Anyone else know EB employees who will savage customers after they leave?


18 (100%)
Last winter, I went into EB to buy Growlanser Generations. This assistant manager was working there, and while I was browsing through the store, I overheard a conversation between he and a customer. I guess the customer wanted to pay with a check, and the EB assistant manager said that they don't take checks. Of course, the customer started complaining, saying that they should have a sign on the door saying they don't take checks. So he leaves, and about a minute afterwards, the assistant manager starts tearing into the guy with another co-worker. Calling him a "retard" and saying things about how he should have a sign on himself saying he was, in fact, a retard. I thought it was pretty weird how the guy kept calling the customer a retard, all while every other customer in the store could easily hear him. So I bought Growlanser Generations, walked out, and hoped that he wouldn't be talking bad about me 2 minutes later.

So there I was, in the same EB Games, 2 days ago, when some punky looking, idiot kid walks into the store, and just as a goof, asks this same assistant manager if they have Halo 4 and the Xbox 540 in stock. The assistant manager just shakes his head, and then starts going on about how that wasn't even funny, and how stupid the kid is. So the kid leaves, and the assistant manager gets a phone call, presumably from one of his buddies. He starts telling the guy on the phone how stupid that kid was, and how he made him cry, and leave the store. Now, I didn't see the kid crying, but the assistant manager kept telling his phone bro about how he made him cry. I end up buying "new" copies of Atelier Iris and Stella Deus, and a used Star Ocean 3. The assistant manager makes a crack about "If NIS America stops making rare games, I'm gonna be broke", and then proceeds to sell me unsealed copies of both new games. This isn't really news, and I don't mind it, since both games were basically unwrapped and nothing else, but I just thought you guys might wanted to know that some EB employees have no qualms about trashing picky or immature customers as soon as they leave the store.

Rant over.
Oh, all of the time. I've known managers who have ripped into customers while they were waiting in line to pay and while they were paying just based on their game choices. I've known some who have even looked at major titles held in great esteem (ie: Symphony of the Night, Soul Calibur 2 [all systems...geez], Halo 2, etc.) with "hey, if you want to waste your money that's your own problem!"

And after customers leave stores it's pretty much open-season, but that applies everywhere. To be fair, there are quite a few cases where it's deserved, at least with how some of the customers act.

Although, just to play devil's advocate for a moment, I would probably do the same if I was working video game retail day-in and day-out for several months. You get to meet a lot of interesting people, to say the least...
If that is news to you that people who work at stores make fun of customers, then I dont want to be the one who tells you all the awful stuff they do to your food when you buy it at a restaraunt or at a bakery section in a grocery store.
That reminds me of this one time I walked into a Gamestop to pick up Xenogears. This stupid kid who was obviously a slacker, asked about getting a Gameboy Advance. The employee told him that they had used SP's for like $60 (or $50, I'm not sure), so the kid asked him about getting a free game. The employee told him that they weren't giving games away, but that he could get Final Fantasy Tactics Advance for $10 with the purchase of a new SP. So the kid said "I'll buy one if you can just hook me up with a free game," and the employee told him to just leave the store because he couldn't do that, and then he proceeded to call him a moron after he had left, even going as far as to make cracks at him for being a demanding baby.
Last week I was in EB and there was a girl in front of me that wasn't the most beautiful girl in the world buying something. She was just being a friendly, happy customer when he asked her what her name was (for entering her info into the computer). Before she could answer he says, "Bride of...," and she chuckles and says her name, then he says, "Last name? oh Frankenstein..." I was appalled. I wanted so badly to reach over the counter and put my fist through the jerk's face. And if I had tried to restrain myself and just yell at him, I would have gotten physical. So I had to just put my stuff down and walk away from the store.

For some reason, I didn't look at his nametag before leaving. But the next time I see him working, I will be calling the DM right there in front of him...

