Any tips for losing weight?

I've lost 30 pounds in the past 10 months, and gained a good amount of muscle. Here's what I did

- Cut out all kinds of soda, I only drink water
- Cut out Mayo, it really is so high in fat.
- Started taking vitamins...the kind I have contain green tea so they help you lose a smidge of weight too!
- Cut out white bread
- Cut out candies (Ok I indulge myself in the occasional candy ;) )
- Cut out fried foods

I got down a good workout plan. For the first 2 months I did nothing but cardio. Then for the next 7 1/2 months I did cardio/lifting 3 days a week. Now Im doing lifting 6 days a week, focusing on different parts of the body on different days.

if you eat foods like chicken, tuna and good cereals, along with fruits and veggies, you will see some good weight loss.

Oh and just remember, if you burn 3700 cal. you will loose a pound, however, if you store 3700 cal. you will gain a pound. Find out how much your body burns a day naturally, and go from there with your eating habits.
drink lots of water and stop drinking soda. When your hungry and want a snack drink a glass of water and go play some video games to take your mind off eating.

I switched last year and ended up losing about 5 pounds. HOWEVER, I regularly drank diet Mountain Dew and it made my fucking penis BLEED. No shit. The urologist couldn't figure out what was wrong because I was healthy. I switched to diet Pepsi one week and the bleeding stopped. I haven't
touched Diet Mountain Dew since and have been fine (I have had the occasional Code Red, but not the regular stuff). Anyway, here's how I lost fat while weight training:

1. First, you need calories if you're lifting. Plain and simple.

2. Those calories should be as "clean" as possible. What I mean by that is cut out saturated fats as much as you can (grill your meat) and avoid eating tons of complex carbohydrates. Stop eating candybars. Seriously.

3.Run at least 4 times a week. Any running is better than no running. If you can only get a mile, do a mile. This will strengthen your heart, burn extra calories on your off days, and up your metabolism.

4. Eat smaller meals several times a day. I don't really follow this, but I hear it works great and am trying to work it inot my day. Eat about 7-8 times a day, but not massive portions. Carry around some tuna or something with you so when you get hungry, you eat.

5. Don't eat before you go to sleep. Especially if it's something heavy. Bad idea.

6. Stop drinking beer. First of all, beer isn't that good. Secondly, it's full of useless calories just like soda. IF you're a big guy you'll need at least 8 cans to get you going (personal experience), and that's if you're not looking to get fucking shitfaced. At about 150 cals a can that's aT LEAST 1200 extra calories that do nothing for you.

7. Fast Food. Stop now. Seriously, while you still can, stop. You'll lose weight AND feel more energetic. I haven't had Mcdonald's/whathaveyou for about 2 years now.

8. Take a High potency B vitamin. Trust me. I would also supplement that with another good multivitamin (but not one high in Iron, since you're a guy).

Most of all, stick with it. Don't give yourself "Cheat days" where you just stuff yourself with cake and shit. What's the point of trying to lose weight if you do that? You're just defeating yourself. It's hard, but it pays off.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Oh god Reality's Fringe, I LOVE your new sig. :rofl:

And everything you said is right.[/QUOTE]

:) Thanks. And, all that is from experience. Horrible, horrible experience. It's a lot harder to lose weight by yourself.
Crystal Meth will have you slim and seksy within a few weeks. You'll lose tons of weight, mostly brain cells, the lining of your major organs, and all your teeth.
I've lost weight by simply participating in a healthy sport (tennis) for teh past few months and eating right.

I can see results already, plus I'm getting better at something I can play for the rest of my life.
[quote name='Cryoscout']Crystal Meth will have you slim and seksy within a few weeks. You'll lose tons of weight, mostly brain cells, the lining of your major organs, and all your teeth.[/QUOTE]

Yea but I dont have the money for meth. Maybe I should just chainsaw my legs off ....that would be like 100 lbs off immediately.
This is gonna sound kinda noobish but is there a proper time to walk/jog during the day. I usually go for my walk during the hot afternoon.
Should I wake up earlier and do it in the early morn or keep to my walk in the blazing heat which doesnt seem 100% healthy.
[quote name='bobo2k4']This is gonna sound kinda noobish but is there a proper time to walk/jog during the day. I usually go for my walk during the hot afternoon.
Should I wake up earlier and do it in the early morn or keep to my walk in the blazing heat which doesnt seem 100% healthy.[/QUOTE]

I run in the evening because I can't run during the morning and wouldn't dare to run at the peak temp during the afternoon because I dehydrate somewhat easily. In the evening there's plenty of light, lack of loud children (near sunset), and very cool temperatures.

