My console beeped at me again recently. First time it's happened in two years (or whenever it was that I last posted). Everything is working fine otherwise.
bread's done