5 Free iTunes Songs Downloads (your choice)

Credit to SD.

" Join the Ticketmaster group on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2426357824

After joining, the screen will show an iTunes code valid for 5 free song downloads, including the $1.29 drm-free songs.

You can leave the group right away

Codes expire November 15, 2007."
[quote name='shieryda']I really need to make a list of stuff to download. Any suggestions for new metal and rock?[/quote]Anything Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath, AC/DC :p
[quote name='y2julio']Anything Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath, AC/DC :p[/quote]

Already got all that. I'm talking about new stuff within the last 2 years.
[quote name='shieryda']Already got all that. I'm talking about new stuff within the last 2 years.[/quote]

New Foo, upcoming Alter Bridge album, new Iron & Wine ... there's so much good stuff right now.
Here are some things I'd reccomend you guys giving a try, by song:

Deadsy - Winners
Gary Numan - Cars :D
Days of the New - Where Are You
Bad Brains - I Against I
Del the Funky Homosapien - Phony Phranchise

And well, there's a shitload more. This is amazing that it's still going on. Can they take the credits away from us?
How in the hell is this still alive?!?!?

Something good must be going on for the compaines (massive advertisement?) Otherwise you would think ticketmaster would catch on to all "adwfsdfsdfsd" names.

[quote name='fraggedbylaggers']the most shocking part is that only 18,000 "people" have joined...[/quote]
That number was 4,000 early last morning. :lol:

So if 14,000 codes were given out at 5 songs a piece, that's "only" $70,000 which isn't much in advertising costs for a huge company like Ticketmaster. I'd imagine there are tons more to go around.
Wow...its only been like 20 minutes and you can get up to over 200 songs...Im there already and just started!

Thanks OP!
I'll finally be able to check out the (considered) masterpiece that is Michael Jackson's Thriller.
WTF? I got more songs somehow! I had 32 left, then my iTunes got an error and shut off. None of my songs were deleted, and now it lists me having 60 songs left. This just gets better and better!
[quote name='shieryda']*checks wallet to verify funds for a new pack of CD-Rs*[/quote]*checks wallet, pulls out ATM card* :lol:
So, I just have to click buy song and then thats it right? It automatically deducts the credit?

Cuase I dont want to get it charged onto my credit card
[quote name='JokerCard']So, I just have to click buy song and then thats it right? It automatically deducts the credit?

Cuase I dont want to get it charged onto my credit card[/QUOTE]

thats all there is to it
Just so you all know, the iTunes TOS and such DO say that they have the right to close accounts and/or request alternate forms of payment for misused or illegally obtained codes. Highly paraphrased but it's pretty close to that.

If you have a CC attached to your iTunes account I wouldn't doubt if they were able to just charge the thing for your 200+ songs. Paying $200 for all your free stuff unexpectedly wouldn't be too fun I don't think.

That being said, I'm in for a boatload, because I don't give a shit. rofl.
[quote name='byzuser']Just so you all know, the iTunes TOS and such DO say that they have the right to close accounts and/or request alternate forms of payment for misused or illegally obtained codes. Highly paraphrased but it's pretty close to that.

If you have a CC attached to your iTunes account I wouldn't doubt if they were able to just charge the thing for your 200+ songs. Paying $200 for all your free stuff unexpectedly wouldn't be too fun I don't think.

That being said, I'm in for a boatload, because I don't give a shit. rofl.[/quote]

[quote name='byzuser']Just so you all know, the iTunes TOS and such DO say that they have the right to close accounts and/or request alternate forms of payment for misused or illegally obtained codes. Highly paraphrased but it's pretty close to that.

If you have a CC attached to your iTunes account I wouldn't doubt if they were able to just charge the thing for your 200+ songs. Paying $200 for all your free stuff unexpectedly wouldn't be too fun I don't think.

That being said, I'm in for a boatload, because I don't give a shit. rofl.[/QUOTE]

Well that sucks.

But its their fault for making it so easy.

