Amazon Linksys WGA11B Wireless-B Game Adapter for $19.99

It was posted a while back in the middle of a thread but yea i guess it deserves one for itself. The adapter is definetly worth the money, setup was plug and play on my network (no wep or any of that). And absolutely NO LAG in gameplay or video streaming thu media centre on the x360. Definetly worth the $20.
If you don't have WEP encryption set-up, then you basically just plug it in and go. If you do, be forewarned, you will need to download the setup application from Linksys' site, as the one included on the CD is buggy (it won't authenticate when you try to get into the adapter to configure it). That aside, setup is more or less a breeze (all you'll need is your SSID & WEP key basically) and it works great. I especially like the different configs/profiles that you can cycle through with the press of a button, very helpful for when I take my 360 on the road and play over someone else's wireless network.
But see.. I'm so confused.
My house has wi-fi. My PC in my room is run wi-fi from the PC downstairs. I have the D-Link.. i forget what the exact name is.. but it looks like a portable flash drive because it plugs into the USB.

Where would I set that $20 Adapter up?
Downstairs, or my 360???

Ive always been confused with wi-fi stuff :(
sweet! got one. thanks OP. added this nice hard-cheese knife to my order so i could get free shipping!

[quote name='lilboo']Where would I set that $20 Adapter up?
Downstairs, or my 360???[/QUOTE]

you would plug it in to your 360. it will communicate with the wi-fi access point downstairs, to bring wi-fi to your 360 upstairs.
This device should work for any thing right? Perhaps say a PC, unless it has some sort of code written in it to only allow game consoles... But highly unlikely.
[quote name='AzN_BaLLeR']This device should work for any thing right? Perhaps say a PC, unless it has some sort of code written in it to only allow game consoles... But highly unlikely.[/QUOTE]

yeah - I have one working with an old compaq IA internet appliance thingie running linux that I use for internet radio in the kitchen/dining area - works great.
i had one of these, it got really slow speed and disconnected after around 2 hours. Have you ever had it disconnect? Recommend me buying another? i do need an adapter
[quote name='panasonic']i had one of these, it got really slow speed and disconnected after around 2 hours. Have you ever had it disconnect? Recommend me buying another? i do need an adapter[/QUOTE]

Honestly - I wouldn't trust my online gaming (which is basically non-existant these days though haha) with one of these. I have all my systems hooked up to a wired switch along with my home theater pc - so that I know I'm getting reliable throughput. My wga11b adapter is about 25 feet from the router but has to get a signal through two walls - and mostly does fine with that actually - but all it does is stream 128k internet radio for a few hours a day and load a website now and then - but depending on the weather and what sorta mood I'm in (I only half kid haha) it can studder or drop and regain the connection. If your systems are pretty far away from the router and/or the signal has to go through walls it will definately weaken the connection strength and could easily cause dropped connections - something you don't wanna be fussin' with when your gaming online.
[quote name='panasonic']i had one of these, it got really slow speed and disconnected after around 2 hours. Have you ever had it disconnect? Recommend me buying another? i do need an adapter[/QUOTE]

I haven't had a single disconnect with it, playing Final Fantasy XI on the 360 for hours on end (and I'm just connecting via an ad-hoc wifi network with another 802.11b adaptor, no dedicated router).

As for it only being 'Wireless B', that means it transfers data at 11MB per second. Range is virtually identical to G (around 100ft; 802.11n which doesn't hit until 2008 increases range to 160ft). They can operate farther away than that, but at slower data transfer rates.

Anyways, what I was trying to get at, is that while the difference between B & G might make some notable difference transferring files from one PC to another over a wireless network, it's going to make next to none for online gaming over current broadband connections. Residential cable only ranges between 384kb and 2MB, with DSL somewhere below that in most cases.
Yeah, apparently ran out of them. The $59.99 price (not worth that) is from J&R Music World.
[quote name='AzN_BaLLeR']The only difference with B and G is the distance it can send/recieve signals right?[/QUOTE]

802.11g has much faster speeds at the cost of slightly decreased range. but as others have said, for online gaming, it doesn't matter. for streaming medium/high-bitrate video over xbmc though, it's a must-have.

better (WPA) encryption is also much more common on 802.11g compatible devices, which is another reason I passed on this.
Damnit! I was saving my cash to get it for 20 bucks..

incase anyone is wondering..this will stream video. I know because the linkys Wireless game bridge which is 1.5mpbs can stream video but its choppy, at 10mpbs, this could definitily stream video. Just my thoughts.

Now I have to wait to buy it...
[quote name='phantomer']ehhh if i use usb dongle for DS/PSP wifi online, can i use this as well for my 360 online??
and if i can, how'll the lag be?[/QUOTE]

I don't think you can?
This device (in this thread) can be used for the 360. You will notice NO lag online playing games. Streaming video will depend on the quality and distance. If your signal is strong enough to get 11mpbs then you will probably get amazing video streaming abilities.
[quote name='DT778']I snoozed and I lost. Hopefully they get more in stock.[/quote] Same here. I don't really mind, then I realized this would be great for my Brother's room. Running an ethernet cable down to his room just isn't realistic.
I'm almost an idiot when it comes to wireless. If I've got a Belkin G wireless router, will the linksys wireless-B game adapter work?

Also, is there something I can get to boost the signal so it's stronger? Like, something to put in the halfway point between the router and the comp/xbox360?
[quote name='reibeatall']I'm almost an idiot when it comes to wireless. If I've got a Belkin G wireless router, will the linksys wireless-B game adapter work?[/quote]
It should work fine as long as they both have the same encryption enabled with the same password and settings.
Generally if you use B the G will slow down to the B speed. This is not always the case but usually happens this way.

[quote name='reibeatall'] Also, is there something I can get to boost the signal so it's stronger? Like, something to put in the halfway point between the router and the comp/xbox360?[/quote]
Yes there are signal boosters / signal repeaters out there. I have a B repeater, but I do not recall the name off the top of my head. When I find it I will post it.
I got mine about a week ago and works great w/ my 360. My router is upstairs and the 360 is downstairs , I would say about 25-30 feet away (directly).
I got it yesterday and it's great! Was really easy to set up! It's ashame Xbox Live isn't working very well right now! I can't even access any Marketplace content! SIGH!

I have a question. Those 2 little pegs it came with? Um.. where do they go?! They have a small square of rubber on the bottom, so you'd be able to stand it up easier--but where do they connect?! There aren't ANY HOLES or SLOTS on the damn thing!! has them back in stock for now. Up to $24.99, but that's still a deal. I just ordered a second one at that price. Free Super Saver Shipping if you get it over $ cent.
And just like that they're out of stock again...that was fast.

Some of the marketplace sellers have it at a decent price though, new.
Anyone how many ethernet ports this has? If there is one would it be possible to hook it up to an ethernet splitter so I could have a 360 and a PS2 hooked up at the same time?

It only has one, but I've used mine connected through a cheap Gigafast 8-port switch going to my PC's, as well as running through my Pelican system switcher (which has three built-in ports) and it's worked well, so I'd assume it would do the same in any similar set-up.
These are back in stock.

Has anyone gotten this thing to work with WEP? It works fine for me w/ a D-Link DI-624 with WEP off, but as soon as I turn WEP on I can't connect to Xbox Live. The troubleshooter either fails to get DNS settings, or if it gets past that, can't connect to Live.
bread's done