Amazon PCDD - Important Update New Community Manager Incoming!

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Amazon DVG Deals

Official Representative
4 (100%)

I’ve got some news I’m both excited and sad to share with you at the same time. I’ll be leaving the Digital Video Games team in Mid-March to join the marketing team for’s Loyalty and Rewards program, Amazon Coins. My boss and I have talked extensively about how to maintain and continue our presence here and across the other communities we’ve created in the past couple of years. To that end I’d like to introduce you to Josh, who take over monitoring, updating, and responding to this thread. Josh will be ramping up over the next couple of weeks, he  will be posting shortly to introduce himself.

Now that the “what’s going on” part of the message is out of the way I want to tell you all how much I love CAG and the posters here. This was the first community I joined when I started this job (anyone still remember that first thread?) and all of you have had a huge hand in shaping how we think about and execute Community Development and Management here at Amazon, which has in turn shaped my career these last two and a half years.

I started to write out a section calling out the regular posters and realized the list would be both overly long and incomplete at the same time. Instead I’d like to thank you all again, you all have my deep and sincere gratitude. I’ll still be around and my gaming accounts aren’t going anywhere so feel free to hit me up anytime you want to chat. I’ll probably still hang out in the thread too :).

Thanks again everyone, let me or Josh know if you have any questions!

The Indie Store has launched! is launching a storefront dedicated to supporting and promoting PC/Mac/Web-based Indie Games. Our Digital Video Games team is a small group of passionate gamers and we’re all really excited to help Indie developers reach more customers quickly by providing a quick and simple process for bringing their games to market. Additionally we’ll be supporting the Indie Store with a ton of promotions, both at and after launch. Many of these promotions are designed to give the developer the opportunity to maximize their revenue. For example, Amazon is forfeiting all royalties from bundle sales and passing them along directly to the developer, we’ve also created an “Indie Spotlight” program to help customers learn more about the games and developers they love. We view the Indie developers as some of the most creative in the industry and we want to help them continue to create new and innovative experience for customers.

Why we are doing this:

  • Allow customers to discover an entirely new category of games on
  • Help developers reach new customers quickly. Our onboarding process is straightforward and we want to sell every Indie game available
  • We want to leverage our strengths to support and help the developers who are driving forward innovation and creativity in the games industry
General Information

Hi CAGs,
I'll be posting deals we're running on Digital Games (PC/Mac, Free to Play, Sony/Microsoft Points/Subs).

I'm also here to answer questions you might have, get you closer to the developers by hosting Q&As, setting up podcasts, live streaming gameplay etc. If I don't respond to a question you have in thread please send me a PM. These ping my email address and make it more likely that I will see your question and respond more quickly.


FYI. EA Games sold by Amazon will not activate on Steam.

1. Does the game I'm buying from Amazon Activate on Steam/Origin/Uplay? What DRM does the game use?

There are two places to identify DRM on a digital video game detail page:

At the top of the page, below the title:


In the "Product Description" section:


2. Note on Electronic Arts Games - For the most part, EA games sold on Amazon do not activate on Steam. Most activate on Origin.

3. Note on DRM with limited activations:

Our Policy

4. Sometimes I'll do giveaways.

5. I work with developers and publishers to get fun (or at least what I think is fun) content to share with you all. Here are some examples:

a. Check out the Pax Gameplay videos here: Xcom: Enemy Unknown I played Xcom with Jake, the Creative Director for the game, a few months before the game came out Also, on this page, check out the Q&A, also a community driven event.

b. Check out the interview on this page: Borderlands 2 we did this interview at E3 with Randy Pitchford this year.

c. We've partnered with the ++GoodGames Podcast to feature many of the games we carry. They talk to the developers about the game development process, how the games are conceptualized and managed, all kinds of fun stuff. I'm working on putting together full link list and will update when I have it.

What else do we sell?