Stopped at 300.
I just have a lot of aliases and would like to create a Face Book account (and join Ticket Master) for each and every one of them ;)
This is great, but it pales in comparison to the National Guard promotion last year. Does anyone remember that? You find some questions on their site, you could get up to 30 dowloads per e-mail address? Eventually that was changed to 60 downloads, and in the span of maybe a month or so, I swear I grabbed AT LEAST 1000 free songs. Yeah, I spent way too much time doing that...
[quote name='leavemealone347']Anyone know if you buy an album if it just deducts the song # from that album?[/quote]
If you try to buy an album they will charge because it is only for individual song downloads I believe.
[quote name='byzuser']Just so you all know, the iTunes TOS and such DO say that they have the right to close accounts and/or request alternate forms of payment for misused or illegally obtained codes. Highly paraphrased but it's pretty close to that.

If you have a CC attached to your iTunes account I wouldn't doubt if they were able to just charge the thing for your 200+ songs. Paying $200 for all your free stuff unexpectedly wouldn't be too fun I don't think.

That being said, I'm in for a boatload, because I don't give a shit. rofl.[/QUOTE]

While those words sound scary, how can they honestly even know where you got these codes. Yes the codes are tied to Ticketmaster but you can get these from anywhere.......tradem, buyem, friend doesn't want....etc.

So If people are worried....don't be as they can't possibly hurt you unless you did this with your real info on every account
About two years ago there was a similar exploit with a Holiday Inn giveaway. They voided every single code and then offered to resend from a new set to legitimate users(I think it was IP based?). Not saying they'll do it, but they certainly could if they wanted to.
I'm way too lazy to do this right now, but you guys are my heroes. You really have to take every chance you get against Ticketmaster--they've fucked me so hard and so often over the last six years that I'm in need of an anal retread.
[quote name='shieryda']Can they trace the bogus accounts back to your IP?[/QUOTE]
And do what? Take away your dozens of Facebook accounts? :lol:

I can't imagine why Apple would care, and all Ticketmaster will do is up their fees from 40% to 42%. I'm pretty sure they were going to do that anyway.
[quote name='shieryda']Can they trace the bogus accounts back to your IP?[/QUOTE]

Anyone can trace an IP but what could they honestly do.

These codes are issued by Ticketmaster. Wouldn't they have to go to the trouble of tracking all this stuff down? I would bet facebook could give two shits about these codes and how willing would apple be to void these codes. Ticketmaster already bought these so it's not like Apple is losing out on this
So what would be the best way to convert the $1.29 AAC files to mp3s without losing or compromising quality? AAC is useless to me.
[quote name='kevzik']So what would be the best way to convert the $1.29 AAC files to mp3s without losing or compromising quality? AAC is useless to me.[/QUOTE]

Burn it to a cd and re-rip it
[quote name='Mojimbo']About two years ago there was a similar exploit with a Holiday Inn giveaway. They voided every single code and then offered to resend from a new set to legitimate users(I think it was IP based?). Not saying they'll do it, but they certainly could if they wanted to.[/QUOTE]

How did this affect people if they had already purchased songs with them?
[quote name='fraggedbylaggers']How did this affect people if they had already purchased songs with them?[/QUOTE]It didn't but if you hadn't used your codes by then you were SOL. Even if you had 20 song credits (or whatever) they would be zeroed out the next time you logged on.
[quote name='Mojimbo']It didn't but if you hadn't used your codes by then you were SOL. Even if you had 20 song credits (or whatever) they would be zeroed out the next time you logged on.[/QUOTE]

I guess I'll be getting more tonight:D . So you dont think we will be having to pay this or get our accounts canceld right?
[quote name='fraggedbylaggers']I guess I'll be getting more tonight:D . So you dont think we will be having to pay this or get our accounts canceld right?[/QUOTE]
It'd be hard to see who actually registered for multiple times, rather than have friends hook them up .. I had friends on Facebook send me their code because they don't use iTunes. I doubt they'll do anything, but its not something I'm intereted in finding out first hand.
[quote name='kevzik']So what would be the best way to convert the $1.29 AAC files to mp3s without losing or compromising quality? AAC is useless to me.[/quote]convert it to .wav format.
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