Oh and BTW, she tried to act as if she did not notice the remarks and she continued to be pleasant. But by the time she came out of the store, she was crying.
That same stuff happens almost everywhere. I worked three different jobs at theme parks and we would do the same thing to guests who were "stupid." When you hear the same stupid questions everyday, or hear the same complaints over and over, you start to not care anymore and just make fun of people behind their back. I try to keep it at a minimum on the job, but I'll just say it pretty much probably happens everywhere.
[quote name='Ziv_Zulander']Who in the hell still pays with checks?[/QUOTE]

I do, technically. except they're digital checks on my check card. :)
He's going to be sorry if some kid leaves the store and his Dad is still in the store when he starts mouthing off.
[quote name='MorPhiend']Last week I was in EB and there was a girl in front of me that wasn't the most beautiful girl in the world buying something. She was just being a friendly, happy customer when he asked her what her name was (for entering her info into the computer). Before she could answer he says, "Bride of...," and she chuckles and says her name, then he says, "Last name? oh Frankenstein..." I was appalled. I wanted so badly to reach over the counter and put my fist through the jerk's face. And if I had tried to restrain myself and just yell at him, I would have gotten physical. So I had to just put my stuff down and walk away from the store. [/QUOTE]

Tell me you just made that up...No one told the guy to shut up?!?!
[quote name='MorPhiend']Last week I was in EB and there was a girl in front of me that wasn't the most beautiful girl in the world buying something. She was just being a friendly, happy customer when he asked her what her name was (for entering her info into the computer). Before she could answer he says, "Bride of...," and she chuckles and says her name, then he says, "Last name? oh Frankenstein..." I was appalled. I wanted so badly to reach over the counter and put my fist through the jerk's face. And if I had tried to restrain myself and just yell at him, I would have gotten physical. So I had to just put my stuff down and walk away from the store.

For some reason, I didn't look at his nametag before leaving. But the next time I see him working, I will be calling the DM right there in front of him...

Oh and BTW, she tried to act as if she did not notice the remarks and she continued to be pleasant. But by the time she came out of the store, she was crying.[/QUOTE]

that is just uncalled for. what a prick.

I don't think employees talking about certain customers is all that bad. It doens't just happen at EB, it happens everywhere. I'm guilty of it too. I normally do it in moderation though and usually make fun of people who really deserve it. I also do it quietly so no one else in the store would hear me.
I hate when people pay with checks. Pain in the ass. Pay with cash or a card! And when I ask you for ID, show it to me and STFU. Dont give me the "I dont have to show it" crap.... yes you do, store policy. Don't like it? Get the fuck out of the store!
It's sad, because we all pay homage to the bottom line (i.e. we are all here because we want to spend the least amount of money that we can on video games that we want) and yet we are still offended by the inevitable result.

When people used to care about how well customers were treated--and would stop shopping at a place if they witnessed signs of poor service--courtesy was drilled into employees, right down the line to the cashiers and salespeople. Now that the majority of the general public couldn't care less about the quality of customer service, as long as the prices are good, businesses can just focus on prices and hire low-paid, easily-replaced employees...who can then take out their dissatisfaction in life on any customers who wander into the store while their supervisors are absent.
Shit, man, that story about that girl makes me feel really sad. I don't know, you can rip on anyone as much as you want about how stupid their questions were or how unreasonable they were, but when someone's insulted for something they can't change, right in front of their face, wow. I swear to God I would've knifed that guy.

I'm lucky that something like that's never happened while I'm around. I mean, I'm really picky about customer service, and I believe it's gone to hell, and I experience it all the time. Just, nothing like that. Sometimes people are cranky, and I allow for it, but that would annoy me like crazy.
i went to this one store that works on comission and blew like 400 bucks. When i walked away with the item, i heard them say what an idoit under their breath ot another worker. I Turned around and said At least im not the idoit who just lost their comission and took the item back. You should of saw the look on that person face...
[quote name='MorPhiend']Last week I was in EB and there was a girl in front of me that wasn't the most beautiful girl in the world buying something. She was just being a friendly, happy customer when he asked her what her name was (for entering her info into the computer). Before she could answer he says, "Bride of...," and she chuckles and says her name, then he says, "Last name? oh Frankenstein..." I was appalled. I wanted so badly to reach over the counter and put my fist through the jerk's face. And if I had tried to restrain myself and just yell at him, I would have gotten physical. So I had to just put my stuff down and walk away from the store.