Xbox Live Points and Subscriptions:

1600 Microsoft Live Points
4000 Microsoft Live Points
12 Month XBOX Live Subscription
3 Month XBOX Live Subscription]
12 Month + 1 XBOX Live Subscription

PSN+ Subscriptions and PSN Points:

$20 PSN Points
$50 PSN Points
12 Month PSN+ Subscription
3 Month PSN+ Subscription

We also have a Free-2-Play store supported by our GameConnect technology. Gameconnect allows you to link your account with free-2-play and MMO accounts so that you can buy things like in game currency, premium game time/subscriptions, in game items, etc. on using your payment options and have this content delivered directly into your game.

5. Price Matching notes: Generally we do not match international retailers (GMG, Gamersgate, etc) or physical retailers (Best Buy,, etc.)
To check out the Free-2-Play games we offer you can visit our storefront here: Free-2-Play Store

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I'd say don't give EC $5 credits on any item less than $5. It's because loads of people stocked up with them from buying cheap DLCs that the credit isn't 'reeeeeally' $5.

I'm as guilty as anyone else. One of my coupons was from the $1.24 Walking Dead - 300 days DLC.
this is not a real problem. The problem is people has tons of coupons but no good deal to use the coupon on :/ I wish more publishers would jump in

I would say Dawnguard is better than Dragonborn. At least Dawnguard brings some new stuff to the game, whereas Dragonborn is just more of the same. Plus Dawnguard has Kate Beckinsale.
While early adopter usually get screwed by things like GOTY editions and stuff you understand this when you buy early. BUT you also hope that someday the DLC will also get a little cheaper.

But with Skyrim the screwing is extra hard.

It just bothers me that the Base+DLC cost more than Legendary. :)

Are you just going to keep repeating the same thing over and over?
EA will add these manually if needed, as they are doing now for Wars and Warhead for me. Crysis itself activated fine via the activate site. [They are manually adding those for me as I type]
mmh Crysis Wars doesn't actually exist under Origin though... right ?

Glad you guys said that the CS rep at Origin was able to get you fixed up. I gave the guy I talked to via Origin chat my activation keys for Crysis Maximum and he came back and said they don't work. He's still working on it after I said they were from some older Origin activation system. Fingers crossed.
In my case I tried redeeming my Steam CD-Keys for Crysis Maximum (Crysis, Crysis Warhead and Crysis Wars) on Origin and it wouldn't work directly on Origin. I then used Origin Chat Support to end up with a guy telling me he couldn't do anything for me. Then I pressed the issue with him and told him other people already reported to me that they managed to do it with support's help, while he made me hold I started digging around for the method that might have been used to do it and I found an EA website thru some google search which allowed me to redeem the CD-Keys directly to my account (except Crysis Wars). If you have problems I think I could find that site again but seeing how multiple people are trying to do it here you shouldn't get the kinda negative support answer I originally received.

As with any support I guess as they say "Your Mileage May Vary".

Thankfully I had a rep that was easy to work with and even had a small sense of humor. After one issue of sending me more invalid keys he got everything worked out.

In my case I tried redeeming my Steam CD-Keys for Crysis Maximum (Crysis, Crysis Warhead and Crysis Wars) on Origin and it wouldn't work directly on Origin. I then used Origin Chat Support to end up with a guy telling me he couldn't do anything for me. Then I pressed the issue with him and told him other people already reported to me that they managed to do it with support's help, while he made me hold I started digging around for the method that might have been used to do it and I found an EA website thru some google search which allowed me to redeem the CD-Keys directly to my account (except Crysis Wars). If you have problems I think I could find that site again but seeing how multiple people are trying to do it here you shouldn't get the kinda negative support answer I originally received.
You mean this site?

Try ea.activate or online chat with CS. I did a bunch of old EA games to Origin last year and I forget if Crysis worked via the website or if I had it added manually. Either way, you can get it on Origin.
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You mean this site?
I looked around and this is the site I used to register Crysis and Crysis Warhead with the Cd-Keys provided to me from Steam..

Even the EA Support guy (who kept calling me 'my friend' with his Indian accent) couldn't help me and was giving up after making me wait for the third time (45 mins later) .. I found this site and it worked directly without any hassle. I then told the EA guy about it so that he wouldn't say there was nothing he could do next time.

