Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread V

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Amazon has some great warehouse deals, and most of their used games are in like new condition. Please post specific deals you find via Warehouse deals in this thread. Check latest posts for the newest deals, or click the link below.

(Check here frequently for Playstation Vita's. Please, everyone stop posting how they are in stock every five minutes. The links are located here, so when someone wants to check, they can. Feel free to continue posting about Vita games and accessories that come in stock.)

Wifi Vita
3G/Wifi Vita
FEB Vita


A BIG thanks to the CAG community for continuously posting specific deals!


Amazon Warehouse Deals Storefront - I usually go here just to check out things.

**All titles are available for FSS with orders over $25**
**There is no guarantee how long these will be in stock, so if you see something, better grab it fast**

Link To Items By Price:

$0-$24 Deals
$25-$49 Deals
$50-$99 Deals
$100-$199 Deals
$200-$499 Deals

Browse Games by Console: (These are somewhat broken now, as Amazon has updated their search system and made it even worse)

Nintendo 3DS

PS Vita

Sony PSP

Xbox 360




What is Amazon Warehouse Deals?
Warehouse Deals is part of amazon that has open box, generally like new items.

Is the Amazon Warehouse Deals return policy the same as Amazon's return policy?
Yes, All purchases are eligible for Amazon customer service and 30 day return policy.

I'm using the games sort by console link, and the games will not sort by price properly. What is wrong?
You aren't doing anything wrong, the sort by price feature on Amazon is broken

I'm waiting for a 360, ps3, 3ds, or PS Vita to pop up.. What time do they usually appear?
They can show up any time, the best way to find it is have the item tabbed on your browser, and download an auto refresh app and frequently check it... Sometimes they will not pop up on amazon warehouse deals storefront, you will need to check the "used" section of the item

Why did all the prices of games randomly jump up?
Games on warehouse deals generally go on a cycle. They will get extremely low, great deals.. Then they will jump back up and restart the cycle of falling in price again.

I have a gaming credit and/or an Amazon gift card. Can both of these be applied to Warehouse Deals orders?
Gift cards can be applied to orders made on warehouse deals, however video game credit is only good for items shipped and sold by "", warehouse deals does not count as this.

What was Penny Deals?
In early September of 2011, tons of newer release, more expensive games popped up for 1 penny each. Many CAG members placed orders, expecting them to get cancelled. Some were cancelled, however many CAGS got a large amount of games for a penny each. There has been no confirmation what exactly happened and why these games were sold for a penny.

What condition are products from Warehouse Deals generally in?
Usually, games are re-shrinked wrap and almost in perfect condition. Any game i have personally ever bought has in like new condition. However, some people have reported that games were scratched with stickers on the insert. Consoles are also usually reported in like new or new condition with box damage. Rarely, a console may be missing a key component such as a power brick. Games listed in "acceptable" condition likely have very beaten up cases, or are missing cases, and are in not so great condition, but generally have a working game disc.

Here is an example of a like new handheld (PS Vita) - Thanks Slixshot


Do you have any suggestions that could improve the Amazon Warehouse Deals thread, whether it be the OP (including FAQ's) or the thread in general? Feel free to pm me suggestions!

Previous Threads:

III: - The penny deals craziness
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Snagged the $195 Uncharted 3 bundle in Good condition. States packaging was damaged, item in excellent condition. We shall see.
Damn, no ps3's at the moment, i guess i missed them all, lol. Gonna look into the check 4 change thing i guess
Thanks for the info!
If you need help with it, let me know. Pretty easy to figure out. I downloaded it just this week. I'm thinking it is not good for me because I'm constantly looking for deals. ha.

I think you'll be pleased with it. I almost picked that one up for my brother in law. It was listed for a good 10 minutes.
[quote name='captaintek3304']Got mmy Raymwn for Vita today. No manual, but I heard some Vita games are coming sans physical manual. Anyone know if Rayman is one?[/QUOTE]

I've gotten half a dozen Vita games and none come with manuals.
[quote name='KnotInMud12']If you need help with it, let me know. Pretty easy to figure out. I downloaded it just this week. I'm thinking it is not good for me because I'm constantly looking for deals. ha.

