Able to pick one up on launch day by walking into a store?

[quote name='SonOfJOrel']Not sure if this has already been posted, but this site could help answer the question:

Shows 300+ units in my area (at various stores), so hopefully I'll be able to find one around 10AM tomorrow, without too much hassle.[/QUOTE]

God that thing is way off for my area. It lists every Walmart around me as having 53. I called a couple of the Walmarts around me and they are all getting 16-20, unless the employess are lying, I wouldn't trust it.
[quote name='ofacto']God that thing is way off for my area. It lists every Walmart around me as having 53. I called a couple of the Walmarts around me and they are all getting 16-20, unless the employess are lying, I wouldn't trust it.[/QUOTE]

Yea the TRU I called said they had 53, that site says 84.
Stopped by CC and they told me they have enough for those that will come in at opening and maybe a little left.

There was no line at the time.

Also, next door at Target, they said they will have about 400!
I talked to the electronics employee and thats what they said....guess they got in some launch shipments and some extras...
But im betting shes just exagerating...
[quote name='ofacto']God that thing is way off for my area. It lists every Walmart around me as having 53. I called a couple of the Walmarts around me and they are all getting 16-20, unless the employess are lying, I wouldn't trust it.[/QUOTE]

The site is just guestimates. It says the Walmart near me that has 29 units has 53, so just be sure to take the info w/ a grain of salt.
I have called almost all the major retailers in the Orlando area. They werent very willing to give up their numbers, but from my calls I am not confident about getting one tomorrow.

Im going to try Target early though.
I'm getting a 360 because it has more games that interest me ATM (and XBL), but if I get lucky, Game Crazy will have some extra Wiis so that I can get one for nearly nothing through this deal.

"Young, myopic, only at the end, when it is too late for many of you, do you understand the power of the Dork Side."
my mom tried to get me a surprise....she was #32 at wal-mart.....they handed out 31 pickup tickets

me and my girlfriend are probably gonna go try to find one somewhere in exton, pa tomorrow
I'm heading out tomorrow morning at 7AM. Theres a Target, Circuit City and Best Buy about 2 miles from each other, BB and Target being across the street from one another. So I'll scope out every line and decide which one I want to wait in. Hopefully I can score one!
I have my Wii voucher for the local Wal-Mart. I just have to waltz in and pick it up. Yes, I know this is the third or fourth post in which I've said this, but jesus, I can't believe I got so lucky.
[quote name='ofacto']God that thing is way off for my area. It lists every Walmart around me as having 53. I called a couple of the Walmarts around me and they are all getting 16-20, unless the employess are lying, I wouldn't trust it.[/quote]

I think only the Target numbers are confirmed on PS3Seeker. The rest of the stores are just guesses based on the average units that each major retailer is supposed to be getting.

My Wal-Mart had 20 units so it seems to be a safe bet that most Wal-Marts are getting 20 max.

CC's ads have said they won't have less than 20, and who knows about BB - they ain't talking.

[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I have my Wii voucher for the local Wal-Mart. I just have to waltz in and pick it up. Yes, I know this is the third or fourth post in which I've said this, but jesus, I can't believe I got so lucky.[/quote]

Hehe, got mine too. Heading back to Wal-Mart in just a few minutes.
Wow...guess it really depends where you are. I am down here in Medford. I just went to the Fred Meyer in North Medford (we have 2). The guy in electronics said EACH store is getting 100 and as of 8:30pm (I just got back) there is NOBODY in line. They are having a midnight launch at each I figure I'll go back at like 10:30 or 11 and wait. Don't think it will be much of a problem....?

[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']Damn, getting a Wii is going to be harder than I thought. One of the Fred Meyers in the area is doing a midnight launch with 90 units and as of 5:45 the guy said there were about 80 people lined up. I would have gone, but by the time I'd get there I'd risk being 91 and therefore waiting 6 hours for nothing.

CC seems like the next best bet with "about 3 dozen," which is still pretty shitty. And for some reason, the Targets in my area will never discolse how many they have. fuckers.[/quote]
[quote name='lebowsky']I think only the Target numbers are confirmed on PS3Seeker. The rest of the stores are just guesses based on the average units that each major retailer is supposed to be getting.

My Wal-Mart had 20 units so it seems to be a safe bet that most Wal-Marts are getting 20 max.

CC's ads have said they won't have less than 20, and who knows about BB - they ain't talking.

Hehe, got mine too. Heading back to Wal-Mart in just a few minutes.[/QUOTE]

Where did you hear that the Target numbers are confirmed?