However, I always eat a little bfore I run so that when I get home I'm not hungry or full, which is what I feel is the best appetite to go to sleep in.
[quote name='bobo2k4']This is gonna sound kinda noobish but is there a proper time to walk/jog during the day. I usually go for my walk during the hot afternoon.
Should I wake up earlier and do it in the early morn or keep to my walk in the blazing heat which doesnt seem 100% healthy.[/quote]

I go early in the morning as it jumpstarts my body. Once I've gotten a good run, I take a shower and have breakfast and I'm ready to handle my bidnezz.:cool:
Run in the morning if you can. Your glycogen levels are at their lowest then and you burn fat faster. Also, after a workout if a good time to do it as well(same reason).
I lost 40 pounds in 3 weeks on my diet! :bouncy:

Not a very good diet though.

My girlfriend of 2 years cheated on me :whistle2:$.

Normally though I just ride my bike one day and shoot (archery) the next. Alternating upper and lower each day makes it less painful. Although I got a wicked sunburn on monday :hot:.
Reality is dead on.

A couple more things drink juice. Just make sure what you drink is 100% juice. If it's not they sugar it to death. 100% juice already has sugar from the fruit in it so you or it won't need any more. Water is still the best but you will want something else.

Exercise where ever and whenever you can. Morning/night doesn't matter. The calories you burn all count the same. It will be hard at first so don't kill yourself trying to do too much. Take your time and do it at your own pace. Once you get going for a few weeks you will notice a difference in how much you can do.

If you get tired of the treadmill get a mini trampoline. It's called rebounding and you will lose weight FAST doing it. Just search rebounding online and you will see.

After having surgery I went from 200 to 300 pounds thanks to the meds they put me on and being inactive. I lost 85 pounds of it. Stay active and eat sensible. Eating out is fine if you eat the right stuff. When I go out I stick with vegetarian things. It's ok once in a while to have some pizza if you like but just don't eat too much of it. Just keep everything in moderation.

Last but IMO the most important thing, have a positive outlook. Nothing will crash what you are trying to do faster than being depressed. Have faith in yourself. You can and will do it if you really put your mind to it. It takes time but once you start losing some weight you really feel great.
Start running on your treadmill for about 10 minutes at a speed of 5.00. If you can do this 3 times a week for a full 2 months then you can try to run for 15 minutes and every month after that you can add about 2 - 3 minutes. As soon as you finish that do some light weight training, maybe one day work out on your biceps and triceps then the following day do chest and back, and the third day do shoulders. Maintain a balance diet, that means no candy, no soda, no hamburgers, pizza, italian, dressing, twinkies, food that you heat in the microwave. If you can follow this you will lose weigth, gain more energy and build lean muscle.

Ps. on your weight training don't aim for heavy weight but instead try for lighter weight with more repetitions and remember that breathing is a big part of your excercise.
[quote name='itspaidgasterblaster']Start running on your treadmill for about 10 minutes at a speed of 5.00. If you can do this 3 times a week for a full 2 months then you can try to run for 15 minutes and every month after that you can add about 2 - 3 minutes. As soon as you finish that do some light weight training, maybe one day work out on your biceps and triceps then the following day do chest and back, and the third day do shoulders. Maintain a balance diet, that means no candy, no soda, no hamburgers, pizza, italian, dressing, twinkies, food that you heat in the microwave. If you can follow this you will lose weigth, gain more energy and build lean muscle.

Ps. on your weight training don't aim for heavy weight but instead try for lighter weight with more repetitions and remember that breathing is a big part of your excercise.[/QUOTE]

Couple of points:

If you're going to weight train, it's a TERRIBLE idea to just hit upperbody. This is a mistake that about 80% of guys make, and all it does is make them Top heavy and useless. If you want to be balanced try a 3 day split. Legs and Abs one day, off, chest and back, off, arms(biceps/Tris) and shoulders and then take the weekend off. It is IMPERATIVE that, if lifting, you do leg and lowerback exercises, in addition to ab exercises. You may not get a six-pack (that shit is HARD, especially if you're trying to gain strength), but you'll get stronger and the leg exercises will make running easier. You don't want to try to run on weak legs, especially if you're heavy (shin splints are a BITCH).
What do you you guys think about Flavored Seltzer water? I drink that instead of soda to get the carbonation feeling without the calories
[quote name='CappyCobra']What do you you guys think about Flavored Seltzer water? I drink that instead of soda to get the carbonation feeling without the calories[/QUOTE]

Same deal as diet soda. Aspartame etc, so it doesn't really make a difference. 'Cept for Mountain Dew. Again, bleeding Genitals do NOT make me feel XTREME.
There has been a lot of good feedback in here already. I'm going to list a few things off the top of my head which will most likely repeat a few things said by earlier posters.

