Anyone own a Neo-Geo System


217 (100%)
Like the title says do any CAGers have a Neo-Geo cd or cartridge based systems?

If so are they worth it? And how much did you pay for it originally?
i have 1 neo cd unit and 2 MVS boards (both 1 slot)

the 1 slots were less than $50 each, so i use 1 for an arcade cabinet and the other on a home made supergun (super ugly, but it works)

the cd is rarely used and probably wasted my money on it ($200 new)
I have an AES, modded to do s-video. I paid $329 or so on eBay about four years ago, then another $60 for the mod. Worth every penny for Samurai Shodown II alone.
I'm looking to pick one up when I go to Japan in June. I'm thinking about getting an AES system and a MVS to AES converter.
[quote name='gamereviewgod']I have an AES, modded to do s-video. I paid $329 or so on eBay about four years ago, then another $60 for the mod. Worth every penny for Samurai Shodown II alone.[/quote]

I've got one similar to this - it is modded with S-Video and the debug bios. Great System, I just have no time to play it anymore.

I do have it up for sale on my TL if anyone is interested!
I have a Neo Geo CD which I got for $65 a couple years ago (me finding it at that price was a fluke) It has loading times which are annoying for a few games, but for what I wanted (Primarily playing older stuff that didn't get ported to other consoles) it's great.
[quote name='foundation']I've got a 25'' 4-slot MVS cab at my house. Paid $400 from a guy who, if I told you who he was, no one would believe me. :D[/quote]

Try us....:rofl:
[quote name='foundation']I've got a 25'' 4-slot MVS cab at my house. Paid $400 from a guy who, if I told you who he was, no one would believe me. :D[/QUOTE]

I'm going to guess Curt Schilling.

The amount of money I've spent on the Neo-geo is insane.

I have a 1 and 4 slot MVS with an 8 foot tall stack of cartridges, and AES with 6-7 games and a CD with more games than I can count.

Nothing better than SNK in their golden years.
I own an 4 slot MVS (their arcade system). Original, nice cabinet. Won it on eBay for about $400. I drove about 2 hours south to pick it up in my truck. Picked up some cheap games, great fun. Great for parties...
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