For some reason, I didn't look at his nametag before leaving. But the next time I see him working, I will be calling the DM right there in front of him...

Oh and BTW, she tried to act as if she did not notice the remarks and she continued to be pleasant. But by the time she came out of the store, she was crying.[/QUOTE]

I hope to god you are joking, but you probably aren't. I'd love to fly to Utah and have a chat with him

If you are serious, please, please get his name and call EB Corporate, even though Corporate probably won't care, please report him anyway.

I called EB Corporate a few months ago to complain that my local stores were secretly adding on the $3.00 game warranty to every game to boost their percentage. They wouldn't tell you, they'd just ring it and hand you the game. When I questioned why the game was higher than what it should be, the employee said "I told you it's covered for a year!" and I told him I'm pretty sure he was supposed to ask before adding it, and he said "No, it's company policy, the computer automatically adds it on" (which was bullshit). So I said "So basically, every game on the shelf that says $50 is basically $53, right? Everything that's $20 is $23? Please." and he sighed and took off the warranty.

So I called EB Corporate and complained, and Corporate was very nice and asked if I wanted a call back from the District Manager from that store if he wanted more information, and I said that would be fine. About a *month* later, the DM called me back, kissing my ass and apologizing. It's a mistake, a miscommunication, customer service is A #1, he was going to retrain the employee, etc. etc.

I found out a few weeks later from an EB Manager at another store, that the District Manager, the very one I spoke with INSTRUCTED all the employees to add on the Gameplay Guarantee $3.00 charge onto every single game OR ELSE. He also told them not to ask if they wanted it, because most people were refusing it and they weren't making their quotas.

The EB Corporate home office was getting several complaints about these stores (the same complaint I called about) but because this District Manager had the highest Gameplay Guarantee numbers in the district (country?) the home office didn't care and didn't bother him (since EB Corporate was making more money).

Sorry to go off on a rant, but fuck EB.
[quote name='slidecage']i went to this one store that works on comission and blew like 400 bucks. When i walked away with the item, i heard them say what an idoit under their breath ot another worker. I Turned around and said At least im not the idoit who just lost their comission and took the item back. You should of saw the look on that person face...[/QUOTE]


I could not care less if they talk behind my back. At least i am not the one working for a crap paycheck at a gamestore!!! Last month I was at gamestop, and bought barbie horse adventures for xbox. The gamestop guy said to me " you do know this game is for little kids". I responded " If it is any of your business i have a four year old daughter". As i walked away the guy said too his friend " I am happy thats not my dad". Turns out he was right horrible game even for a 4 year old! But it sold for 40.00 on ebay and i paid 16.50 + tax. I can't imagine what he said when i went back in this week and told him, that is the best game ever for xbox and asked if he had another one for my cousin!!
While it's common to "savage" customers after they leave if they were totally weird/dumb/annoying. It's just horrible customer service and a horrible show of character to do it infront of other customers or infront of the person themselves.

Have I made fun of someone after they left? Yes.

Have I done it infront of them or other customers? No, that's wrong.