The soda thing has been covered. If you drink a pop, make sure there isn't sugar/corn syrup, as thats where your calories are coming from. So either a diet/sugar free drink, or water or sugar free juice. ICE COLD. Why? Because your body uses calories to maintain its temperature among other things. When your intake is of a substance colder than your body temperature, you will use more calories to warm it up.

You need to significantly reduce any intake of fast food/frozen meals/processed foods (including, but not limited to snack cakes, chips, frozen pizzas, frozen meals, frozen fish, frozen burritos, cans of soup, boxed meals, boxed pasta meals, mac N cheese frozen or boxed, boxed rice meals, et cetera).

Why? Well the first reason is that they are extremely high in fats and sodium, they load you on starches/fillers/fats and their nutritional value is pretty much nil. You're eating foods which have been produced to satisfy a taste craving, but the refining and processing of these foods leave you with nutritional content that you can't actually digest.

White breads, even wheat breads, rices, and other starches which state they are enriched, have been sprayed or soaked with extra vitamin additives, but this is useless, as they are in a form our body can not absorb. Your best bet is to buy whole wheat and whole grain breads and cereals which have the natural form of their nutrients, which we CAN absorb.

What you're looking for is to make every calorie you take in work for you. And every calorie in processed/fast/prepared foods... work against you.

Ideally, a daily diet should include a large percentage of fresh vegetables (dark green veggies such as spinach, green leaf or romaine lettuce, bell peppers, et cetera are best) and fruits. Don't forget a moderate portion of carbs. And last, you need protein, so you want to check out a low fat peanut butter, or low fat meat (you can find 93/7% ground beef, chicken and turkey in any grocery store). The lower fat something is, generally the more expensive that item is, unfortunately.

Your OP said you were broke, and I can identify. Fast food and prepared foods become a very easy way of eating in our lives. But I've learned to budget my money and time, and I prepare very healthy meals affordably.

Starting the day, I make a smoothie, which is made of one banana (I'm a CAGger, I only buy red-taped bananas at Kroger... they're turning brown so they're reduced in price. As the banana is going into a smoothie, it doesn't matter that it's starting to turn brown), a handful of strawberries (from a 5 lb frozen bag at Sams Club which runs me about $6... a little over $1 a pound and lasts me around 3 weeks), a light sugar free yogurt (Kroger brand 39¢ a piece), half a cup of chocolate soy milk (whatever brand is on sale), a little pure vanilla and almond for flavoring.

If you want to add a bagel or boiled egg with this, you should still be under $2 a day for breakfast.

Lunch for me is usually left overs from earlier in the week. Cheap cheap cheap!

Dinner can be just about anything. But I start with a BIG salad, Because our bodies need those nutrients AND it'll help fill you up, so you will eat less of the high calorie foods (meats, breads).

Lettuce (not iceburg, as there's about zero nutritional content... ), cut up tomato, mushroom, carrots, cucumber, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, whatever you see in the produce section of the grocery store that looks like you'd eat it in a salad, can get a few days salad out of, and is a decent price. I won't pay more than 60¢ for a green pepper, more than $1.50 for a package of mushrooms. Even better are the bags of "slaw fixings" that include shredded broccoli, cabbage and carrots. You can find these bags pretty cheap (I'll pay $1.50), there's less work for you to do, and they last about a week, AND the prices don't go up super high when the items are out of season... which other fresh produce items will.

Try different low fat or fat free dressings until you find one you like. Notes: Be aware of the sodium content, some are REALLY high. Less dressng, more tossing. Yup. Don't use a lot of dressing, use a moderate amount and have fun making a fool of yourself in the kitchen tossing the heck out of that salad. It saves calories, stretches how long your bottle of dressing will last, AND if you really get into it, you might burn a few calories tossing that salad. ^__^;;

(Okay, I'm part kidding and part serious. Sometimes I have absolutely NO desire to eat good foods. I want to run to KFC and eat all the worst stuff for me. So I pop in a cd of something that I can fun have dancing to, and it helps encourage me as I make a mess in the kitchen.)