This would be a great help if I knew they were as it would narrow down my decision between Target or CC.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']Where did you hear that the Target numbers are confirmed?

This would be a great help if I knew they were as it would narrow down my decision between Target or CC.[/QUOTE]
This could be some random fluke for me, but I called every Target within forty miles of my house and they had the exact numbers that were on the Seeker site.
The target numbers are exact in my area too based on the ps3 seeker. Definitely use that to figure out where to go tonight.
I thought there would be plenty of stock but I guess not. Wal-Mart apperently had a line I didn't know of. I might wake up early and head down to Target, heard they open early, they might have enough. No idea though. I know my local TRU has 120 of them with 80 of them pre-ordered.
So many nonchalant types all over the Internet are going to be kicking themselves so hard over the next dozen hours or so, and I am going to love every swing of their legs.

Just hoping that half-asleep I don't turn off my alarm and that the Gamestop Gang doesn't somehow fuck up my paid-off preorder. I can't wait to get this over with. Last...console launch...for me...ever.

P.S. Some idiot on Fox News Radio called it a "Wyy". As in, pronouced like the letter "Y".
[quote name='jollydwarf']So many nonchalant types all over the Internet are going to be kicking themselves so hard over the next dozen hours or so, and I am going to love every swing of their legs.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, exactly. I got to my midnight-release TRU at 5:15pm and was 101 in a line of 100. But a little rumor I heard about extra units panned out and I was able to get one of the extra 46. I need sleep now, mustn't play anymore Zelda.
my targets got 80, and I bought twilight princess yesterday at hastings, but do I have to buy that little analog stick, the nunchuck or whatever? or does it come in the wii box?
[quote name='tiredfornow']my targets got 80, and I bought twilight princess yesterday at hastings, but do I have to buy that little analog stick, the nunchuck or whatever? or does it come in the wii box?[/QUOTE]
It comes with the Wii.
[quote name='tiredfornow']thanks man! any other games worth it besides twilight princess?[/QUOTE]
I wouldn't know I'm still mashing my F5 button on Amazon's Wii page.

That and I'm only getting Twilight Princess. :p
Man I showed up at walmart around 11 pm to find out 138 people had been camping since like 6 am yesterday. They only had 36 Wiis.

What are the odds on getting one at best buy or TRU today? Am I completely fucked out of a wii?
Ugh, got to wal-mart at 6:30 am and got in line. The guy in front instantly called me "21". He and a pal had counted the line half a dozen times, and I was # 21. I thought "Sweet!, the wal-mart employee I spoke with lastnight said that they had 24 units to go around, so looks like I just made it". Well, he was wrong, they only got 20 units, so no wii for me. And somehow the guy in front of me miscounted, and he didn't get one either
[quote name='jollydwarf']So many nonchalant types all over the Internet are going to be kicking themselves so hard over the next dozen hours or so [/QUOTE]

Yup I just got voucher 23 of 24 at CC. There were a few disappointed people there. At least CC was good enough to come pass out the vouchers a full 2.5 hours before they opened. It was friggin 38 outside.

I got in line at 4:30 this morning... number 21 in line out of 33 systems. So they come by with these slips of paper and I thought it was a voucher at 7:30.... I go to my truck to blow my nose (which is literally like 20 feet away) thinking I have a Wii secured. Meanwhile another guy is coming through the line and passing out the REAL vouchers. The 34th person in line got my voucher and I came home, broken and beaten. A bunch of people around me told me they would stick up for me, but the people who got my ticket looked like grandparents... and I couldn't do it. Some kid if going to have a sick Christmas on my expense... I hope he enjoys his fuck 'ing Wii.
This is the only time I've ever regretted not pre-ordering. I figured simply knowing the release date and getting out early would put me in a position most "general" consumers weren't in.

The problem was that there were full lines at every retailer. Even friggin' Sears, and NOBODY goes to Sears (there was a line of about 12-15 for the 2 Wiis in stock--I don't know what the 10-13 were thinking).

I'll be waiting. I still think pre-orders are a joke, but this is the one time they've proved me wrong. You win this round, smug pre-orderers.
i didn't think i was gonna get one....but, my parents went out and got one today completely outta the blue.....