If someone started that shit with me I'd kick their ass. No one deserves that kind of treatment when they are trying to buy something.
In my experience, it's gamestop employees that are bigger dicks. Almost every person I've every met working at gamestop was an asshole, or, at the very least, thought way too highly of their own opinion. EB has all kinds. They have some excellent employees, some assholes, and some who are so damn stupid they wouldn't know which end of the cart to stick in a GBA. Most of the guys at the EBs around here are pretty good though. Rhino however, is a different story. I went in there once, and never will again. Two employees were involved in a profanity laden tyrate, and the other one, the only one doing any actual work, wasn't the brightest bulb in the box. Also they have no UV coating on their windows, so EVERYTHING in the whole damn store in sunbleached. I have no idea how they stay in business.
[quote name='']I hate when people pay with checks. Pain in the ass. Pay with cash or a card! And when I ask you for ID, show it to me and STFU. Dont give me the "I dont have to show it" crap.... yes you do, store policy. Don't like it? Get the fuck out of the store![/QUOTE]

Grats, dick, you are part of the problem. People are morons, no reason to be an asshole about it. Don't like it, quit. Then someone who is compentent and gives a fuck about their customers, you know, the people whose money goes into your paycheck, can have your job.
So you're not only stupid but vain as well? That's some real talent you've got there as well sparky.

Who gives a fuck? They work at fucking EB, I've seen juniorhigh dropouts do better.
This depends on the store... it's not like it's EB management policy to talk about their customers.

My EB has the coolest guys working there. They actually try to help me get some of their crazy ass deals to work.

On the other hand, my GS is total sh*t.
[quote name='Vinny']This depends on the store... it's not like it's EB management policy to talk about their customers.

My EB has the coolest guys working there. They actually try to help me get some of their crazy ass deals to work.

On the other hand, my GS is total sh*t.[/QUOTE]

Same here. My EB has really nice workers who are chatty and help me w/ lots of stuff. But my Gamestop.... it's horrible. They're always cranky and negative. A bunch of "know-it all's too". Jerks.
I'd like to think I'm a pretty good employee and that I'm pretty helpful to almost all of my customers....that being said, I will shred someone to pieces once they leave the store if they deserved it.
I like my EB people; they go out of their way to help me get stuff. Then again, I've prob. spent about $500 there in the last two months, so it doesn't hurt them any.
[quote name='zionoverfire']So you're not only stupid but vain as well? That's some real talent you've got there as well sparky.

Who gives a fuck? They work at fucking EB, I've seen juniorhigh dropouts do better.[/QUOTE]

gee ppl, not all EB employees are nice but that's the same for most chains. be nice (cuz i'm an eb employee)
[quote name='smalien1']If youre a dumbass you should get made fun of. Just don't ask stupid questions.[/QUOTE]

So you're saying that if a grand mother came in asking for a copy of halo 3 and a XBOX 360, she deserves to be made fun of? HOW THE HELL IS SHE SUPPOSED TO KNOW? To her its not a stupid questions, just in case you don't know not every1 knows everything about electronics or games.

Like if someone is buying a computer but doesnt know something simple like what a graphics card is, are you gonna rag on them?
Gamestop has much better employees in NH, ME, northern and eastern MA, and northwest and central NY. Basically, anywhere I've been the gamestops were nicer than the eb's (a few stores notwithstanding).
Dude or dudette whichever, in your post you talk about how the store clerk makes fun of people after they have left the store, then in the next paragraph you say "So there I was, in the same EB Games, 2 days ago, when some punky looking, idiot kid walks into the store, and just as a goof, asks this same assistant manager if they have Halo 4 and the Xbox 540 in stock." Aren't you doing the same thing the clerk did by saying that? I know he said some things in joking, but still! I seem to think so.... By the way, people here in this forum are always dissing and ragging on each other, someone here a few months back said derogatory things about my grammer and other things, I gladly returned the favor, isn't that like the same thing as well????
[quote name='wolfchild']Dude, in your post you talk about how the store clerk makes fun of people after they have left the store, then in the next paragraph you say "So there I was, in the same EB Games, 2 days ago, when some punky looking, idiot kid walks into the store, and just as a goof, asks this same assistant manager if they have Halo 4 and the Xbox 540 in stock." Aren't you doing the same thing the clerk did by saying that?[/QUOTE]

Ha! I didn't even catch that. Freakin' hypocrites.
bread's done