For your main course it's up to you.

A simple one for starters is tuna casserole with cans of tuna packed in water, not oil. A can of low fat or fat free cream of mushroom soup, a can of peas, and a package of egg noodles. You've got your protein, your carbohydrates and more veggies (although canned veggies don't have the same nutritional content as uncooked, fresh vegetables and they generally have a lot of salt/sodium added).

You can easily get left overs out of this for another dinner and/or lunch. But in each meal, exercise portion control. Put however much you need on your plate, and the rest goes in the fridge for another meal.

Snacks are tough for me, as I will either do without something entirely, or go overboard. But my best bet is to keep a bag of baby carrots and a jar of pickles in the fridge at all times. I don't actually enjoy eating baby carrots, but it's something to do if I'm bored to death and want to eat (don't laugh, I'm not the only person who eats when they're bored). I do like pickels but they're very high in sodium, so I only have a max of two.

If you crave sweets rather than salty foods, find an angel food cake mix or recipe that's easy to make and has mostly natural ingredients. It's fat free, and with a tablespoon of sugar free or low sugar jelly to top off a slice, it's pretty yummy.

Aside from the actual food you're eating, keep up the walking. That's excellent. The trick to losing weight is eating less and exercising.

And something no one has mentioned, that I'm a big fan of, is telling friends and family... those you can count on for support, that you are dieting. Let them know the basic plan. And when the days hit when you're dying for chinese food or a bag of chips or whatever, either ask for them to encourage you NOT to eat that kind of thing, OR to encourage you to have a responsibly sized treat.

Just make sure you have someone encouraging you. If you need US to encourage you... just holler.
Reality's Fringe;1897829]Same deal as diet soda. Aspartame etc said:
Actually, if you pick up Fruit2o, it's sweetened with Splenda which is a natural sweetner (actually made from cane sugar), so it's safe, healthy (even for the diabetics) and either one or zero calories. That's hard to beat.
Reality I made the mistake of only doing upper body at first. Now on Mondays/ Wed/ and Fridays I do Biceps, shoulders, triceps and chest

And on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday I do legs, lower back, abs and upper back.
Reality's Fringe;1897822 said:
Couple of points:

If you're going to weight train, it's a TERRIBLE idea to just hit upperbody. This is a mistake that about 80% of guys make, and all it does is make them Top heavy and useless. If you want to be balanced try a 3 day split. Legs and Abs one day, off, chest and back, off, arms(biceps/Tris) and shoulders and then take the weekend off. It is IMPERATIVE that, if lifting, you do leg and lowerback exercises, in addition to ab exercises. You may not get a six-pack (that shit is HARD, especially if you're trying to gain strength), but you'll get stronger and the leg exercises will make running easier. You don't want to try to run on weak legs, especially if you're heavy (shin splints are a BITCH).

Sorry about that you are right. I started this year doing 20 minutes of running followed by bench press then followed by leg lifts on both ends, then situps, then back, then lower back. I use to only do upper body but i could not stand being on my feet for long. After doing my legs as well as my lower back and abs I feel much better.

Ps i do all this at least 3 to 4 times a day. I'm focusing on my legs because thats were i'm the weakest.
^ Seanr and itspaid

I'm glad you guys are lifting, but you need to give your body time to rest. Muscles grow when they AREN'T working, not when they are. The key is to hit them hard EACH TIME. God, I feel like some television douche :cry: , but hitting them everyday is overtraining, and you're going to end up developing slower than you should, or even not at all. Split your routine, and get rest fellas! Especially if your calorie intake is low.
Reality's Fringe;1897848]^ Seanr and itspaid I'm glad you guys are lifting said:
I remember when I started bike riding everyday. This was for a 2 year period, when I was 15 till I was 17. The first day I decided to do it I went out and rode for 10 miles. My legs were killing me, but I went out the next day and did another 10. After a few days my legs were hurting from the moment I got on to the moment I got off, which would take a little more than an hour. But eventually my legs caught up, and it got to the point where I was consistenyl going 17-18 mph on my bike (which was a mountain bike, not a racing bike). I know I could hit at least 30 on it (which I could only sustain for 3 minutes or so), but my speedometer stopped at 30 so I don't know if I could have gone fast. I eventually had to change it to an hour a day instead of ten miles, since I was doing the 10 in about 35 minutes or so.