I think there are mixed reports about using this site for Crysis/Crysis Warhead.. it can sometimes work and sometimes not work. But EA's FAQ does mention that their support people can help you out if you have problems with this.

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While early adopter usually get screwed by things like GOTY editions and stuff you understand this when you buy early. BUT you also hope that someday the DLC will also get a little cheaper.

But with Skyrim the screwing is extra hard.

It just bothers me that the Base+DLC cost more than Legendary. :)
I feel your pain. In all honesty, what you're describing is the exact reason why I haven't bought Skyrim yet.

I bought Oblivion, watched Bethesda milk the title with DLC for ages, and then ended up buying a GOTY version just to get caught up.

I bought Fallout 3, watched Bethesda milk the title with DLC for ages, and then ended up buying a GOTY version just to get caught up.

So when Skyrim came along, I decided up front that I wasn't going to buy the base game. I was going to wait for the GOTY, and I was going to wait for a price that reflected the time I'd spend waiting. Today, that means something in the $15 range -- and since it hasn't gotten there yet, I'm still waiting.

Maybe sometime this year, I'll finally be able to take an arrow to the knee. Maybe not. It's entirely up to Bethesda. Until they come down to my level, I'm going to wait.

If Bethesda thinks that stingy sales on DLC are the best way to maximize revenue, the above paragraphs tell a different story. Due to Bethesda's DLC practices, I've spent nary a dime on Skyrim. Not one cent on Dishonored. My wallet certainly isn't going to open for Fallout 4 at launch. By denying me the chance to add DLC to base games at reasonable prices in the past, they've driven me completely away from purchasing base games. It's GOTY or nothing now.

For those of you who don't have Crysis 2 either like me, I just bought the Maximum Maximum pack and the promo code applied bringing it down to $9.99.

I looked around and this is the site I used to register Crysis and Crysis Warhead with the Cd-Keys provided to me from Steam..

Even the EA Support guy (who kept calling me 'my friend' with is Indian accent) couldn't help me and was giving up after make me ait for the third time (45 mins later) .. I found this site and it worked directly without any hassle.
Yeah, that's it. It's even in their own FAQ.


If you have an older game title, such as The Sims 2, Spore, or any other titles released before 2008, you may need to redeem the code through this website*:
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I looked around and this is the site I used to register Crysis and Crysis Warhead with the Cd-Keys provided to me from Steam..

Even the EA Support guy (who kept calling me 'my friend' with is Indian accent) couldn't help me and was giving up after make me ait for the third time (45 mins later) .. I found this site and it worked directly without any hassle.
One would think EA would direct people there. My rep had the part but not the part.

I tried using my Amazon codes there and I get Syntax error on both. But the second set EA sent me say that the product was already activated. So it seems that site may work. Maybe with full confirmation on this Tony can have this added to the games pages on Amazon

Yeah, that's it. It's even in their own FAQ.
Go figure .. again . .because some seem to think I like repeating myself again and again .. One would think EA reps would know this info.

Oh and the Skyrim DLC prices suck.

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From that same EA FAQ on redeeming games prior to 2008.

2.1 Exceptions to this method of redemption
*Certain games released before 2008 will not be able to be registered this way.

  • Crysis (+ Crysis - Warhead)
  • Battlefield 2
  • Battlefield 2142
  • Spore
  • The Sims 2
  • Command and Conquer
In order to register these titles you will need to contact us. One of our Game Advisors will redeem the game code for you.
What was funny was the examples they give in right above that where the games Sims 2 and Spore .. then in part 2.1 they say those games won't work .. hehe

From that same EA FAQ on redeeming games prior to 2008.

What was funny was the examples they give in right above that where the games Sims 2 and Spore .. then in part 2.1 they say those games won't work .. hehe
One time a cop pulled me over for running a stop sign. He said, "Didn't you see the stop sign?" I said, "Yeah, but I don't believe everything I read." -- Steven Wright

Words to live by.

Both sets of keys I got did not work there.
Why must you keep repeating yourself, RAWWWWWWWR.

