A huge piece of crap... (no... seriously) UPDATED w/ PICS!

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Hmmm.... I think I can explain the lack of toilet paper.

Sometimes, if the turd is in the bowl just right, and it's strong enough, it'll lay across the hole and not get sucked down but the TP will still go down around it and disappear.

Needless to say, I speak for experience. :wink: I place all the blame on the dorm food.
Now updated! Reading this entire topic is AWESOME. I stepped away to eat dinner, not understanding the implications of my pictureless post. Now you get pictures!!!
[quote name='alongx']RAing sucks, I feel your pain.[/quote]

Actually, me and my guys had a good laugh at this.
I saw a bigger one in a bathroom at disney if you can belive this. Seriously, it freaked the hell out of me. I video taped it, but my uncle or someone must have the tape. (this was years ago).
W-O-W. How much is that thing?? Someone check the ads for this week, I want that! Hahhahaaha. but seriously, that must have hurt anyway that it came out..
[quote name='Zman310']:shock:
Holy shit![/quote]

There is nothing "Holy" about it...hah, but seriously..ouch
This has to be the best thread yet!!! I can't stop laughiing!!!!!!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :notworth: I showed some people the pictures on here and they said i have a sick sense of humor, holy shit. hahahaha
geeze, whoever made it seemed to have enough pride to not flush it and hope some CAG comes and posts it on a board...
That's very strange...I saw a dump exactly that size and shape (just massive) without toilet paper floating in the toilet in the gym locker room bathroom in my high school...

It lives! Its MONSTURD!!!!!

Thats really not that great... A few years back I laid one that went from the bottom of the hole in the very back all the way up and out of the water. It was one of the old large tank toilets too, so this SOB was almost a foot long. As for circumfrence... it wasn't quite that big, but it I felt better being free of it. I did take a picture too, but when I got them devloped there was a black one... I wonder what the developers thought... :whistle2:k The worst part of this was that our plumbing wasn't that good. I tried to flush it three or four times and it wouldn't go down. It had to be dismantled and relocated to the garbage... that was the most rancid bag of garbage I have ever smelt.

Anyone that finds pooping humorous should go to poopreport.com.
[quote name='rodeojones903']Im suprised there isnt any blood.[/quote]

I was thinking the same thing, along with sweat and tears covering the floor around it.
[quote name='Psydrogen'][quote name='rodeojones903']Im suprised there isnt any blood.[/quote]

I was thinking the same thing, along with sweat and tears covering the floor around it.[/quote]

imagine if that came out as a shart... that guy would be screwed!
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