I wouldn't recomment doing that though, as I later found out there was a very good risk that I could have torn a muscle doing it all so suddenly. I did get real tone in my legs though (I could easily see muscles in my legs when I was lying down and relaxed), but, as you suggested, there were much better ways to go about it.

I gained a little weight (muscle mass I believe), but I didn't lose any visible fat. It wasn't until after I stopped biking that I lost some stomach fat.
Hmmmm reality give me some insight then! I just started this 6 day a week thing, so I'm not in a big routine yet. I actually use a mixture of the Total Gym (yay Chuck Norris!) free weights, and crunches/situps.

So what should I focus on Monday/Wed/Friday?? And by hitting them hard I'm assuming you mean do it till you feel like you can't anymore? Or am I way off?

In those 3 days I'd love to focus on my Biceps, Triceps, Upper/Lower back/ Abs/ Obliques/ legs/ and shoulders.

And in those 3 days can some activities be repeated? Like could I throw in an Ab exercise each time? I need some ideas here :)
[quote name='seanr1221']Hmmmm reality give me some insight then! I just started this 6 day a week thing, so I'm not in a big routine yet. I actually use a mixture of the Total Gym (yay Chuck Norris!) free weights, and crunches/situps.

So what should I focus on Monday/Wed/Friday?? And by hitting them hard I'm assuming you mean do it till you feel like you can't anymore? Or am I way off?

In those 3 days I'd love to focus on my Biceps, Triceps, Upper/Lower back/ Abs/ Obliques/ legs/ and shoulders.

And in those 3 days can some activities be repeated? Like could I throw in an Ab exercise each time? I need some ideas here :)[/QUOTE]

Free weights are the way to go: 3 sets of 10, 8, and then 6 reps

Squats(or Machine Squats)
Leg Press
Calf Raises
Leg curl
Weighted crunches
Sidebends (Grab a heavy dumbell, hold it in one hand at your side. Bend at the waist to the opposite side of where you're holding the dumbell. Then switch to the other hand and do the same thing. That counts as one set)
Leg ups

Wed- Chest/back 3 sets, 10-8-6 reps
-Press( either dumbell or barbell)
-Incline press (dumbell or barbell) I use Dumbbell because it builds your support muscles and tendons. Put the bench at a 45 degree angle.
- Decline press(dumbbell or barbell)
Those three press routines will hit each area of your chest
-Flys(butterflys). Dumbell or machine

-Low rows to hip(barbell)
Thanks a lot for the advice. I just want to tone up my body, tighten up the skin and such. After loosing 30 pounds this past year I have some extra skin ya know? Almost everything made sense, except for like 2 or 3 things, but I can look them up.

Thankfully between my free weights and the total gym I can do about 95% of the things you suggested!
Wanted to give this a bump for two reasons.

1.) I want to know how the OP is doing with his weight loss.


2.) I want to thank Reality's Fringe for his lifting tips. I've been doing it now for 2 weeks and I can already notice a difference. :D
[quote name='seanr1221']Wanted to give this a bump for two reasons.

1.) I want to know how the OP is doing with his weight loss.


2.) I want to thank Reality's Fringe for his lifting tips. I've been doing it now for 2 weeks and I can already notice a difference. :D[/QUOTE]

Hehe thanks.
I think im doing pretty good myself. I've been walking for an hour a day and hitting the treadmill for about 35 - 40 minutes.
I've been watching what I eat and havent had any pop or candy since I started and also cut down on meats.
I feel a lot better now and since I still havent found a job yet I've had a lot more time to excerise.
If i were you i would do atleast 5 days a week of lifting. Gives you the ability to really destroy your muscles. Its hard to get a good workout for your biceps, tris, and shoulders in 90 minutes. Dont forget the acessories, calves forearms traps.
I know this topic was started in 2006 and bobo2k4 hasn't been seen since 2021, but, hey, someone else may find this helpful.

I've found that diet is a key part of the solution. Don't be afraid to use the free services at Cronometer and put in your average daily intake. It can be tedious, but even inputting one day may yield some important info. It's tough, but changing one's diet can really make a difference.

Daily exercise is an important factor. Media consumption indirectly contributes because it increases the amount of sedentary time on a chair/couch. I recommend buying some dumbbells and committing to doing an exercise routine daily. It's great for your heart, as well.

Good luck, bobo2k4, wherever you are.
bread's done