Am I in the wrong?

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:rofl: :rofl: @ People.

ANYWAY.. the cashier made a mistake.. so.. yeah.. who cares. It's not the end of the world, despite how jealous people are.
Its a tough call I personally would have said something. You chose not to which puts the trainee in a position of loosing his job already.

At the same time it was a mistake that you took full advantage of which could be ok everyone has done something sketchy dealing with buying something. I go to a local subway and every sub for five dollars with free cookies and a soda when one employee is working thats stealing in a way.

If it was a mom and pop store I would have made sure that they would have been told about it small business is more important. If it was a major chain like best buy I wouldnt worry about it so much.
[quote name='joeboosauce']Oh. You don't get it. Now should I be surprised... not really. The quotes have to do with the false morality most seem to have and then use to denounce others such as the OP. This is a product of their inability to think freely and to be conditioned into this illusion of having their own moral code, which they do not. Is this confusing you? Refer to the first quote of Hawking's. Then to truly understand the overarching issue, which is the control of society and its thinking by powerful interests which coalesce in big business refer to the Dewey quote? Still don't get it? Refer to quote #1. Rinse, repeat until you do.[/quote]

ARRRRRGGGGG why must I read every word in the dictionary to understand any of your posts!

Ohhh and as someone mentioned before if the case is he stole it then I guess save the glitches and price mistakes for me! I mean they're not intentional so isn't it basically the same thing :D IDK maybe not just my 2 cents
[quote name='joeboosauce']Bunch of pointless hippie talk.[/quote]

Why don't you just donate it to a charity or something? That would be about as "right" of a thing you could do if you're not going to take it back.
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How about flipping it around and saying that the Cashier accidentally charged you twice for one movie and you noticed. You would quickly tell him that they messed up, but since he messed up in your favor, then it is ok. Everyone saying he is right would be pissed that a store got an extra $30 (or a free blu ray movie), but when OP gets a free Blu Ray then it was the stores fault. You can't have a double view on it and just say that the mistake should be corrected if it helps you. That is just stupid.
[quote name='BlueSwim']Why don't you just donate it to a charity or something? That would be about as "right" of a thing you could do if you're not going to take it back.[/QUOTE]

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
wow, i made it through 3 pages and decided at least half the people in this thread are just idiots by defending this guy. dmaul's point would be valid had he not noticed it until he got home, i would understand defending him in that case, but he noticed while he was still being rung up. people make mistakes and i highly doubt it was the cashier being "lazy or incompetent" as another person said, it was just simply a mistake on their part and the OP is completely in the wrong for not pointing it out.

i am sure many of the people saying that he wasn't wrong or shouldn't have pointed it out have never worked retail or had something of theirs stolen. if this were to happen to you, wouldn't you want someone to be honest and not steal it? sadly i am with magiic on this one, karma doesn't just happen to bad people. i have pointed out many things like this and i have had stuff of mine stolen only for people to get away with it. i am extremely glad that cag has an ignore list, i am ignoring every single person defending him since that way i will never end up in a trade with them.

i find it hilarious that at least 3/4 if not more of you saying it wasn't the OP's fault or they would do it as well would being flipping out if the same type of thing happened in a trade on here. say you sold someone a 4 games and were only paid for 3, wouldn't you want them to either return the 4th or pay for it? there would be people trying to find his address for you and you would be bitching up a storm.
[quote name='lilboo']:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:[/quote]
:whistle2:s:whistle2:s:whistle2:s....I was being serious. Send it to a soldier fighting in Iraq and I'm sure it would make somebody's day.
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I still haven't seen one answer towards some of the comments.

All you guys saying that he is in the wrong think back to any of the glitches and mis marked product and such. You know it's not working properly or marked wrong, yet you still buy the stuff. Isn't that stealing per say?
[quote name='strikeratt']I still haven't seen one answer towards some of the comments.

All you guys saying that he is in the wrong think back to any of the glitches and mis marked product and such. You know it's not working properly or marked wrong, yet you still buy the stuff. Isn't that stealing per say?[/quote]

No, you are not stealing. It's not anything close to stealing. Of course, it's also circumstantial.

Scenario A: Item A was marked down well below MSRP. The transaction is fine.

Scenario B: Item is clearly mislabeled. If you realize this, the transaction is not OK. That is fraud.

Scenario C: Item is clearly mislabeled. You do not realize this, but the cashier points it out. If the label is not a generic price tag, then you must do as the cashier says. If the label is a generic price tag, you have the right to argue that this is a purchase at the advertised price.

I am not sure what kind of "glitch" you are talking about, but for most glitches that are extremely in your favor that you notice, then this is considered an exploit which is also illegal.

And it's spelled "per se".
[quote name='Treehouse Gamer']No, you are not stealing. It's not anything close to stealing. Of course, it's also circumstantial.

