360 Trade In Value

[quote name='CTDavis']What is the current trade in value of xbox 360? looking to upgrade to the elite[/QUOTE]

200 bnoes
It isn't 200, It is 150, Regardless of the controllers or cables. You get 40 for a HDD and 4 for a headset.
Eb/Gamestop give you $215 normally for a 360 with a hard drive, but if you trade it in towards an elite(on the same transaction) you get $250. Now, Gamecrazy, on the other hand, gives you $275 credit and you don't have to do it on the same transaction, they'll just give you credit.
[quote name='sonic911']Eb/Gamestop give you $215 normally for a 360 with a hard drive, but if you trade it in towards an elite(on the same transaction) you get $250. Now, Gamecrazy, on the other hand, gives you $275 credit and you don't have to do it on the same transaction, they'll just give you credit.[/QUOTE]

Does the GameCrazy trade-in require hard-drive?
Why do people still trade stuff in? Do you just not want to go through the minimal effort it takes to sell it for more money? Trade in prices are usually around 50% of what you could get for just selling it.

Even after fees and shipping on eBay or amazon or whatever you are better off then trading it in.
[quote name='magiic']ya people that trade stuff in still really dissapoint me[/quote]

It doesn't make sense to me.
I know that many people are trading their 360 in because their systems got banned by Microsoft. EB/GS can't tell which systems got banned until the customers reported it.
LOL this will be fun. So people who buy used 360 might get a big surprise when they find out , they can't get online ^__^;
[quote name='lurknomore']Does the GameCrazy trade-in require hard-drive?[/quote]

its considered a core trade-in if you dont trade in the hd
Here are the correct values, I traded in my 360 myself -

360 w/ wireless controller - $190 ($180 with a wired controller)
20 GB Hard Drive - $25

I traded mine in because MS sent me a shitty system back as a refurb that was on its way out, and I'm not playing the return / refurb game with them - I was able to combine my Edge + another 10% coupon flying around at the time, so the 360 + hard drive + some random accessories I had got me about $300 in credit.

I would have barely made $300 on Ebay after fees, and then worry about if it's going to break on a buyer, and get caught up in a Paypal dispute - that's not fun.

Now the 360 is EB's problem, not mine. It's probably already red ringed for some unfortunate sap.
[quote name='Roufuss']Here are the correct values, I traded in my 360 myself -

360 w/ wireless controller - $190 ($180 with a wired controller)
20 GB Hard Drive - $25

I traded mine in because MS sent me a shitty system back as a refurb that was on its way out, and I'm not playing the return / refurb game with them - I was able to combine my Edge + another 10% coupon flying around at the time, so the 360 + hard drive + some random accessories I had got me about $300 in credit.

I would have barely made $300 on Ebay after fees, and then worry about if it's going to break on a buyer, and get caught up in a Paypal dispute - that's not fun.

Now the 360 is EB's problem, not mine.[/QUOTE]
I thought EDGE card only get you 10 % off only for game and acc. not the system. Did EB/GS just change their policy ?
[quote name='nonggame']I thought EDGE card only get you 10 % off only for game and acc. not the system. Did EB/GS just change their policy ?[/QUOTE]

The computer can't distinguish between a console and the accessories - only the employee can. I traded in my 360 + accessories at the same time, and the 10% got added on to all of it at the same time. The employee was trying to hurry since he was the only one there and other people were in the store, so he didn't double check.
bread's done