I think you'll be pleased with it. I almost picked that one up for my brother in law. It was listed for a good 10 minutes.[/QUOTE]

Yeah... I was such a goof trying to run through the checkout in the tab I had C4C running reload on every 30 seconds so I think that's part of why it lasted so long. ;)

Surprised nobody else grabbed it while I was being an idiot. :lol:
[quote name='kouleefoh']Even if it was screen shot, it still possibly didn't happen. haha I'm rooting for him to get it though. It'd be an awesome deal. Some crazy dude hacked into someone's else account to give pinoy the deal of the year. haha[/QUOTE]LOL if you think this guy got all of that for $45. Worse case scenario is his order screenshot is photoshopped or he will go buy everything separate and take a picture to try to brag.
[quote name='Cmosfm']Seriously, I've been checking every day for the story on this 40.00 Vita. It's sad how much I can't wait for it to arrive.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mcthatch']Screenshots of your Amazon buy or it didn't happen.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='kouleefoh']Even if it was screen shot, it still possibly didn't happen. haha I'm rooting for him to get it though. It'd be an awesome deal. Some crazy dude hacked into someone's else account to give pinoy the deal of the year. haha[/QUOTE]

[quote name='WhatsYoFlava']LOL if you think this guy got all of that for $45. Worse case scenario is his order screenshot is photoshopped or he will go buy everything separate and take a picture to try to brag.[/QUOTE]

I got the C4Change thing... only question I have tho is, what did you select to have refreshed and checked? The "X used from XX.XXX$" type I guess? and also, how do you shut it off? lol
[quote name='WhatsYoFlava']LOL if you think this guy got all of that for $45. Worse case scenario is his order screenshot is photoshopped or he will go buy everything separate and take a picture to try to brag.[/QUOTE]

I don't think he faked it. Nobody is that pathetic. I just don't think he's gonna get what he thinks he's gonna get. Especially since he ordered from a seller that got delisted right afterward.

It'd be a whole lot cooler if he did. But I suspect this will end in tears.

Btw, photoshop is for suckers.

It depends on what it is..
If the item is out of stock, I highlight the words we're sorry. It'll notify whenever something is added because those words are removed.
Other pages I highlight 1-6 of 6 items, then it notifies whenever something is added.
Or the price+shipping, condition line all the way to the first item's price and it notifies whenever something is added regardless of price.

To turn it off, you can right click your tab or change the page.
[quote name='confoosious']I don't think he faked it. Nobody is that pathetic. I just don't think he's gonna get what he thinks he's gonna get. Especially since he ordered from a seller that got delisted right afterward.

It'd be a whole lot cooler if he did. But I suspect this will end in tears.

Btw, photoshop is for suckers.


Wesley Crusher bought that!?!?!?!?
[quote name='blindinglights']Click here. Posts #17, #18, and #26 contain all the information you need.[/QUOTE]

We stand corrected, I guess someone is that pathetic, lmao.

Oh well, a good laugh and the end of a ridiculous comment I suppose.

Thanks for posting this, it makes everything make a LOT more sense now ;).
[quote name='reicaden']We stand corrected, I guess someone is that pathetic, lmao.

Oh well, a good laugh and the end of a ridiculous comment I suppose.

Thanks for posting this, it makes everything make a LOT more sense now ;).[/QUOTE]

I stand corrected indeed. That's just... wow.

thanks for posting, blindinglights. People are strange.

[quote name='HydroX']No, I think the point he was trying to make is that confoosious = Wil Wheaton.[/QUOTE]

OHHHHH fuck! I forgot to black bar that info.
[quote name='confoosious']i stand corrected indeed. That's just... Wow.

Thanks for posting, blindinglights. People are strange.