Oh sorry I got caught up in the moment. All this Crysis/Origin talk is bringing out the lurker CAG in me. Mostly meaning I must bitch if my wants aren't given to me directly in a post from Tony so I can then disappear mysteriously for 6 months until I randomly decide Tony must instantly give me my newest desire.

I feel that every major digital stores should have live chat support like EA or Amazon, time is money. I had very good experience with Amazon support, you can really tell that Amazon trained their staff well and they go all the way to help you with whatever issues you have.

When it comes to the business in the long run, customer service is one of the most important aspects. Steam have the biggest market share in digital game distribution right now but if one day Amazon, EA or anyone catch up, their negligence of quick and efficent support may lead their users to defect to other platforms.

"A company shouldn't get addicted to being shiny, because shiny doesn't last."

- Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon -

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/agreed, I've got a whole document I'm building out regarding how things are going at the mid way through this sale and how we need to look at it should we choose to do it again next year. If we don't hear back from some more publishers though, we'll probably just scrap the program next year and look to do something new.


That's a shame it has even come to thinking this. The $5 editor's choice program is my favorite sale of the year. It always makes me feel as if I'm getting a deal on 2 games instead of 1 lol.

I looked around and this is the site I used to register Crysis and Crysis Warhead with the Cd-Keys provided to me from Steam..

Even the EA Support guy (who kept calling me 'my friend' with his Indian accent) couldn't help me and was giving up after making me wait for the third time (45 mins later) .. I found this site and it worked directly without any hassle. I then told the EA guy about it so that he wouldn't say there was nothing he could do next time.

I think there are mixed reports about using this site for Crysis/Crysis Warhead.. it can sometimes work and sometimes not work. But EA's FAQ does mention that their support people can help you out if you have problems with this.
Sweet, I bought Saboteur and Mercenaries 2 in a bundle from Gamefly a while back and couldn't add Mercenaries to Origin. Using that site I just added it =D

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If Bethesda thinks that stingy sales on DLC are the best way to maximize revenue, the above paragraphs tell a different story. Due to Bethesda's DLC practices, I've spent nary a dime on Skyrim. Not one cent on Dishonored. My wallet certainly isn't going to open for Fallout 4 at launch. By denying me the chance to add DLC to base games at reasonable prices in the past, they've driven me completely away from purchasing base games. It's GOTY or nothing now.
I wasn't nearly as CA of a gamer when Skyrim (let alone Fallout 3 and F:NV) came out as I am now. That, combined with the DLC explosion of the past few years has me basically holding off on almost every AAA title until they go <10, and then if a ton of DLC is out I don't mind waiting until a GOTY shows up.

I don't think we are representative of most PC gamers, but eventually the masses will stop putting their hand to the burning stove and learn.

I wasn't nearly as CA of a gamer when Skyrim (let alone Fallout 3 and F:NV) came out as I am now. That, combined with the DLC explosion of the past few years has me basically holding off on almost every AAA title until they go <10, and then if a ton of DLC is out I don't mind waiting until a GOTY shows up.

I don't think we are representative of most PC gamers, but eventually the masses will stop putting their hand to the burning stove and learn.
That's my current motto. I don't buy anything unless it's complete, in a bundle, or $5 or under.

There's just too many games to the point that they're disposable these days. Only a few games are so good that I want to play them to 100% and when I like them that much I don't want to go DLC hunting for the rest of it. I don't even own any Bethesda games currently and I won't until Amazon starts doing complete packages.

Sometimes I think Amazon doesn't have as much pull as we think they do. I mean, weren't they the last online retailer to sell Bethesda games digitally? Even GamersGate was selling Bethesda games ages ago. Doesn't really surprise me there aren't many publishers on board with the EC promo this year.
Didn't amazon joined the e-game after GamersGate?

I really don't understand why more developers/publishers don't get on board.

They get the chance to sell thousands of DIGITAL games, which essentially costs them nothing as there are no materials to put together and manufacture, and make serious cash even if it's at a deep discount.

The other option. Don't give Amazon the OK at great deals and sell shit.

