360 Showing in weird colors... now black?


So I was playing Tiger Woods over the weekend when the screen changed the very light parts to pink color... I turned off my receiver and thought maybe it was something with that... it went away about 3 mins later and I thought nothing of it...

Then I was watching a DVD last night and the same thing started happening, and it wouldn't go away... So about an hour later I finish the DVD and everything is fine...

Put in Tiger again last night and immediately there's bright pink and green all over... I try to make sure all wires are attached properly, etc... it doesn't go away.

Then, next time I reboot the system, my screen is black with no sound... (I run HDMI into my receiver and out to my TV)

So I decide to check the HDMI cable, I unplug a different HDMI cable and switch it to the one connected to my 360... to my surprise the screen is no longer black after the switch, but still with the weird colors, even during the start up screen...

I guess it isn't the cables, my only guess is it's the system itself?

Has anyone else had this happen to them and if so, any solutions?

Thanks in advance.
my 360 is currently experiencing a similar problem, except with usually a green tint, and various color flickering. currently waiting on a coffin from microsoft.
[quote name='dealer']GPU is definitely going bad. Perhaps a RROD in your future.[/QUOTE]


Seriously, just call for your coffin now. Same thing happened to my box. Weird colors, then no video. I did not get a RRoD, but that didn't stop me from mentioning it when I called in. The repair was covered.
[quote name='Malik112099']E74 is coming!!!!!![/QUOTE]

I've had the E74, but no RROD yet....the towel trick fixed it, but I have my coffin and am ready to send it back, but I think I should wait until RROD so it'll be covered under warranty...right?
[quote name='DestroVega']I have the Best Buy warranty so I will just bring it back tonight... Thanks guys...[/QUOTE]

Say goodbye to playing your arcade games offline lolz.
[quote name='the3rdkey']Say goodbye to playing your arcade games offline lolz.[/quote]

I don't follow this statement... they let you keep your old hard drive if that's what you're getting at... and my 360 is always online anyway.
Well, the hilarity continues... there are no Elite's in stock at Best Buy in CT for them to swap me out... unreal.
[quote name='boomer725']I've had the E74, but no RROD yet....the towel trick fixed it, but I have my coffin and am ready to send it back, but I think I should wait until RROD so it'll be covered under warranty...right?[/quote]

i had E74, called, told them it was RRoD and they fixed it under warranty
Is what I have E74? Basically I turn it on and the screen is black but if you are online you can see I'm logged in... so it's the connection to the TV...

I guess I just gotta wait until Best Buy receives some Elites...
My 360 has the same problem. At first the games looked blurry like it was not displaying many colors at once and now nothing displays at all. My system "functions." I mean I can hear the sounds in the dashboard and that it logged into xbox live. My 360 also happens to be one of the originals manufactured in 2005. Can I use that to help me get a free repair? I don't plan on calling until Saturday.
I remember reading that they don't use the red ring lights anymore on the new ones so technically they can't red ring and thus are not covered by the 3-year warranty.
[quote name='Hiei69']My 360 has the same problem. At first the games looked blurry like it was not displaying many colors at once and now nothing displays at all. My system "functions." I mean I can hear the sounds in the dashboard and that it logged into xbox live. My 360 also happens to be one of the originals manufactured in 2005. Can I use that to help me get a free repair? I don't plan on calling until Saturday.[/QUOTE]

I had the same issue. Just tell the phone rep that it red ringed, and write the same on the questioner inside the coffin (there's also a check box for no video). My repair was covered.
bread's done