Anybody ever play the RPG Shadow of Destiny?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the game were you die, but some hermaphadite saves you nd you have to keep going back trying to save yourself from being killed?

If so, it was a pretty good game, but it was more of an adventure game then an RPG, seeing as there's no combat in it what-so-ever.
It;s not so much an RPG as it is a adventure/puzzle game, finding items and using them at the right points to solve mysteries. Run around the town in several past times talking to people andfinding items to try preventing your death in the present. 5 different endings decent graphics.

There are a few odd issues though like going back in time while in the wrong place causing instant death without much of an explaination but that's a minor issue in the larger picture.
Yeah, I got it recently. It really makes you think. It's a great game for the price, and it's not an RPG really, it's a puzzle-solving game. Since you have to prevent your death, you have to find people and/or clues to help prevent it or avoid it entirely. If you're thinking of ordering it from EB, I think it's roughly 11 after the used coupon and that's a good deal. :)

Plus, I'm a sucker for variety in gameplay. 5 Different endings just screams greatness to me, so naturally I love it. Plus you have to replay it over and over in order to really find out why this so called murder is happening, which I think is an interesting mechanic they built in. Very original idea and it's very good IMO.
Yeah don't go in expecting a real RPG experience, but if you like adventure games in the least I highly recommend it. The 5 endings gives you some decent replay incentive too. Plus I think it was done by some of the Silent Hill team, so the design is decent and the story, while a bit odd at first, becomes quite interesting.
liked it. couldnt get the fifth ending though. frustrating. i bought it when it first came out. its different in an "ico" sort of way. once again, liked it.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the game were you die, but some hermaphadite saves you nd you have to keep going back trying to save yourself from being killed?

If so, it was a pretty good game, but it was more of an adventure game then an RPG, seeing as there's no combat in it what-so-ever.[/quote]

Yeah it is that game.
It's basically like the old point and click adventure talk to everybody, examine everything, and find items. Eventually you find some puzzle and must use one of your inventory items. The hook to this one is the whole time traveling thing to solve your own death. Not a great game but not a bad one either.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Thanks all for posting. I'm definently picking it up since it sounds a lot like Ico sort of.[/quote]

He meant it was similar to ICO in how it feels different from your typical game. Otherwise they're nothing alike.

Yeah, the game can be kinda boring from time to time (especially when your stuck), but those of you looking for something different, or an adventure game in the same vein as Broken Swrod, I'd advise you to go hunt down a copy before they get scarce.
Maybe the best, most thought-provoking story in any game I've played. Make sure you get ending D for the best explanation complete with Shamalyan style twist. This game is a true gem.
The storyline and charcters in Shadow of Destiny are fucking brilliant. It more than makes up for it's short game time, which is a common complaint most people have with the game (I'm talking less than 20 hours to beat the game several times and see all the endings and alternative scenes).
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