...and guess where they got it....EB....WITHOUT a Pre-Order....
I got lucky at Target. Lined up at 5am; #18 of 60(!!!). They didnt give out the last 10 vouchers til 7:30am (and they let us in at 7:45).
[quote name='gizmogc']I just want to say a big fuck you to people who thought you could just walk right in and grab one. Hahahaha.[/QUOTE]

It was possible to get one by walking in. This morning around 10:10am, I drove to Target to grab Zelda: Twilight Princess (I didn't preorder the game) and the employees there asked me if I wanted a Wii. They said they had 60 Wiis and 59 were already bought, so there's one left. I passed since my Wii is comin' tomorrow via Amazon. Another guy there overheard our conversation and asked if he can buy it (and he did).
I live in Portland, ME and I went to BB today to pick up Zelda with a GGC and get some bonus RZ points. I noticed that they had 30+ Wii's available, but I had already preordered mine at TRU. I went to TRU to pick up my Wii and there was a HUGE line of people picking up their preorders and picking up games/accesories, so I got a refund for my preorder and went back to BB and picked my Wii up there to get even MORE RZ points.

That was around 10:30AM this morning, although I did noticed that when I was leaving BB for the second time with my Wii that there was only maybe 2-3 Wii's left...It all really depends on your location, demand in your area, and the number of Wii's available.
[quote name='Socheata']It was possible to get one by walking in. This morning around 10:10am, I drove to Target to grab Zelda: Twilight Princess (I didn't preorder the game) and the employees there asked me if I wanted a Wii. They said they had 60 Wiis and 59 were already bought, so there's one left. I passed since my Wii is comin' tomorrow via Amazon. Another guy there overheard our conversation and asked if he can buy it (and he did).[/QUOTE]

Most people assumed it would not be sold out and could walk in any store all day and grab one. Getting one 10 minutes after opening hardly counts. Call you're local EB/GS/BB/CC/TRU now...Good luck.
i think i took someone's Zelda pre-order at Toys R US.

they announced that Zelda was only available if you pre-ordered it (which i did not). still i took a chance when i walked up the counter. i simply said "I need Zelda too". the lady turned around, went into a little crate which had 5 Zelda's in it and a piece of paper, she just grabbed it and put it on my bill. :) she never even looked at my Wii pre-order receipt

so i think i may have accidently taken someone's pre-order. i heard the manager tell someone afterwards that there would be no Zeldas on sale to the regular public. lol. oh well.

maybe the kid will get a nice coupon along with his apology.
[quote name='captmurphy']I HATE TARGET.

I got in line at 4:30 this morning... number 21 in line out of 33 systems. So they come by with these slips of paper and I thought it was a voucher at 7:30.... I go to my truck to blow my nose (which is literally like 20 feet away) thinking I have a Wii secured. Meanwhile another guy is coming through the line and passing out the REAL vouchers. The 34th person in line got my voucher and I came home, broken and beaten. A bunch of people around me told me they would stick up for me, but the people who got my ticket looked like grandparents... and I couldn't do it. Some kid if going to have a sick Christmas on my expense... I hope he enjoys his fuck 'ing Wii.[/quote]

are you kidding me? you left line to blow your fucking nose? dude thats terrible. were you wearing a sleevless shirt? please explain this to me.....
so dumb...
[quote name='nickmad']are you kidding me? you left line to blow your fucking nose? dude thats terrible. were you wearing a sleevless shirt? please explain this to me.....
so dumb...[/quote]

Maybe nose is slang for something else?
[quote name='nickmad']are you kidding me? you left line to blow your fucking nose? dude thats terrible. were you wearing a sleevless shirt? please explain this to me.....
so dumb...[/quote]

Did you not read the part that I thought I had the voucher? Why would I need to stay in line if I had my voucher?

For the record... other people left line too, but managed to pay enough attention to get back and get their voucher.
[quote name='captmurphy']Did you not read the part that I thought I had the voucher? Why would I need to stay in line if I had my voucher?

For the record... other people left line too, but managed to pay enough attention to get back and get their voucher.[/QUOTE]

What exactly was this initial voucher? I was pissed that my girlfriend and I were 22 and 23 respectively in line at Walmart where they only had 20.
[quote name='BasketCase1080']What exactly was this initial voucher? I was pissed that my girlfriend and I were 22 and 23 respectively in line at Walmart where they only had 20.[/quote]

It explains the pricing of the console, games and accessories. It is about 6*10 inches. It has little check boxes next to the things you might want to buy.... it looks like a frickin voucher if you ask me.
The Wii is much easier to produce than PS3 so I'm sure within a few weeks everyone who wants one can get one (unlike a few months for da PS3).
[quote name='captmurphy']It explains the pricing of the console, games and accessories. It is about 6*10 inches. It has little check boxes next to the things you might want to buy.... it looks like a frickin voucher if you ask me.[/quote]I'll admit I was confused by having two different things passed out, but not confused enough to leave the line. In fact, the guys running the show at my Target said if you get out of line, they'd take your ticket.
bread's done