A perfect example would be the Skyrim DLC. I, and I know many many others, refuse to pay more for the DLC on sale than the cost of the Ledendary when that's on sale. If Bethesda was smart they would create a DLC bundle for us early adopters (Instead of screwing us by keeping the DLC at full release retail still) and sell it for like $14.99 or $19.99 pre coupon. They would sell lots of copies (even to those without coupons) at that price making some decent profits.

It boggles my mind how a company can't see this. That they have a huge opportunity to get some sales on something that normally would not be selling right now. I just bought Crysis Max .. normally I would have never bought that.
Yeah, I kind of share your thought. I guess they don't want to lower their IP values by bringing too many discounts too often. If I know Skyrim is $5 every two months, I'll just buy it when my backlog is completed (yeah, like a true CAG I need to beat morrowind first and start from there. I skipped neverwinter because they are not in steam LOL ) but If they are rarely on sale, even at 40% off wouldn't more people "insta-buy" it? For example, Activision games? If you see Starcraft for $19.99 you might grab it just because you say to yourself: "I wanna play this game, and thou is $40,this is one of the only two times of the year when it gets a discount".

See Skyrim I can not understand .. makes no sense to me from a business standpoint .. I don't care "Hot" it is. The current pricing screws over early adopters.

The DLC is now way overpriced.

Base game + DLC costs $75

Legendary is $60

How does this make sense. Never mind the fact that most bought Skyrim at $60. Effectively making it cost $105.

When Legendary came out DLC should have been cut to at LEAST equal the cost of Legendary.
I support Bethesda. I backlog their games even if I don't play them to completion but I hate their DLC marketing. To be fair, I only buy their GOTY versions of games because their pricing just screw up early adopters.

Early adopters always get screwed, in some shape or form - it's one of the reason I often try to avoid buying games at close to full price or ASAP. I try to wait it out.

Doesn't always work for me, though - as Skyrim was one of those games I wanted ASAP and had to have dad buy it for me at 33% off for X-Mas (on X-Mas Eve). We're all weak for some certain game or series - let's be truthful here.

God, I so hope Dragon Age: Inquisition and Witcher 3 doesn't do this to me, as well...

{shakes my head}
I don't think early adopters always Get screwed. Check at The Witcher 1 and 2. Aint these two games from the same guys that automatically upgrade your version if you are an early adopter?

So today at work I got told I was being demoted from a full-time employee to a part-time employee (along with hundreds others) and my benefits expire at the end of January.  Go downtown and manage to step in dog shit (on a sidewalk mind you), and cap the night off by getting towed and having to wait an hour in the cold for the tow truck guy to show up at the lot to get my car.  When people tell you it's ok to park in a tow away zone because they "never" tow from there, lesson learned. 

Best day ever.  Need some deals pronto!

To add to the wishlist, I would be interested in:

Mass Effect Trilogy ($8 post-coupon, I think lowest so far has been $10). 

Dead Island Riptide ($5 post coupon)

Dishonored GOTY ($12.50 post coupon)

7th Guest ($2 post-coupon)

11th Hour ($2 post-coupon)

I would definitely be interested in replaying the 7th guest and 11th hour :) 

My fellow gamers, Skyrim DLCs are simple mod files. Take it how you will.
It sucks that the mods available for the game mostly require the DLC for resources. I doubt I'll get to Skyrim any time soon, but once I do I'll have to make the decision whether to pirate the DLC (if there hasn't been a reasonable sale on it) or play Skyrim vanilla. Based on the reading I've done on the subject ahead of time, vanilla is not the way to go. :(

I might be able to help some of you with EC coupons, in case anyone needs a help. I can only take Amazon gift cards for the payment though, paypal won't help. I have about 10 or so coupons that I probably won't be using. PM me if you need something.

It sucks that the mods available for the game mostly require the DLC for resources. I doubt I'll get to Skyrim any time soon, but once I do I'll have to make the decision whether to pirate the DLC (if there hasn't been a reasonable sale on it) or play Skyrim vanilla. Based on the reading I've done on the subject ahead of time, vanilla is not the way to go. :(
my guess is that he means these are drm free

they are simple data files, not restricted in any way and they can be copied even in vanilla game

there bethesda fuck

My fellow gamers, Skyrim DLCs are simple mod files. Take it how you will.
so the funny thing about that is you can look at someone's profile, see if they purchased the base Skyrim game and not the dlc, and see if they have achievements from the dlc.


honestly dragonborn is the only worthwhile dlc
What I really should ask is this:

Do any good Skyrim MODS require you owning ALL of the DLC's?

