Anyone picking up Jade Empire?


25 (100%)
It is looking like it is shaping up to be an excellent game. 9.4 from an xbox mag, and then IGN just posted their 6 page review...9.9, the highest rating for an xbox game on IGN...they only got knocked down from a 10 to a 9.5 on graphics, and that was due to some camera difficulties
I probably won't buy it, but I'll definitly rent it. It looks incredible, but I rarely buy games anymore if they aren't multiplayer.
Also got it per order at EB. I usually don't buy games without live but since this is a Bioware game I am going to make an execption.
Already have it preordered. I don't know how much longer I can wait. And that IGN Review is just unbelievable!

Highest Xbox review ever on IGN!
I have been waiting for this game for a long time, and I'm glad it got such a great review by IGN. It should be a great RPG. Plus the LE is the same price as the regular game.
Eh, I played the demo and wasn't impressed at all. I'll wait to see what people around here think.
Bioware is my favorite game developer, so naturally I can't wait for Jade. I'll order it early next week from EB Games or Gamestop.
Same fighting style as the first KOTOR, right? Push a button and they attack? Yeah, that's not for me. I like to control the action.. like in Fable. Even turn based is okay.. but I hate KOTOR just because of that fight style.
[quote name='Scorch']Same fighting style as the first KOTOR, right? Push a button and they attack? Yeah, that's not for me. I like to control the action.. like in Fable. Even turn based is okay.. but I hate KOTOR just because of that fight style.[/QUOTE]

Nope, fighting is all done in real time unlike KOTOR. Kinda looks like a cross between KOTOR and Fable to me. I'm gonna wait for more reviews before getting it, but its lookin good so far.
[quote name='Lina']Damnit. I want turn-based.

XBox needs to think of the uncoordinated people.[/QUOTE]

It's not as intimidating as it looks. Judging by the demo, the gameplay really isn't based on a complex control scheme like in fighting game or even fast paced actioner like DMC. It's more about how you use your combination of fighting styles.

In a recent interview (can't remember if it was oxm or egm) the designers specifically stated that they wanted it to be accessible and not based on your skill with a controller.
[quote name='sammyjay']Nope, fighting is all done in real time unlike KOTOR. Kinda looks like a cross between KOTOR and Fable to me. I'm gonna wait for more reviews before getting it, but its lookin good so far.[/QUOTE]

ah hell yeah ! i hate kotor's battle system. This shall be a rental indeed. Then a purchase some day in the distant future
this games fighting system is in real time , think of tobal #1's quest mode but way way way more polished and better looking and playing too. Nothing like kotors battle system
[quote name='mmn']Eh, I played the demo and wasn't impressed at all. I'll wait to see what people around here think.[/QUOTE]

Kinda why I didn't play the demo. I've been psyched for this one for a long time (i'm a major old school kung fu junkie). But I let the demo sit untouched. If there's any games that should not get demo's, it's RPG's. The beauty is in the build up and custumization of the character. A demo may offer a sample of the action, but can't really give you much flavor of the overall game. The only thing it can do is turn buyers away.

I love that this game is real time action with some old-school kung fu influences. I'm all over it. And it realeases on my birthday, so I can pick it up with some gift money and not feel bad about shelling full price for a game... The hard part is going to be playing all the new kick ass Xbox games I've got. SC:CT, Doom 3, and now this... Plus new Halo 2 content coming soon. Great time to be an Xbox gamer.
Wasent really thinking of checking it out until now. Jade Empire sounds great.
[quote name='morpheus_49017'] The hard part is going to be playing all the new kick ass Xbox games I've got. SC:CT, Doom 3, and now this... Plus new Halo 2 content coming soon. Great time to be an Xbox gamer.[/QUOTE]

I feel your pain (If you can call it that). I've got 8 or so old xbox games lying around unopened that I got cheap, and now the limited edition versions of SC:CT and Doom 3 are calling to me from under their tantilizingly shinny cases. Now comes Jade Empire which looks to be another brilliant title. I usually don't like paying full price for games but I have a problem staying away from limited or collectors editions. And its not even for the extra content, its those darn fancy cases I crave.

As to the Jade Empire demo i'm glad I didn't play it. I can't imagine how a short demo of an old build would do the game justice.
[quote name='Kaijufan']Bioware is my favorite game developer, so naturally I can't wait for Jade. I'll order it early next week from EB Games or Gamestop.[/QUOTE]You might want to preorder today, Sunday. The EB Games in my city already cut off their preorders and the Gamestops only have 1-6 left. Just thought I should warn you. I also did not preorder early, and now I have no way of getting it because my Dad is home right now and he is a jerk.
[quote name='mcwilliams132']I'm going to get it once it drops below $30...I have a back log of games to play plus my wallet can't take much more punishment.[/QUOTE]

Same. It looks excellent, but I have a ton of unopened and unplayed single player games, plus several RPGs. I'm going to try to hold off on buying anything with the exception of games that have Live multiplayer.
I just order a copy today using my $20 MIR from Phantom Dust, even though customer service said I could not use it to buy this game because it had some premium items. It was in stock today so I just ordered it and the coupon code worked! $29.99 for the Limited Edition!

I screwed them twice, I did not cut out the UPC for the phantom dust rebate, sent in a color scan and I used the coupon on a game with premium items!

bread's done