Another Exclusive Football Deal for EA

[quote name='cavalier']You have to LOVE the quote from the AFL head when he says, "EA is the gold standard of the vieogame industry"


Put down the pipe, buddy. EA is FAR from the gold standard. Nickle plated or cubic zirconia, maybe.

He's probably some 60-year-old fat cat that hasn't ever played/seen a videogame in his life!

I can see EA now linking some deal with the NCAA for the exclusive rights to college football next.

I hope they choke on their greed and this deal, like the NFL one, backfires and bankrupts the company.[/quote]

You just don't get it. What's going to backfire exactly? Madden is still the biggest and fastest selling franchise every year when it's released. There's no reason the rabid fanboi base is going to stop buying it every year, regardless of any exclusivity contract. EA probably doesn't even give 2 shits about your pinprick minority boycott anyway - becuase they'll still sell Madden which will make up for any other dogs in their stable. Good luck trying to bankrupt them, though, it's a free country.

And sorry, most of you may hate EA more than Bush, it's still the standard to which all other football games are compared, no matter how much you click your heels together and wish.
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