B/c if they are any good mods that require owning all of Skyrim's official content, it kind of puts you in the boat of still wanting everything.

With Fallout: NV (I know, Obsidian made that) - you need EVERY piece of DLC (even including the item DLC's + All content DLC's) to run Josh Sawyer's Personal HardCore Difficulty Mod.

I'm sad, because I haven't used any coupons yet. I should be happy for saving money.

If the EA guy is really smart, all of their EC deals will rerun on January 31st to catch everyone's remaining coupons.
Well, at least someone gets the idea of promotion. Too bad it's EA, with their Origin. I either have the EA/Origin stuff that interest me, or I simply avoid it.
I feel your pain. In all honesty, what you're describing is the exact reason why I haven't bought Skyrim yet.

I bought Oblivion, watched Bethesda milk the title with DLC for ages, and then ended up buying a GOTY version just to get caught up.

I bought Fallout 3, watched Bethesda milk the title with DLC for ages, and then ended up buying a GOTY version just to get caught up.

So when Skyrim came along, I decided up front that I wasn't going to buy the base game. I was going to wait for the GOTY, and I was going to wait for a price that reflected the time I'd spend waiting. Today, that means something in the $15 range -- and since it hasn't gotten there yet, I'm still waiting.

Maybe sometime this year, I'll finally be able to take an arrow to the knee. Maybe not. It's entirely up to Bethesda. Until they come down to my level, I'm going to wait.

If Bethesda thinks that stingy sales on DLC are the best way to maximize revenue, the above paragraphs tell a different story. Due to Bethesda's DLC practices, I've spent nary a dime on Skyrim. Not one cent on Dishonored. My wallet certainly isn't going to open for Fallout 4 at launch. By denying me the chance to add DLC to base games at reasonable prices in the past, they've driven me completely away from purchasing base games. It's GOTY or nothing now.
Yeah, I also bought FO3 - Collector's Ed w/ the lunchbox and bobble-head deal and all, mind you (from Retail) - week of release. Most I've ever spent on a game, week of release ($69.99 + tax).

I later bought FO3: GOTY on Steam just to capture the DLC - which was fine, b/c I spent like $10 or so & then put PLENTY more time into the DLC's (b/t 19-20 hours, according to Steam). I ain't touched Anchorage DLC, BTW.

About Skyrim - yeah, DLC practices suck w/ Legendary cheaper than DLC bought altogether. I already have Skyrim + Dragonborn, I just need the other two.

Skyrim base-game has given me tons of hours alone already on my only playthrough (over 126 hours) and I still ain't finished w/ the main quest and some of the side-quest stuff. I expect once I have ALL of the DLC's, my numbers might go up at least another 20 hours for doing just the DLC content.

If I can get Skyrim: Legendary so cheap (think like $5-7), I won't care on wasting a damn Skyrim base-game key. For what I'm missing - I think $5-7 would be a fair price to capture the two DLC's that I'm missing. Otherwise, currently - I care about wasting Skyrim base-game key if I bought Legendary...b/c Legendary ain't been that cheap yet!

Now, If I had ONLY Skyrim base-game, I think around $13 would be fair for Legendary (I'm thinking say $5 for Dragonborn, $5 for Dawnguard + maybe $1-3 for Hearthfire here = that equals around $13 maximum) - and that'd be just to get all the DLC & let a Skyrim base-game key go to waste. But, I'm not in that situation, as I stated above; I have Skyrim (base-game) + Dragonborn!

About Dishonored - I'm in a situation where I'm currently missing ALL of the DLC. So, I'm looking around maybe say $5-7.49 for ALL of the DLC altogether. Namely, I want Knife of Dunwall DLC & Brigmore DLC here. I'd guess, those two DLC's altogether would total about somewhere from 5-10 hours, right?

