anyone interested in being a game tester?


CAG Veteran
it is for a Facebook RPG game we just developed.

for those who are interested, please email me at peterblacke@gmail for the complete details. thanks. :D
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']What's the pay rate?[/QUOTE]


But I'm guessing he wants us to do it out of the kindness of our hearts.
@spectre and life.exe, if you wanna know more about it, just kindly email me.

PS: I have already received and replied to Csi's email.
[quote name='Morgan-Land']I would gladly do it for free, if its a fun game:twoguns:[/QUOTE]

i can guarantee it's a fun game :D
Sounds interesting. I've always wanted to do this. I'll send an email
bread's done