Ohhhhh fuck! I forgot to black bar that info.[/quote]


^^^ Really long bed is really long
[quote name='blindinglights']Click here. Posts #17, #18, and #26 contain all the information you need.[/QUOTE]:applause::applause::applause:

Photoshopping orders and fabricating stories to brag and make yourself look cool on the forums. Epic fail on PiNoys part :lol:
[quote name='WhatsYoFlava']:applause::applause::applause:

Photoshopping orders and fabricating stories to brag and make yourself look cool on the forums. Epic fail on PiNoys part :lol:[/QUOTE]

I just don't understand why anyone cares about looking "cool" on the internet.

[quote name='reicaden']this Check4whatever isnt working, it hasnt alerted me a SINGLE time since i started it 2 hours ago :([/QUOTE]

It works. The easiest way to test it is to go to a sports page and set it to check the score of a current game. (look, there's 5 mins left in this game;_ylt=AtaFEKJY5buJZ_VHjgdHkXPazYd4?gid=2012030221)
[quote name='AJVtony831']Can't believe someone would take the time to do that.[/QUOTE]I'm telling you man...

He's going to go out to a random store and buy a Vita, UMVC3, and a 8GB memory card. Take a picture of everything and post it on here claiming he got it for $49. Then return the items back to the store.

Why? Because he is one cool ass dude :applause:
:rofl:[quote name='WhatsYoFlava']I'm telling you man...

He's going to go out to a random store and buy a Vita, UMVC3, and a 8GB memory card. Take a picture of everything and post it on here claiming he got it for $49. Then return the items back to the store.

Why? Because he is one cool ass dude :applause:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='confoosious']I just don't understand why anyone cares about looking "cool" on the internet.

It works. The easiest way to test it is to go to a sports page and set it to check the score of a current game. (look, there's 5 mins left in this game;_ylt=AtaFEKJY5buJZ_VHjgdHkXPazYd4?gid=2012030221)[/QUOTE]

Have you seen his posts? It is pretty clear that the internet is probably all he has in his life so he has to look cool on it.

[quote name='WhatsYoFlava']I'm telling you man...

He's going to go out to a random store and buy a Vita, UMVC3, and a 8GB memory card. Take a picture of everything and post it on here claiming he got it for $49. Then return the items back to the store.

Why? Because he is one cool ass dude :applause:[/QUOTE]

Even better, they will probably be pictures right from target so he won't have to spend money up front. We'll all see the price stickers underneath and the target sign in the background

Here's my challenge

If you really do get it from AWD then put up an unboxing video, or if you don't have a video camera then take a picture of the box you get and then of the OPENED product and the vita playing the game. That way we know you didn't just go to the store and buy the stuff to return it as they won't take it back if you open it
[quote name='Mako1215']Before a mod locks this crap it's probably best to just let it go so we can keep out warehouse deal thread.[/QUOTE]

I think it would just be easier to ban pinoy if he is caught as a fraud again as he instigates threads when he does that.

Anyways, back to your regularly scheduled AWD thread already in progress.
[quote name='reicaden']this Check4whatever isnt working, it hasnt alerted me a SINGLE time since i started it 2 hours ago :([/QUOTE]

If it is reloading the page for you checking what you have highlighted, then it is working just fine. Systems are not added on a schedule, you just have to leave it run and make sure you jump on it when you hear an alert. :)

I waited a few days before I even saw a console posted that I was looking for.

Patience is the name of the game.
[quote name='HydroX']If it is reloading the page for you checking what you have highlighted, then it is working just fine. Systems are not added on a schedule, you just have to leave it run and make sure you jump on it when you hear an alert. :)

I waited a few days before I even saw a console posted that I was looking for.

Patience is the name of the game.[/QUOTE]

Since C4C only checks the highlighted item for change then what are you highlighting to get certain items? if say I want a vita game, if that game isn't listed I have nothing to highlight and check for change. How would i do that?
Where the video game deals at? This thread should be remade or something, it sucks scrolling through all these conversations just to see if someone has linked anything.
[quote name='scarhawk']Pinoy you better put some clothes on because you just got...