I don't expect Dishonored to have mods like Skyrim b/c it doesn't use that kind of public-style plug-in foundation and engine Skyrim does. But does anybody know if Dishonored been modded much at all? Or if there's any great mods for Dishonored where the mod requires you to really do need EVERY piece of DLC?

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What I really should ask is this:

Do any good Skyrim MODS require you owning ALL of the DLC's?
I tried to choose my mods so as to to not require all the DLC. I do use Deadly Dragons, however, and that does require Dawnguard. I think I may have a couple more that do require the one or the other, but I don't think I have any that require all three. They're are some out there, though, that have multiple requirements.

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What I really should ask is this:

Do any good Skyrim MODS require you owning ALL of the DLC's?

B/c if they are any good mods that require owning all of Skyrim's official content, it kind of puts you in the boat of still wanting everything.
Are there mods that require all of the DLC? Yes.

But many of the popular mods have no-DLC versions, and if they don't, you'll most likely be able to find some other mod that can accomplish similar results. And there are tens of thousands of mods to choose from.

Have said this a berjillion times: Skyrim DLC is NOT worth waiting for. All it does is add a few additional hours of gameplay, while mucking up everything else by adding two more layers of random encounter BS.. Get the basegame if you feel like playing it, fuck the DLC.

You know...  I think I would have half as many pages to go through if people would stop freaking asking for price mates on stuff that's not going to get matched...

Anyhow, got fed up trying to read it all... :lol:  I'll just keep an eye on Ashes/Sepioth's sig.  :)

Are there mods that require all of the DLC? Yes.

But many of the popular mods have no-DLC versions, and if they don't, you'll most likely be able to find some other mod that can accomplish similar results. And there are tens of thousands of mods to choose from.

Have said this a berjillion times: Skyrim DLC is NOT worth waiting for. All it does is add a few additional hours of gameplay, while mucking up everything else by adding two more layers of random encounter BS.. Get the basegame if you feel like playing it, fuck the DLC.
I'm going to 75% agree with you. Skyrim it totally worth playing. Games with this much content, I tend not to wait to play because if I did wait, I'd likely not feel like experiencing everything because it would feel old and have heard it all discussed previously. I will say that I feel Dawnguard is worth having for 1 1/2 reasons. Vampires and werewolves were already part of vanilla Skyrim, but were blah in the way they were handled. Vampirism was practically a benefit and neither were scary or to be feared (as a PC or NPC). Dawnguard helps fix some of that. With Dawnguard AND some associated mods, both factions come into their own, whether you play as them or not. Plus, crossbows.

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So there's piracy talk here too, I actually thought you people were better than that but I guess I was wrong. I guess I'm not one of the "cool kids" since I actually buy my content instead of looking for ways to steal it.
So there's piracy talk here too, I actually thought you people were better than that but I guess I was wrong. I guess I'm not one of the "cool kids" since I actually buy my content instead of looking for ways to steal it.
Aye, thar be pirate talk here too, that's why I love t' CAG forums. Now Avast 'for I keelhaul ye!!!

So there's piracy talk here too, I actually thought you people were better than that but I guess I was wrong. I guess I'm not one of the "cool kids" since I actually buy my content instead of looking for ways to steal it.
So 3 people talking about something (2 of which aren't even thread "regulars") and now every CAG is lumped in with them? Huh, I guess everything in the world IS black and white. Everything I thought I knew is wrong!

Alright, I'm sure this has been asked a million times in this thread already. But how do you distinguish between the versions of EA games that require you to link your Amazon account to Origin, and the ones that give you a code that you redeem manually?

I wanna buy my Mom a couple of the Sims 3 expansions and I need to make sure I choose a version that lets me pass the code along to her. I would have figured that I could pretty much just choose the PC compliant version and be done with it since Sims 3 games aren't redeemed directly through Origin anyway. But I noticed on the page for Sims 3 Island Paradise that it says "Gifting is not available for this item". Which would seem to suggest that you don't get a code. Or am I misinterpreting that?

I was under the impression that items marked "Online Game Code" gave you a code, and items marked "Instant Access" require a linked account.

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