Scenario A: Item A was marked down well below MSRP. The transaction is fine.

Scenario B: Item is clearly mislabeled. If you realize this, the transaction is not OK. That is fraud.

Scenario C: Item is clearly mislabeled. You do not realize this, but the cashier points it out. If the label is not a generic price tag, then you must do as the cashier says. If the label is a generic price tag, you have the right to argue that this is a purchase at the advertised price.

I am not sure what kind of "glitch" you are talking about, but for most glitches that are extremely in your favor that you notice, then this is considered an exploit which is also illegal.

And it's spelled "per se".[/quote]

Now I'm not saying all of these worked in the end ... but we sure as hell tried

TRU B1G1 Glitch (suppose to be B1G1 Half off) 25 pages long:

Destroy all Humans Glitch (priced wrong) 4 pages long:

That's just doing a 3 second search with glitch in it.

What about the massive Wal-mart preorder glitch when games that haven't even come out yet were ringing up as 20 - 30 bucks online (right before SSBB came out.

The glitch where everyone was jumping on the hey ... 50 bucks off a trampoline, but it works for almost anything on the site!

How about the get 20, 30, 40, 50 you name the price I'm sure it's shown up glitch after spending a certain amount. However someone forgot to set those minimum spending amounts so you could spend 20 get 20 off deals.

The numerous others I can't even think of atm. Does this make us all thiefs. Hell we know that they aren't priced correctly and we should really tell them before it's abused. Isn't it morally wrong because we know we're getting away with it. The person who made the mistake is still human, just like you and me, that cashier that missed ringing up the movie, like everyone else in the world.

The fact of the matter is, we all do crap like this. I do, you do, we all do. It's not just this site who does it either, don't get me wrong on that, it's almost everyone. Hell, what about trading a few beads for half of our country today, would you call a founding father that made this all possible a keniving (spell check plz) thief?

So all in all I want to say congradulations to the OP, congradulations on spending way to freakin much on movies to start with. You take that 3 cent blu ray, okay 6 cents if we want to include the case, and you watch the freakin hell outa it.
He made a mistake and you got a free movie off of it. Your not in the wrong at all. Its life, if your going to get something for free with no possible ramifications go for it. I would have done the same thing.
Things priced wrong is non-exploitive or at least grey. That TRU one, though, is an exploit, so TRU cancelling orders was the right thing.

And believe it or not, I actually don't sit here and cruise the deals forum on the site, so I didn't even know about these glitches.

As far as our founding fathers go, we all know that they were dicks.

And finally, there's much more to the costs of BDs and DVDs than manufacturing.
[quote name='v1et r1ce']Well, if you didn't notice it until you got home, you wouldn't be in the wrong. But since you noticed it as the cashier was ringing you up, you probably have some fault in this. But hey, I'm pretty sure most people would do what you did anyway. I mean $30 is a lot especially with our economy like it is.[/quote]

This. I won't fault you for not saying anything, but you probably should have pointed it out. I'm not saying something as extreme as "you stole," you merely took advantage of someone else's mistake. We've all taken advantage of another person's mistakes at one point or another in our lives. So everyone calling him a thief needs to get off their high horse.
[quote name='strikeratt']Now I'm not saying all of these worked in the end ... but we sure as hell tried

TRU B1G1 Glitch (suppose to be B1G1 Half off) 25 pages long:

Destroy all Humans Glitch (priced wrong) 4 pages long:

That's just doing a 3 second search with glitch in it.

What about the massive Wal-mart preorder glitch when games that haven't even come out yet were ringing up as 20 - 30 bucks online (right before SSBB came out.

The glitch where everyone was jumping on the hey ... 50 bucks off a trampoline, but it works for almost anything on the site!

How about the get 20, 30, 40, 50 you name the price I'm sure it's shown up glitch after spending a certain amount. However someone forgot to set those minimum spending amounts so you could spend 20 get 20 off deals.

The numerous others I can't even think of atm. Does this make us all thiefs. Hell we know that they aren't priced correctly and we should really tell them before it's abused. Isn't it morally wrong because we know we're getting away with it. The person who made the mistake is still human, just like you and me, that cashier that missed ringing up the movie, like everyone else in the world.

The fact of the matter is, we all do crap like this. I do, you do, we all do. It's not just this site who does it either, don't get me wrong on that, it's almost everyone. Hell, what about trading a few beads for half of our country today, would you call a founding father that made this all possible a keniving (spell check plz) thief?

So all in all I want to say congradulations to the OP, congradulations on spending way to freakin much on movies to start with. You take that 3 cent blu ray, okay 6 cents if we want to include the case, and you watch the freakin hell outa it.[/quote]
Nearly all of those orders are canceled. I don't see your point.
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