Damn stupid attention whore, giving Pinoys a bad name.. really who da heck is he trying to impress? Spending that much time so he ca grow his CAG e-peen? You trying to compensate for something bro?
[quote name='confoosious']do a search.

For example, I search for "psvita bundle" and they highlight

"Your search "psvita bundle" did not match any products."[/QUOTE]

Didn't think about that, thanks
[quote name='Distrato']Where the video game deals at? This thread should be remade or something, it sucks scrolling through all these conversations just to see if someone has linked anything.[/QUOTE]

Find some and post them.
The solution to this controversy is simple:

If this $50 Vita arrives, pinoy takes a picture of it next to the Amazon packing slip/receipt that comes in a box at a high enough resolution where it can show the item and the price, and he can still black out any personal info.

Of course I'm sure there will be some excuse like "I don't have a camera" etc.
[quote name='kodave']The solution to this controversy is simple:

If this $50 Vita arrives, pinoy takes a picture of it next to the Amazon packing slip/receipt that comes in a box at a high enough resolution where it can show the item and the price, and he can still black out any personal info.

Of course I'm sure there will be some excuse like "I don't have a camera" etc.[/QUOTE]

A better solution is: everyone move on with their life. None of this really matters.
[quote name='itsoverninethousand']A better solution is: everyone move on with their life. None of this really matters.[/QUOTE]

^ This. Whether or not he gets the Vita has no bearing on any of us.
[quote name='kodave']The solution to this controversy is simple:

If this $50 Vita arrives, pinoy takes a picture of it next to the Amazon packing slip/receipt that comes in a box at a high enough resolution where it can show the item and the price, and he can still black out any personal info.

Of course I'm sure there will be some excuse like "I don't have a camera" etc.[/QUOTE]

He could use one of the Vita's two shitty VGA cameras...

Ouch! Sick burn. :roll:
[quote name='SonictheHedgehog1337']He could use one of the Vita's two shitty VGA cameras...

Ouch! Sick burn. :roll:[/QUOTE]
He has been:

[ ] Not told
[X ] Told
[X] No country for told men
[X] Knights of the told Republic
[X] ToldSpice
[x] The Elder Tolds IV: Oblivious
[x] Command & Conquer: Toldberian Sun
[x] GuiTold Hero: World Told
[X] Told King of Boletaria
[x] Countold Strike
[x] Unreal Toldament
[x] Stone-told Steve Austin
[X] Half Life 2: Episode Told
[quote name='DudeImGodly']He has been:

[ ] Not told
[X ] Told
[X] No country for told men
[X] Knights of the told Republic
[X] ToldSpice
[x] The Elder Tolds IV: Oblivious
[x] Command & Conquer: Toldberian Sun
[x] GuiTold Hero: World Told
[X] Told King of Boletaria
[x] Countold Strike
[x] Unreal Toldament
[x] Stone-told Steve Austin
[X] Half Life 2: Episode Told[/QUOTE]

Slow night?
[quote name='DudeImGodly']He has been:

[ ] Not told
[X ] Told
[X] No country for told men
[X] Knights of the told Republic
[X] ToldSpice
[x] The Elder Tolds IV: Oblivious
[x] Command & Conquer: Toldberian Sun
[x] GuiTold Hero: World Told
[X] Told King of Boletaria
[x] Countold Strike
[x] Unreal Toldament
[x] Stone-told Steve Austin
[X] Half Life 2: Episode Told[/QUOTE]

LMAO, seriously made me laugh at 3am in a silent house, not cool bra :applause:
[quote name='ral1121']The question is:

will he be back?[/QUOTE]LOL. Last time I saw his profile, it said he was currently viewing this thread about an hour ago. He's at a loss for words I guess ;)

Anyways, lets not turn this into why is Pinoy so cool thread. He already got exposed as a deal fabricator. Do yourselves all a favor and click on the link that elessar123 posted at the top of this page so you can add him to your ignore list.

iNCREDiPiNOY has now been successfully added to your ignore list. You will now be returned to where you were.

Lets get back on topic before a mod comes in and takes action.
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